Minutes of the Price City Council Meeting

City Hall: Price, Utah

April 9, 2008 at 5:30 p.m.



Mayor Joe L. Piccolo                       Gary Sonntag, Public Works Director

Councilmembers:                             Aleck Shilaos, Police Chief

Jeff Nielson                                           Nick Tatton, Community Director

Richard Tatton                                    Nick Sampinos, City Attorney

Jeanne McEvoy                                   Laurie Tryon, City Recorder

Rick Davis                                            Pat Larsen, Finance Director            

Kathy Hanna-Smith                           John Daniels, Human Resource Director


Excused Absence: Bret Cammans, Customer Service Director


Others Present:  Joyce Pierce, Boyd Marsing, Mikelle Dickson, Jacob Martin, Anne and Mark Mackiewicz, Josh Erramouspe, Lisa Richens, Ashley Richens, C.J. McManus, Dana Young, Tom Niederhauser, Rory Nileson, Steve Painter, Tanner Guymon, Andrew Gagnon, Jennifer Gagnon, Amber Trowbridge, Kati Branch, Dennis Branch, Caleb Nelson, Christine Nelson, Kylee Jarrett, Karina Ivory, Takayl Lambson, Jane Berneche, Irene Everett, Stephanie Cha, Jenafer Henrie, Miles Nelson, Tyson Chisholm, John Hreinson, Tyree Olsen, Pam and Stephen Cha, Lauralee Hansen, Jenna Hansen, Jessica Hansen, Monte and Jill Jensen, Zach Jensen, Morgan Jensen, Lory Quarnburg, Jennifer Quarnburg, Ken Gagnon and Linda Prettyman


Mayor Piccolo led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll was called with the above Councilmembers and staff in attendance.


1.             COUNCILMEMBERS REPORT- The Mayor and Councilmembers presented an update on the activities and functions in which they have participated.


2.             D.A.R.E ESSAY WINNERS 2008- Fifth Grade Students from Area Elementary Schools

                Officers Tracy Allred, Shane Henrie and Brian Judd introduced their students from the D.A.R.E program to the Mayor and City Council. Students representing their individual schools read their winning essays from the D.A.R.E program.  The winning students were: Zachary Jensen from Creekview Elementary; Katie Branch from Castle Heights Elementary and Andrew Gagnon representing Pinnacle Academy.  Each student received a small token of appreciation from Price City for their efforts and participation in the D.A.R.E program.            


3.             WIND TURBINE-NET METERING- Tom Niederhauser

                Mr. Niederhauser will be installing a wind turbine at his home which is located in the County. He stated that he has received approval and a building permit for the installation from Carbon County officials. The electrical power to the home is provided by Price City which requires Mr. Niederhauser to obtain City Council approval for net metering. The City will need to establish a net metering policy. A similar policy in draft form is available at this time and will be reviewed for updates. Electrical Contractors Inc. will be providing the electrical installation component of the project and West Mountain Wind Power will install the wind turbines. It is capable of generating 1.8 kilowatt of power, weighs 170 lbs. , has 3 blades and a 45’ tower  and will cost  approximately $12,000. The turbine is designed for low noise output and will not require any guy wires for bracing. The equipment is all safety equipped and UL tested. Installation would begin in a few weeks. MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved to allow Mr. Niederhauser to approve the installation of the wind turbine and the necessary meter to allow for net metering and instructed staff to create a proposed net metering policy for further consideration. Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and carried.


4.             BID OPENING- Price City Water & Sanitary Sewer Replacement Phase I-Project No. 9C-2008

                Construction to replace approximately: 1,340 feet of 8 inch PVC water main, 38 water service

               Connections and 690 feet of copper water service pipe; 1,920 feet of 8 inch PVC sewer main, 32

               sewer service connections and 460 feet of 4 inch sewer service pipe. Engineers estimate is:

               Schedule 1: $264,685.00; Schedule 2: $38,760.00. Budget is: $290,000.00. 


                Bids were received from the following:

                                                                                                Schedule I                             Schedule II

                Nephi Sandstone                                                 $234,490.00                         $46,125.00                                          

                J & B Excavating Inc.                                        $301,500.00                         $53,450.00          

                Blaine Hone Excavating Inc.                            $292,495.50                         $52,100.00

                R.A. McKell Constructors                                  $307,782.00                         $54,127.00

                Tony Brotherson Excavating Inc.                    $258,847.11                         41,526.70


                MOTION. Councilmember Davis moved to establish a committee to include Gary Sonntag, Sam White, Pat Larsen and Richard Tatton to review the bids and to award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder within budget. Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and carried.


5.             BID OPENING- Price City South Park Improvements-CDBG-Project No. 7C-2008

                Construction of playground, batting cage, sand volleyball court and light fixtures, that includes excavation, concrete work, fencing and tree removal. Engineers estimate is: $124,954.00; Alternate Items: $11,100.00. Budget is: $131,322.00.   


                No Bids were received. MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved to place the item on unfinished business and to direct Gary Sonntag to contact the State of Utah for input on the next step to the bid process. Motion seconded by Councilmember Hanna-Smith and carried.


6.             RELAY FOR LIFE- Parking Lot Use Request- Jane Berneche

                The Carbon-Emery Board of Realtors is sponsoring a team for Relay-For-Life for the American Cancer Society. One of the fundraisers involves a yard sale on May 17, 2008 and the group would like to use the parking lot west of the Price City Fire Station and Museum from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. They will provide the set up and clean up for the activity. MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved to approve the requested parking lot use for the Carbon-Emery Board of Realtors providing they inform the museum of the activity and coordinate the arrangements with the Price City Fire Chief. Motion seconded by Councilmember Davis and carried.


7.             MINIATURE GOLF COURSE- Carbon County Youth Commission- Stephanie Cha

                Stephanie Cha presented an update on the Carbon County Youth Miniature Golf project. The group has met with the Carbon County Recreation and Transportation Special Service District (SSD) which approved funding in the amount of $150,000 contingent upon receipt of additional CIB funding. Mayor Piccolo has spoken to the CIB but stated that funding could not occur this year. Councilmember Davis is concerned about the maintenance and operation of the project after the course is open. Mayor Piccolo stated that much of the maintenance and operation would be offset through the wave pool. Anne Mackowitz stated that she would like to have the project move along and needs the City’s support. Mayor Piccolo stated that a study on the project which has been authorized to be done this summer will include the cost of maintenance and operation. Mrs. Mackowitz asked the Council if the SSD would earmark the money for the project even if the project is not completed in the budgeted year. Mayor Piccolo stated that unless the project is abandoned, the money should be available. He suggested checking with the SSD for further information. Councilmember McEvoy suggested that the youth group begin fundraisers to raise the some of the funding needed for the project. Mayor Piccolo offered to assist the group in their fundraising efforts to get the project off the ground.


8.             TENATIVE BUDGET 2008-2009- Discussion by Mayor Piccolo

                The tentative budget project list was given to each Councilmember to review for the April 23, 2008 City Council meeting. The budget will need to be adopted at the first Council meeting in May of 2008.


9.             HEALTH AND WELFARE BENFITS PORTFOLIO- Authorization to Adopt a Health and Welfare Benefits Portfolio for 2008-2009

                First West Benefit Solutions would provide more than an annual plan for Price City and come back with new options if things change before the review date of three years. With this plan, Price City would lock in for one year and commit for two years. Mayor Piccolo was adamant that all employee situations be addressed in the change. The First West Benefit brokers explained that no collateral damage would take place and that everyone covered by insurance now will remain covered. Everything will be taken care of within the next 30 days. MOTION. Councilmember Hanna-Smith moved to adopt the benefit portfolio recommended by First West Benefit Solutions and retain First West Benefit Solutions as the Price City benefits broker for the period 2008-2010 subject to a seamless transition. A progress report must be given to the City Council at the next meeting on April 23, 2008. Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and carried.


10.          PUBLIC WORKS- Mission, Vision and Value Statements

                Each department within Public Works has put forth an effort to develop mission, vision and value

              statements into: 1) what the department hopes to accomplish; 2) employee motivation and 3)

              customer service. Public works employees hope to assure the delivery of vital services, meeting

              expectations of a progressive community and achieving results through caring and commitment.

              The statements will be added to the city website and in view of all employees as reminders.


CONSENT AGENDA-Councilmember Nielson moved to approve items #14 through #30 on the

              agenda. Motion seconded by Councilmember Hanna-Smith and carried.


11.          MINUTES

                March 26, 2008- City Council

                April 4, 2008- Workshop


12.          STREET CLOSURE- Authorization to Close Main Street from 100 West to 200 East for the Main Attraction Car Sale Schedule for June 26-28, 2008.


13.          POLICE DEPARTMENT- Authorization to Accept the Resignation of Police Officer, Michael Gledhill


14.          POLICE DEPARTMENT- Authorization to Advertise and Hire a Police Officer


15.          FEE WAIVER- Authorization to Waive the Demolition Fee for the Carbon County Ambulance Garage


16.          LOCAL CONSENT BEER LICENSE- Authorization to Approve a Single Event Permit for the Sportsman for Fish & Wildlife Organization Event to be Held at the College of Eastern Utah BDAC on May 17, 2008


17.          INTERNATIONAL DAYS- Authorization to Approve the Purchase of a Movie Screen with Supplies for International Days Events


18.          SIEMENS CO.- LETTER OF INTENT- Authorization to Enter into an Agreement with  Siemens to Provide an In-depth Energy Efficiency Audit of City Operations and Facilities Leading to a Self-funding Efficiency Upgrade Project.


19.          BUILDING INSPECTOR- Authorization to Hire Committee Chosen Building Inspector


20.          WATER MANAGEMENT & CONSERVATION PLAN- Price City is Required to Complete a Water Management and Conservation Plan Prior to Receiving Funding on Drinking Water Projects Through the Permanent Community Impact Board


21.          PERMANENT COMMUNITY IMPACT BOARD FUND- The Contract Time Has Been Extended on the Recreation Improvements #06-1928 and Storage Carport Improvements #06-1931. Original Termination Date: March 31, 2008. Amended Date: December 31, 2008.

              The contract time has been extended on the recreation improvements #06-1928 and storage carport

               improvements #06-1931; Original termination date: March 31, 2008; Amended  termination date: December 31, 2008. 


22.          WATER LINE RELOCATION- Authorization for Final Payment of $20,162.00 to Nelco Contractors, Inc. for Project No. 2C-2008 for the Homestead Blvd. Water Line Relocation.

                Nelco Contractors has completed all of the required work on the Homestead Blvd water line

               relocation. No change orders. The application for final payment is $20,162.00.


23.          TRAILHEAD(S) PROJECT- Authorization for Final Payment of $4,877.95 to B. Hansen Construction Inc. for Completion of Required Work on the Trailhead Project at the Atwood Complex (Equestrian, Mountain Bicycle and ATV). B. Hansen Construction has completed all of the required work on the Trailhead(s) project (Atwood Complex: Equestrian, Mountain Bicycle, and ATV). A change order is necessary to adjust for As-Built quantities in the amount of $1,842.46 increasing the contract to $36,711.46. The final payment is $4,877.95.


24.          LIBRARY- Authorization to Approve a Memorandum of Understanding Between Price City Library and Carbon County RSVP


25.          UTAH DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY- Authorization to Create a Sewer Master Plan Using Unexpended Monies from the Water Depletion and Recovery Study Grant

                In 2004 the City received a grant in the amount of $54,000, to complete a water depletion &

              recovery study. That study has been completed. The amount expended is $27,940.09, leaving an

              unexpended balance of $26,059.91 plus interest totaling $30,041.54. The Water Quality Board

              will allow the City to utilize the remaining funds for a sewer related project. Staff would like to

              submit for and initiate a project to create a sewer master plan. A consultant will be hired to assist

              in the work.


26.          UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES- Authorization for Price City to Sign an Agreement with Union Pacific Railroad for a Railroad Flagger to be Present at the Colton Bridge Waterline Replacement Project-7C-2007

                Union Pacific Railroad is requiring that anytime under the current project, to replace the waterline, that a railroad flagger be present when there is work activity. The City would be responsible for the charges rendered as a result of said services. The City would submit said expenditures to the UDOT for reimbursement, under its Agreement between the City and the UDOT.


27.          TRAVEL REQUEST-

                Shari Madrid-Utah Municipal Treasurers Conference, April 30-May 2, 2008- St. George

                Laurie Tryon- Utah Municipal Clerks Association Conference- April 16-18- Orem

                Nick Tatton- Economic Development Financing- May 28, 2008- SLC

                Gary Sonntag- Joint Highway Committee and Non Urban Road Committee- April 22-23, 2008, St. George

                J. Scott Olsen, Terry Jones and Josh Swank- Utah League of Cities & Towns Annual Road School- April 22-25, 2008

                Janarie Larsen- National Fire Academy- May 11-18, 2008- Emmitsburg, Maryland


28.          PRWID- Councilmember Tatton reported on the happenings of the last PRWID meeting.


29.          COMMUNITY PROGRESS- Update by Councilmember Hanna-Smith

·         New member- Rose Howa

·         Project- additional lighting for the Peace Gardens will begin this spring.

·         Three groups of people will adopt the area around the High School for cleaning



                a. Committee Review for Street Banners

                b. Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Improvements on 2nd South

                c. Basso Dino-Mine Playground- Yard lighting will begin soon

                d. Economic Activity Building-Office Space

                e. Property Purchase Discussion


31.          NEW BUSINESS-

                Chief Shilaos will be renewing grants for the Victim Advocate and Metro Drug Task Force


                Bicycle Works- Owner, Fuzzy Nance would like to use the Price City auditorium on April 20th at

              midnight. He would like the City to waive the fee for the auditorium. The City Council would like

              Mr. Nance to make application and pay the fees now and the City will donate the same amount to

              the event. The item will be placed on the April 23, 2008 agenda for ratification.


Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. by Mayor Piccolo pursuant to the motion by Councilmember McEvoy.          


APPROVED                                                                                          ATTEST


_________________________                                                      __________________________

Joe L. Piccolo, Mayor                                                                         Laurie Tryon, City Recorder