
Price City Planning and Zoning

January 24, 2000

Price City Hall    6:00 P.M.





Present:           John Angotti, Chairman                                   Vern Jones, Community Administrator

Larry Bruno, Vice-Chairman                            Carolyn Vogrinec, Secretary

Alfred Richens

Gary Lyon

Laurel Marinos

Joe Piccolo     


Excused:          Penny Sampinos

Francis Duzenack, Zoning Administrator


Others Attending:


Dennis Geary, College of Eastern Utah

Karen Bliss, College of Eastern Utah

Dennie Shiner

Inez Shuler

Seth Bingham



1.                   MINUTES OF JANUARY 10, 2000


There were no additions or corrections and Alfred Richens made a motion to approve the minutes of January 10, 2000 as read.  Gary Lyon seconded and the motion carried.




532 SOUTH 200 EAST



Mr. Shiner told the Commission he is a licensed general contractor and will be using his home as an office for his business.  He has no plans for a business sign.  There were no concerns and Joe Piccolo moved to forward a favorable recommendation to Price City Council for the Home Occupied Business - Office Use Only for Dennie Shiner Construction .  Larry Bruno seconded and the motion carried.




236 EAST 300 NORTH



Mr. Bingham explained the nature of his business and indicated he was familiar with the limitations of the handyman license.  He will, at some future date, apply for a Contractor’s License.  He uses contractor’s tools on his jobs and stores them in his truck.  He has no plans for a sign. There were no further questions and Larry Bruno moved to forward a favorable recommendation to Price City Council for the Home Occupied Business - Office Use Only for Honey Do’s - Handyman Service.  Gary Lyon seconded and the motion carried.


4.                   HOME OCCUPIED BUSINESS



266 NORTH 100 EAST




Ms. Shuler told the Commission she primarily did mending and sewing.  She has had a business license at a previous address, but has changed locations.   There are no complaints from neighbors and 33 favorable signatures are enclosed.  Chairman Angotti asked if this would be a transfer of license.  Mr. Jones indicated the license could be transferred if the Commission gave a favorable recommendation.  There were no other questions and Gary Lyon moved to forward a favorable recommendation to Price City Council for the Home Occupied Business of Stitch ‘n’ Time Saves Nine.  Laurel Marinos seconded and the motion carried. 


5.                   VACATING AN ALLEY IN



BETWEEN 200 & 250 WEST


Vern Jones referred to a letter written by Ellis Pierce of Pierce Oil.  He asked Price City to consider two issues.  The first item is a street bump, actually known as a containment for spillage. However, this is another issue and is not part of Planning and Zoning.  He also asked the City to look at vacating an alley located on some properties adjacent to his property - the alley behind the old Campbell Warehouse, running on a diagonal.  This letter of request was placed on the Price City Council Agenda at the last meeting.  They, in turn, referred it back to Planning and Zoning for a recommendation.  Under State Law, this must be done because this alley was dedicated as part of a subdivision.  Any vacating of any alley in a subdivision must be acted upon by Planning and Zoning along with a recommendation to the City Council before the process can begin.  Alfred Richens asked if Ellis Pierce would buy the property.  Mr. Jones indicated that normally, on a vacating of an alley, it’s split between the property owners on either side of the alley.  They don’t actually declare a surplus, they just vacate it and deed it over to the adjacent property owner.  When it was discussed in City Council Meeting, one of the issues with which they were not comfortable was  the power line problem.  Within that alley, the power lines come down the alley to a certain point, (refer to site plan)  and for some reason, (that is still being researched) they go off to another point and no longer are within the alley (refer to site plan).  So if that section of alley is vacated, then we have to be concerned about those power lines - either by getting some easements, relocating the power lines or doing something to facilitate those power lines.  Chairman Angotti asked if this would affect any homes.  Mr. Jones indicated it does not affect homes because the alley dumps out into a huge empty lot behind The Third Hand Shop.  Joe Piccolo asked if there was power to 200 West Street.  Alfred Richens indicated he didn’t think there was power up to that street and didn’t know if the alleyway was ever used.  Joe Piccolo indicated he has looked closely at the situation and is concerned that someone will move into the vacant lot and require power from Price City.  The City will then be responsible to provide the power, but without an easement or a way to provide it, how will it be done. Alfred Richens indicated the only solution would be to maintain an easement.  It will be expensive to run power to that area later on, but it’s on the border line now.  Mr. Piccolo feels it’s foolish to approve this recommendation without some type of easement to get power into that property.   He indicated that if they  give Price City a right-of-way through the property where the power is currently run, he will have no problems with vacating the alley.  But to give it all up with no right of easement would be a mistake. 


Mr. Jones explained this property is unused now, but Mr. Pierce wants to develop a parking lot.  As long as there is a public alley in the middle of a piece of property, there is not much that can be done.  Mr. Piccolo asked if it would be a fair request for this Commission to recommend that we have right of easement to the utilities that are currently on the property or perhaps a right to them.  Then we would vacate the alley.  Mr. Jones told the Commission we will have to protect the existing use as well as the future use in the form of an easement to that piece of property.  Gary Lyon asked why both streets on the site plan were shown as 200 West.  Mr. Jones indicated the longer street is 200 West and the shorter street going toward the Ferrero Property should show as 250 West.


Following this discussion, Joe Piccolo made a motion that the Price City Planning and Zoning Commission recommend Price City Council consider present and future use for utilities on this piece of property and that the Price City Planning and Zoning Commission be in agreement with vacating the alley providing those uses would be procured.  Larry Bruno seconded and the motion carried.


Gary Lyon asked if it would be up to Price City to provide the utility easements.  Vern Jones explained the Price City Council could now either ask those property owners to stem the cost of the title search in preparation of those easements or they can take it upon themselves to do it.  They have that choice. 



6.                   INFORMATION ONLY





Karen Bliss, Dean of Institutional Advancement for the College of Eastern Utah introduced Mr. Dennis Geary to the Commission.  Vern Jones explained that Staff had been working with Mr. Geary concerning utilities and what is before you now is the revised site and utility plans for the new physical plant building along with copies of the CEU Campus Master Plan. 


Mr. Geary explained all utilities had been located and they have set the buildings accordingly. The new building will house offices for the physical plant and will be used in addition to the other physical plant building. 


There will be two buildings facing east and west close to the armory

boundary.  Because there is a lack of space in the old building, the physical plant offices are now located in a temporary trailer in the parking lot behind the building.  The new building will house an office, warehouse and a shop. 


Ms. Bliss explained the DFCM has selected closure and demolition for the old Durrant School, so storage area will be needed and classrooms will be moved back on campus.  This demolition has been funded and will take place in late spring or early summer of this year. 


This item is for information only and requires no action.  Mr. Piccolo expressed his appreciation to both Ms. Bliss and Mr. Geary, as representatives of CEU, for

appearing before the Commission to inform them of what will be taking place.



7.                   UNFINISHED BUSINESS


(TABLED 01-10-2000)


Joe Piccolo told the Commission these applicants have decided to move to 175 South Carbon Avenue which is an existing automotive repair facility.  This is no longer a valid request and Mr. Piccolo made a  motion to have the item struck from the records.  Alfred Richens seconded and the motion carried.



I.          STAFF

1)                 PRICE CITY BY-LAWS



Vern Jones went over the newly revised Price City Planning and Zoning Commission By-laws and Rules of Procedure with those present.  After review and discussion, Alfred Richens made a motion to accept the Price City By-laws and Rules of Procedure as presented.  Joe Piccolo seconded and the motion carried.



There was no further business and Gary Lyon moved to adjourn the meeting.  The meeting adjourned at 6:45 P.M.