Minutes of the Price City Council Meeting

City Hall: Price, Utah

January 9, 2008 at 5:30 p.m.



Mayor Joe L. Piccolo                       Gary Sonntag, Public Works Director

Councilmembers:                             Aleck Shilaos, Police Chief

Jeff Nielson                                           John Daniels, Human Resource Director

Richard Tatton                                    Nick Sampinos, City Attorney

Jeanne McEvoy                                   Laurie Tryon, City Recorder

Kathy Hanna-Smith                           Pat Larsen, Finance Director            

                                                                Nick Tatton, Community Director


Others Present: Eddie Howa and Brent Hadfield

Excused Absence: Bret Cammans, Customer Service Director and Councilmember Davis

Mayor Piccolo led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll was called with the above Councilmembers and staff in attendance.


1.             COUNCILMEMBERS REPORT- The Mayor and Councilmembers presented an update on the activities and functions in which they have participated.


2.             PUBLIC HEARING- To Receive Input Regarding the Consideration to Vacate American Dream Subdivision, Phase I, Plat A

                MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved to open the public hearing at 6:10 p.m. Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and carried. No public comment was received.  MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved to close the public hearing. Motion seconded by Councilmember Hanna-Smith and carried.


3.             AMERICAN DREAM SUBDIVISION- Approval of the American Dream Subdivision, Phase I, Plat A, Vacate:

                MOTION. Councilmember Nielson moved to approve vacating the American Dream Subdivision, Phase I, Plat A. Motion seconded by Councilmember Hanna-Smith and carried.


4.             DOWNTOWN PARKING- Authorization of two (2) hour parking in the downtown area:


               Nick Tatton stated that over the last few years the issue of downtown parking situation by merchants and business owners has been reviewed. The downtown Main Street Committee consisting of local business owners, has come up with a recommendation for a two hour parking limit, designated with signs. Eddie Howa came to the meeting representing the committee as a business owner on Main Street. Mr. Howa suggested that signs be placed along Main Street to educate the employees of different businesses to not park in front of businesses as doing so takes the parking spaces away from potential customers. All employees of the downtown businesses should be parking off of Main Street. Councilmember Hanna-Smith questioned how the two hour parking would work for customers shopping in the downtown area. If a customer were to be there for longer than two hours, would they then be punished for shopping too long? The downtown shopping area needs customers and adding a restraint to the parking situation may send the wrong message. The average customers may not know that the two hour parking limit is not directed at them and be turned off to shopping in the downtown area. Mr. Howa said that the idea behind the two hour parking would be as a reminder to employees of other businesses not to park in spaces available for customers. The signs would not be targeted at customers. Councilmember McEvoy questioned how many customers really shop for more than two hours and thought the additional signs may provide awareness. Mr. Howa came tonight to request assistance with the parking issues and asked the City to step in. If the two hour parking signs were in place and employees became aware that the City will start ticketing cars, which remain parked in the same space for more than two hours, they will start parking elsewhere. Business owners can contact the Police Department about people abusing the parking privileges and the police can watch for abuse and then take action. There may be a civil ordinance already in place with the Police Department that addresses parking, but a time would need to be set by resolution. It was asked if there comes a point when the parking abuse becomes a nuisance and if it would be easier to give a ticket for a nuisance. However the process takes effect, it needs to be consistent with an allotted parking time with tires marked or some way of keeping track of everyone, not just a few. Mr. Howa owns the building he is in and has a lot invested in the customers and his business. He needs this issue to be resolved with some type of action taken so that his customers have a place to park and his business can continue. This is his livelihood and his future and he depends on its success. Mayor Piccolo stated that the area is going to get busier and a two hour parking limit won’t solve the problem.  The issue needs more thought to make it successful and fair for business owners, customers and those living on Main Street. It would help to set hours for no overnight parking during the snow season so that plows can clean the roads better. Cars parked overnight could be towed so that the street department can better take care of the streets. But the issue tonight is to set the two hour parking limit on Main Street or not to set a limit. Councilmember Tatton suggested placing signs that offer customer parking in front of the building instead of saying there is no parking.  Alternatively, a letter could be sent to all downtown businesses asking their employees to park behind their building or in another parking area. Nick Tatton stated that each new business is now asked to practice those rules but the established businesses probably did not have those same conditions imposed upon them. Mayor Piccolo asked what the cost of the signs would be if Price City chose to implement them into the downtown area. Councilmember McEvoy feels strongly that the City should support the downtown businesses with this issue and come up with a plan that works for everyone. MOTION. Councilmember McEvoy moved to approve the two hour parking request as suggested by staff. There was no second on the motion.  MOTION.  Councilmember Hanna-Smith moved to deny the request for two hour parking. There was no second on the motion. Councilmember Hanna-Smith does not want to make a decision now. She is concerned about the downtown shopping area and the effect the time limit may have on the local businesses. Councilmember Tatton would like to look at all of the downtown parking issues as a whole before making any decisions. Councilmember Hanna-Smith does like the idea of no long term or overnight parking after a certain time as it would help with the street sweeping and snow removal. MOTION. Councilmember Hanna-Smith moved to table the item for further discussion. Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton. Motion carried.


5.             FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP- Brent Hadfield

                In May 2006 the City initiated work to prepare a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) to the Federal

               Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to request removal of the 100 year flood plain

               designations (Zone A) on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for drainage routes on 300 East

                to the Price River and southeast to 800 North and Meads Wash, from a point at                 approximately

               1150 North. City staff was assisted by Hansen, Allen & Luce engineering. Subsequent hydrology

               and hydraulic studies justifiy removal of the 100 year flood plain designation on 300 East only.

               The southeast and 800 North drainage 100 year flood plain designation could not be justified for

               removal and will therefore remain in place. The City submitted a LOMR to remove the 100 year

               flood plain (Zone A) designation along 300 East, from 1150 North to the Price River. This flood

               plain designation on 300 East was a carry over from the 1978 study that identified a tributary at

               the top of 300 East near approximately 1150 North. Subsequent housing development and the

               construction of the Storm Water Detention Basin, intercepted the tributary flows and stopping

               them from  spilling onto 300 East. An exhaustive process was pursued, as dictated by FEMA, to

               address the LOMR. On December 20, 2007 FEMA approved the LOMR. This basically affects

               everyone on 300 east down to about 500 south.  This removes the 100 year flood plain designation

               on the map, not the reality of actual flooding.  Flood insurance is usually tied in with a home

               owner’s mortgage. Price City will notify the local mortgage companies, place and ad in the utility

               bills or possibly a public news release in the local newspaper to let citizens know of the change. 


CONSENT AGENDA - Councilmember Hanna-Smith moved to approve items 6 through 16 on the agenda. Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton. Motion Carried.



6.             MINUTES

                December 7, 2007 City Council Workshop

                December 12, 2007 City Council Meeting

                December 20, 2007 CDBG Meeting

                January 2, 2008 Swearing In Ceremony

                January 4, 2008 City Council Workshop


7.             PERSONNEL AND POLICIES MANUAL-Resolution 2008-01 Authorization to Revise the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual, Section XIII: Employment Classifications and Compensation to Include Documentation of a Policy on Pay Differential.


8.             RETAIL SALES ANALYSIS- Authorization to Send a Letter to the State Tax Commission Releasing the Sales Tax Information for the Analysis to be Completed




10.          CAREER LADDER PROMOTION- Approval of Susan Hyde from Police Officer I to Police Officer II


11.          2008 FLAG DAY SCHEDULE- Approval of the 2008 Flag Day Schedule


12.          UTILITIES- Authorization to Approve the Proposed Enhancements for Collections and Customer Payment Options


13.          TRAVEL REQUEST

                Dave Wilkinson, Brandon Sicilia- Taser Instruction Training- April 30- May 1, 2008- Sandy, Utah

                Robb Radley- Active Shooter Training- Jan. 28-Feb. 1, 2008- Ogden, Utah

                Kevin Drolc- Drug & Gang Task Force Commanders Meeting-Jan. 14-15, 2008- St. George, Utah

                Aleck Shilaos- Utah Chief of Police Conference-March 25-27, 2008- St. George, Utah


14.          ADA SAFE SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS- Approval for a Partial Payment #1, Order #1 to Pierucci & Siaperas Construction, LLC. For Project #9C-2007

            Pierucci & Siaperas Construction have been working on the ADA Safe Sidewalk Improvements.

              Due to intolerable cold weather conditions, the work has been temporarily suspended and will

               resume as warmer weather arrives this spring. A change order is necessary to incorporate changes

               in the work schedule and additions to the work. There are sufficient funds in the budget to allow

               more work to be done. The contract time will be increased by 27 days allowing for a total of 72

               days. The contract will be increased by $16,325.50 for a total of $38,120.75. They are eligible for

               a partial payment, for work completed to date, in the amount or of $13,424.42.


15.          PRWID-Councilmember Tatton reported on the happenings of the last PRWID meeting.


16.          POWER BOARD- Update by Councilmember McEvoy

                The next Power Board meeting will be held on January 17, 2008 to discuss the Rocky Mountain

               Power contract. The new power rates and increases will be the topic of conversation.



                a. Committee Review for Street Banners

                b. Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Improvements on 2nd South

                c. Basso Dino-Mine Playground- The new sign will be installed as the weather gets warmer.

               Councilmember McEvoy would like to see a deadline set so that the sign is installed in a timely

               manner and doesn’t get pushed back. Mayor Piccolo is confident that it will be done as soon as

               the cold weather clears. He will check into the progress of the Memorial Garden and bring the

               information back to Council.  


18.          EXECUTIVE SESSION-Struck

19.          NEW BUSINESS- Gary Sonntag

                The Colleen Quigley Women’s Shelter is requesting a waiver of the building permit fees required for a new basement access to their building. A showing of support from the City Council is necessary to waive the fees. The formal waiver of building fees will be ratified at the next meeting on January 23, 2008. The City Council expressed unanimous support to waive the building permit fees for the non-profit organization as all materials and labor will be donated.


               The City Picnic is scheduled for July 8, 2008.


Meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m. by Mayor Piccolo pursuant to the motion by Councilmember McEvoy.








                                                                                                                                Joe L. Piccolo, Mayor









Laurie Tryon, City Recorder