PRESENT:     John Angotti, Chairman   Alfred Richens           Penny Sampinos           Gary Lyon       Francis Duzenack

                                    Jeanne McEvoy               Larry Bruno               Frankie Sacco               Laurie Tryon


OTHERS PRESENT: Kerry Jensen-J-2 Unlimited

            Wilma Howa, President-Balance Rock Credit Union

            Michael Marx, Owner & Robert Marx Marx Brothers Automotive, Mary Marx

            Roberta & Leo Hardy & Paula Wells -Pinnacle Academy        

            Peggy Basso, Janel Ward, Carmel & John Gallegos, Mark Grabl, Robert Reed, Lonny Reed

and Gina Crompton



            The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman, John Angotti.


II         ROLL CALL

            The above members were in attendance and a quorum present.


III        MINUTES OF MARCH 21, 2005

A favorable motion to approve the minutes of March 21, 2005 as read was made by Gary Lyon. Penny Sampinos seconded the motion. Motion Carried.




In home business estimating for reconstruction and construction as well as performing administration work for general contractors. In the process of applying for business license to estimate and administrate work for contractors and insurance companies, business and home owners with the state and to receive an LLC license. Mr. Jensen does not require a contractor’s license for this type of work. No signage will be necessary. No staff recommendations on office use only. A favorable motion for a Home Occupied Business-Office Use Only for J-2 Unlimited was made by Gary Lyon. Alfred Richens seconded the favorable motion. Motion Carried.




Proposal to add a new branch to the Price area. This building was used as a credit union before. Staff has no recommendations. The signage for the building will just be a copy change. A favorable motion for a Final Business and Sign Conditional Use Permit for Balance Rock Credit Union was made by Larry Bruno. Frankie Sacco seconded the motion. Motion Carried.



MARX BROTHERS AUTOMOTIVE-270 WEST 100 NORTH (CD Zone) MICHAEL MARX-OWNER. Michael Marx presented this proposed Used Car Lot request in addition to his existing Uhaul business and Auto Body & Paint Shop. New asphalt has been added to accommodate the new vehicles and existing Uhaul trailers – which has controlled the weeds and dust. Customer parking is located in the front of the business with approximately 2 cars at a time. Twelve cars will be the maximum of used cars on the lot at one time, at this time, there are 6.  Uhaul trailers are parked in the back lot behind the building and on the side of the building, off of the asphalt. There are also trailers and trucks on the east side of the building. Mr. Marx commented that this will be the permanent location for these trailers. There is a measured 18’ of new compacted gravel behind the property where the trailers can legally be parked on the owner’s property. Jeanne McEvoy has driven behind the building and noticed how tight the road is and questioned how much of the road would be blocked while a trailer is hooking up to a vehicle. The traffic and congestion that the Uhaul trailers may cause could be a problem. Francis commented the trailers should only be in the actual road a few minutes at most while the hook-up takes place. Major concerns are not only for the congestion but for the exiting of the trailers onto 2nd north into the neighborhoods and onto the alley way which is already very narrow and has a lot of congestion.  Jeanne suggested that the Uhaul trailers be placed in the front of the building and head out on the (relatively) new road onto 1st north. She stated that the parking of Uhaul trailers behind the building will create additional traffic on the small roads. Mr. Marx stated that customers are directed out onto that specific road each time they leave the lot but customers are not under his control and do what they want anyway.  Mr. Marx is trying to utilize as much space as possible, which is mostly on the north side of the property. Gary Lyon suggested the Uhaul trailers be parked on the south side of the building so customers would not exit out onto 1st north. Mr. Marx said that summer months are busier than winter months due to more people moving in and out of town, with trailers being rented maybe every other day. He needs all three businesses to compensate for the slow months of non-Uhaul trailer rental. Most business of drop off and pick up of trailers is done on Mondays and Fridays. Citizens were given a chance to comment at this time. Carmel Gallegos lives at 180 North 300 West and is very concerned about the traffic going onto 3rd West and lst North as well as on J Street. There is a lot of congestion now on these narrow (alley type) roads with cars and trucks speeding through the area, not stopping at the stop sign and possibly blocking view from 3rd West. John Gallegos mentioned that he also measured the distance for parking in the back of the building and thought there was only 16 feet of actual parking and the actual trailer is at the end of the asphalt. Janel Ward has children playing near 3rd West and is quite concerned about the rate of speed vehicles are going up and down that particular street. The road is too narrow to handle the large Uhaul trailers and also school buses that are using the street. She feels that the added vehicles behind the building and the vehicle expansion in front will just add to the congestion. All of the concerned citizens would like to see the road going under the underpass used instead of the neighborhood roads. They would like to see lower speed limit signs and “children are playing” signs placed along the roads in this area. Mr. Marx replied that he is doing everything in his power to teach his customers to go out the correct way and to slow down and watch for children. He thought that possibly the noise of the vehicles would make the neighbors think they are going faster than they really are. Employees of Marx Body & Paint said that it was quite hard to go over the 25 mile an hour speed limit because of the length of the road and all of the employees do watch for children. In regards to all signage, the City Engineer and Chief of Police will have to give their input for recommendations as to the speed limit and the enforcement of such signs. Mr. Marx stated that the entrance (to the road under the underpass) has been widened with asphalt and removal of a curb to make it easier for trucks to pass through. He would like to see a one-way street sign (going east) placed there. Concerned citizens and neighbors would like to see Mr. Marx do well with this new endeavor but would like to have courtesy shown for all residents when it comes to the vehicles. Recommendations were made as part of discussion with citizens and the commissioners: (1) Keep trailers within the 18’ property line. (2) Designate employee parking and cars waiting to be serviced behind the building. (3) Have Francis check with Gary Sonntag at Public Works on the slower speed limit signs (on 3rd West), children playing sign (on 3rd West), and parking prohibited signs being placed on J Street for safety issues. (4) Having parking on J street prohibited on sides of road. (5) Assisting customers with hooking up of trailer and guiding them out the appropriate road. (6) Drop off signs for non-residents especially as to where to drop off the trailers and keys. A favorable motion was made by Alfred Richens with the following contingencies for a Temporary Conditional Use Permit by the planning commissioners in order to mediate the neighbors concerns and create a workable plan for Mr. Marx’s businesses: (1) Park the Uhaul trailers on a parallel slope in order to pull a vehicle right to the trailer for hook-up and to then exit with supervision from Marx’s employees proceed to east side of the building and exit onto 1st North. (2) 18 months given for the completion of asphalt-additional 30 feet. Gary Lyon seconded the motion. Motion Carried.


VII      CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT-PRELIMINARY & FINAL- PINNACLE CANYON ACADEMY-210 N. 600 E.-ROBERTA HARDY-CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER. Proposal for Pinnacle Canyon Academy to move into the (old) Notre Dame School building. The stairs in the front of the building will be taken out with no access from the sidewalk along 600 East. Only changes from Concept to Preliminary are the slight modifications in the entry way for pick-up of students in order to accommodate peak usage for picking up and dropping off of children. Pinnacle is very militant in regards to parent pick-up and drop-off and will keep a line of cars in an orderly fashion so there will not be traffic impact problems. The entry way needs to be cut to a 90° angle and widened to accommodate a left turn lane. The smaller road going up into the apartments by the school will be used by faculty only. P & Z Staff and Price City Public Works have concerns with the pedestrian safety and students walking to school on 600 East (east side) in front of the school. On 600 East, there are currently no curb, gutter or sidewalks in place for pedestrians to walk next to the retaining wall. Pinnacle Academy at this time has 10 students that will be walking to school. Staff recommends having a commitment from Roberta Hardy and Pinnacle Academy that street improvements will be done. Pinnacle will not use 600 East for their students at all-but, as Alfred Richens pointed out there may be more traffic in the future and these improvements need to be in place now.  Pinnacle Academy has offered to make the improvements to the quality of 300 N. Street up to east driveway with curb, cutter and sidewalk. Paula Wells with Pinnacle Academy School suggested making the street a non-pedestrian street like others in town. Alfred Richens pointed out the reason the Land Development Codes are in place are to take care of future need and create safer walking on the street. Gary Lyon suggested a 4’ raised sidewalk in place of curb and gutter since there is not an existing drainage problem. Roberta Hardy needs to submit something to the Public Works Director- Gary Sonntag regarding engineering of a 4’ raised sidewalk along retaining wall. New developments are required to add curb and gutter. Roberta would like to do all improvements now while the funding is available. Staff recommendation is to finish the Development Agreement and have the surface drainage and topol maps, sampling manhole and details come with the plans. Robert Hardy needs to meet with the Police Department and Public Works regarding the crossing guards and flashing lights and signs. Roberta is concerned with being zoned as a School Zone and Drug Free Zone which she will need to discuss again with the Police Department. Outdoor lighting is sufficient with 4 street lights along existing block and one on 300 North. No concern with lighting around school. P & Z could mandate the full improvements of curb, gutter and sidewalks and let the City Council modify it for sidewalk only. Larry Bruno motioned for a favorable recommendation for a Conditional Use Permit contingent on improvements on 600 East curb, gutter and sidewalk and completion of development agreement. Penny Sampinos seconded the motion. Motion Carried. 


VIII     STAFF – Tabled Information


Addition: Francis presented a Copy Change request: Eastern Utah Produce sign currently advertising Grako’s Tire Shop. The sign is existing and will change advertisement for Castleview Hospital. This will just be a copy change and Francis wanted the council to be aware of it. This is on the west end of the produce building. Sign will read, “Caring for your baby like we care for our own.”


There was no further business and Alfred Richens moved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:31 P.M.






John Angotti, Chairman









Laurie Tryon, Secretary