
Price City Planning and Zoning

January 10, 2000

Price City Hall    6:00 P.M.





Present:                        John Angotti, Chairman                          Vern Jones, Community Administrator

Larry Bruno, Vice-Chairman                    Francis Duzenack, Zoning Administrator

Alfred Richens                                       Carolyn Vogrinec, Secretary

Gary Lyon

Laurel Marinos

Joe Piccolo


Excused:                      Penny Sampinos



Others Attending:           Dave Patton

Jim Berensen

Bob Scott



Chairman John Angotti thanked Gary Lyon for presiding as Chairman Pro-Tem during his absence at the previous meeting.


1.                   MINUTES OF DECEMBER 13, 1999

There were no additions or corrections and Gary Lyon made a motion to                                approve the minutes of the Meeting of December 13, 1999 as read.  Alfred Richens seconded and the motion carried.







Dave Patton came before the Commission to explain the nature of this business. He indicated they would be re-building and repairing  starters and alternators.   The building they are planning to use is the old laundry building, back and behind Price Check Auto.  The landlord, Tony Basso, is planning to install new windows and reside the building.  They will begin their business once the building is completed. 


Joe Piccolo asked if they had received permission and approval from Price River Water Improvement District to use that building as it now is.  He indicated they would have cleaning equipment in the building that would require the use of solvents and these types of chemicals require a pre-treatment waste water facility.  Any automotive repair facility within the Price City Limits must have a waste water pre-treatment facility.  Mr. Berensen indicated he had received and completed a PRWID Waste Water Survey.  Mr. Duzenack indicated PRWID has not yet responded. Mr. Piccolo asked if this was also a conditional change of use on the building.  Mr. Duzenack indicated that was correct and he will work with Mr. Basso on the renovation of the building.  However, a letter from PRWID will still be needed concerning pre-treatment facilities.


Mr. Piccolo then asked how this matter could be acted upon if it has not yet been determined if the building is suitable for the purpose.  Mr. Duzenack indicated that information is not known until it comes before Planning and Zoning and we review the technical issues. Chairman Angotti asked if the motion would require a contingency.  Mr. Duzenack said a contingency would be needed based on PRWID’s approval of this type of an operation in that building.  Before we issue a Building Permit for the work in the building, we will need to have the PRWID information. 

Mr. Piccolo felt the Commission was moving ahead too quickly because the facility is unusable to do this business right now.  When the landlord says it is usable, then a Conditional Use Permit should be granted, but at this point he feels the procedure is being reversed.             


Larry Bruno pointed out that we are telling the applicants that it is okay to have           this use in the building, but that a building permit to do the building won’t be issued until every item is covered.  Mr. Duzenack reiterated that tonight, we’re  here to look at the use of the building in that particular zone and the sign on the south side of the building. 


Mr. Piccolo told those present if this were a Concept Approval, he could support the idea, but to issue  a Conditional Use Permit on a building that is not usable is questionable or perhaps illegal.  He then asked Vern Jones for an opinion on the matter.  Mr. Jones recommended tabling the matter for further review.  Alfred Richens also felt the matter should be tabled until such time as the building is ready for occupancy and has been inspected by the Price City Fire Chief.  Other Commission Members felt it should be tabled until the letter from PRWID concerning the waste water pre-treatment facility is received and all other concerns have been satisfied.  Chairman Angotti also suggested a letter be requested from Tony Basso indicating that he would be willing to comply with the required changes to the building.   Mr. Duzenack indicated Mr. Basso would be working with the Price City Building Department on the actual building permits for the building and the inspections will come after the permits are issued and the work progresses.  Following lengthy discussion,  the Commission  decided to table the matter and Alfred Richens made the motion to table the matter until the next meeting.  Gary Lyon seconded and the motion carried.


III          STAFF


a)   Price City Planning Commission Bylaws and Rules of Procedure 


            Vern Jones explained changes in the agenda format.  The Commission Chairman can now modify the sequence of agenda items in order to facilitate special needs.  The other change is the ADA Compliance Paragraph which will be inserted at the end of each agenda. He also gave out copies of the new Price City Planning Commission Bylaws and Rules of Procedure and asked that all Commission Members and Staff read and review these bylaws. They will be placed on the next Planning and Zoning agenda for approval and sent to Price City Council for approval. 


He is also working on a Check List to insure that all procedures are done and are in compliance before being sent to the Planning and Zoning Commission for review and approval.


There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 6:30 P.M.