Minutes of the Price City Council Meeting

City Hall: Price, Utah

May 14, 2008 at 5:30 p.m.



Mayor Joe L. Piccolo                       Gary Sonntag, Public Works Director

Councilmembers:                             Aleck Shilaos, Police Chief

Jeff Nielson                                           Nick Tatton, Community Director

Richard Tatton                                    Nick Sampinos, City Attorney

Rick Davis                                            Laurie Tryon, City Recorder

                                                                Pat Larsen, Finance Director            

                                                                John Daniels, Human Resource Director


Excused Absence: Councilmember Hanna-Smith, Bret Cammans-Customer Service Director, Councilmember McEvoy

Others Present:  Adam & Lisa Pierucci, Dondra Nance, Rachele Badback, Darrian Smith, Erick Dancey, Christopher Wood and C.J. McManus


Mayor Piccolo led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll was called with the above Councilmembers and staff in attendance.


1.             COUNCILMEMBERS REPORT-The Mayor and Councilmembers presented an update on the activities and functions in which they have participated.


2.             SKATEBOARD COMPETITION- Dondra Nance- Authorization to Approve a Skateboard Competition to be held on July 16, 2008

                Dondra Nance and Rachiele Badback requested permission to hold a skateboard competition at the Price City Skate Park on the afternoon of July 16, 2008. They anticipate 20-25 competitors and will have signature release forms for each participant to sign before competing in the event. The release form will be brought in  prior to the event for the City Attorney to review. The event will be open to children ages 12-18. Workshops will be offered before the event for younger children. Judges will be from outside of the area. MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved to approve the use of the Price City Skate Park for a skateboard competition. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nielson and carried.         


3.             PUBLIC HEARING- To Receive Input on the Price City Land Use Management and Development Code, 2008 Edition

                MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved to open the public hearing at 6:03 p.m. Motion seconded by Councilmember Davis and carried. No public comment was received. MOTION. Councilmember Tatton   moved to close the public hearing at 6:04 p.m. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nielson and carried.


4.             ORDINANCE 2008-02 Consideration of an Ordinance for the Price City Land Use Management and Development Code Update, 2008 Edition

                MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved to approve Ordinance 2008-02 adopting the Price City Land Use Management and Development Code Update, 2008 Edition with the suggested final changes from legal counsel. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nielson and carried.


5.             PUBLIC HEARING- To Receive Input on the Revised Price City General Plan and Goals, 2008 Edition

                MOTION. Councilmember Nielson moved to open the public hearing at 6:06 p.m. Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton and carried. No public comment was received. MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved to close the public hearing at 6:07 p.m. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nielson and carried.


6.             RESOLUTION 2008-05 Consideration of Resolution 2008-05 to approve the 2008 Revision of the Price City General Plan

                MOTION. Councilmember Davis moved to approve Resolution 2008-05 approving the Price City General Plan and Goals, 2008 Edition. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nielson and carried.


7.             BID OPENING- 800 North Meads Wash Inlet and Outlet Structure Project# 5C-2008

                The project has two schedules: A. Inlet structure, estimate is $83,503.20; B. Outlet structure, estimate is $52,096. The budget is $71,400.


                Bids were received from the following companies:

                                                                                Schedule A                                            Schedule B

                Fox Construction                                 $106,500.00                                         $92,000.00

                RB Construction & Concrete            $124,877.00                                         $93,500.00


                MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved to have staff review the bids and return the item to Council for final approval as both bids are out of budget. Motion seconded by Councilmember Davis and carried. 


8.             BID OPENING- South Park Improvements, Project #7C-2008

            There were no bidders when first bid, so the project was re-bid. Construction includes playground, batting cage, sand volleyball court and light fixtures with excavation, concrete work, fencing and tree removal. Estimated cost is $124,954.00; Alternate Items: $11,100.00. Budget is: $131,322.00.


            Bids were received from the following companies:

                Pierucci & Siaperas Construction                     $148,167.56

                B. Hansen Construction                                     $132,634.00


                MOTION. Councilmember Davis moved to have staff review the bids and return the item to Council for final approval. Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton and carried. 


9.             BID OPENING- 200 West: Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk and HMA Improvements- Project#4C-2008

                Missing curb, gutter, sidewalk and hot mix asphalt (HMA) will be constructed on 200 West, from 100 North

               to approximately 150 North. The section in front of the County’s new Sheriff auxiliary building will be left

               out. Estimated cost is $69,775.20. Budget: $70,000.  


                Bids were received from the following companies:

                B. Hansen Construction, Inc.                            $34,550.00

                Dennis Lierd II                                                     $59,000.00

                Pierucci & Siaperas                                             $69,686.50

                Nielson Construction                                          $61,208.00


                MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved to have Gary Sonntag form a committee of Brent Hadfield, Scott Olsen, Pat Larsen and John Procarione to award the bid within budget. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nielson and carried. 



Nick Tatton reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission gave the following recommendations on

applications for Conditional Use Permits:



                a.  Resolution 2008-07 Price City General Plan Update-Final

                b.  Resolution 2008-06 Price City Land Use Management and Development Code-Final

                c.  Construction Era, Inc.-248 S. 500 W.-Ryan Monson, Owner-Business-Final

                d.  Diversity- 90 W. 100 N. #6-Eddie Horvath, Owner- Business Relocation-Struck


MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved to grant final approval on items a, b and c as recommended by the Planning

and Zoning Commission. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nielson and carried.




            Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting

                a.  Public Hearing- To Receive Input on an Application for a Potential Zone Change for the Property

                    Located at the Northeast Corner of 600 W. and 200 S. from a MR7 to a CD Zone- Recommend to Strike


                b.   Rezone Request- Zone Change at the Northeast Corner of 600 W. and 200 S. from a MR7 to a CD

                    Zone- Ray Morley- Recommend to Strike


                c.    HOB-Intermountain Outdoor Institute-260 N. 6TH Ave. – Clinton Christensen- Business-Final-

                     Recommend Approval

·         No employees other than immediate family at the home;

·         No unusual traffic permitted on site or off site which is not customary to a residential use.

·         No parking except for customary automobiles and other traditional vehicles found at residence, including vans and pickups.

·         No parking beyond the driveway for more than 4 vehicles on the premises outside of the residential structure (garage).

·         All parking required to be accommodated on-site.

·         No generation of unusual waste, or amounts, residential or otherwise.

·         No generation of unusual electronic interference.

·         No non-residential dust, odors, noise or other contamination to be generated.

·         Maintenance of all applicable local, state or federal licensing, copies to be provided to Price City.


                d.    HOB- D&S Trucking- 1488 E. 800 N.-Dan and Susan Goslin, Owners- Business-Final-Recommend


·         No employees other than immediate family at the home;

·         No unusual traffic permitted on site or off site which is not customary to a residential use including no semi tractors or trailers located, parked, stored, or serviced at or adjacent to the home.

·         No parking except for customary automobiles and other traditional residential vehicles including vans and pickups.

·         No parking beyond the driveway for more than 4 vehicles on the premises outside of the residential structure (garage).

·         All parking required to be accommodated on-site.

·         No unusual waste, or amounts, residential or otherwise generated.

·         No unusual electronic interference generated.

·         No non-residential dust, odors, noise or other contamination to be generated.

·         Maintenance of all applicable local, state or federal licensing, copies to be provided to Price City.


                e.     CUP- Quilt Loft of Utah -690 E. Main- Patty Wilcox, Owner- Recommend Approval

    1. No manufacturing, warehousing or other uses not available in the CD zoning district finding that indications of such uses are evident on the application and are not permitable in the CD zoning district;
    2. Building Inspector and Fire Chief to inspect the business location and ensure compliance with all requirements.
    3. No on street parking permitted 
    4. Submission of all business signage to Price City Planning Department Staff prior to installation finding that signage must be permitted in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 4 of the Code and uniformity in signage supports the goals of the Price City General Plan;


                f.     CUP- Extreme Automotive- 410 E. Main-Paul Simmons, Owner-Amendment-Final-Recommend


·         Continued compliance with the conditions previously set forth within the CUP;

·         No work-in-progress vehicles to be stored within open sight from Main Street, no inoperable vehicles, parts, etc. to be stored within open sight from Main Street finding that the visual impact of storage materials and inoperable vehicles negatively impacts community aesthetics and may negatively impact surrounding property owners and property values;

·         No parking or storage of vehicles on the public right-of-way finding that open un-restricted public rights-of-way are a necessary community need and improve pedestrian and vehicle circulation;

·         No accumulation of garbage or debris (old tires, etc.) in an amount beyond the capacity of garbage dumpster;

·         Garbage dumpster to be maintained within an enclosed sight obscuring stall and emptied at least one time per week or more;

·         Obtain a valid Price City building permit for any renovations or improvements taking place at the property;

·         Dedication of a minimum of 1 parking space for each 200 sq. ft. of floor space at the facility to accommodate employees and customers;

·         Completion of proper licensing and bonding with the State of Utah as a motor vehicle dealer and substantial of a copy of licensing/bonding to Price City, finding that properly licensed/bonded and registered motor vehicle dealers protect the community from negative impacts associated with unprofessional business practices;

·         Placement of vehicles on the sales lot not to exceed the maximum safe capacity of the lot finding that maximizing the safe capacity of the sales lot will promote business in the community and mitigate any safety impacts to employees or customers of Extreme Automotive;

·         No parking of vehicles for sale on or within a public right-of-way or easement, finding that maintaining open and accessible public rights-of-way and easements facilitate pedestrian and vehicular circulation, public utility maintenance, and mitigates potential community safety concerns;


                g.    CUP- Carbon Coffee- 450 E. Main- Lisa Clark and Julie Robertson, Owners- New Building and

                     Business/Sign- Preliminary and Final- Recommend Approval


                h.    Container Request- 1400 E. 890 N. Mr. David Pope- Florence Subdivision-Code Change Request-

                     Recommend Denial

MOTION. Councilmember Nielson moved to approve addendum items c, d, e, f, and g inclusive of the specific conditions enumerated above. Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton and carried.



12.       CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT- Sorenson Communications- 600 W. 200 S.

            New Building-Preliminary and Final- Ray Morley for Sorenson Communications from

            April 28, 2008 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting

    1. No use of easement at east property boundary to project location, placement of a sight obscuring fence, six 6’ in height- white vinyl indicated by Mr. Morley and the fence is specifically approved as such) the length of the east property boundary with perpetually maintained landscaping on the east side of the fence (Wedgewood Villa side) to include, as agreed between Mr. Morley and Mr. Carroll (Wedgewood Villa owner) in e-mail correspondence dated April 23, 2008 copied to Price City:  a weed barrier, stone ground cover, 10 flowering plums, 12 burning bushes, 10 Spirera, finding that no business use of the residential easement and agreed upon property boundary separation in the form of a fence and landscaping promotes harmony in the community and facilitates different and neighboring land uses and is consistent with the goals contained within the Price City General Plan.

                                                               i.      No use of the driveway serving Wedgewood Villa connecting to 200 South Street for construction purposes finding that excluding construction access from the Wedgewood Villa driveway promotes resident and pedestrian safety.

                                                             ii.      Placement of appropriate construction barriers between the development and Wedgewood Villa to limit any potential unauthorized access to the construction site finding that construction barriers reduce the possibility for accidents and injuries to community members.

    1. Fencing on the east and north property boundaries to be 3 feet high for the first 25 feet extending from the property line(s) then extending to 6 feet high finding that 3 feet fencing near the street facilitates sight lines and promotes safety and 6 feet fencing clarifies property boundaries and separates neighboring land uses facilitation harmony in the community.
    2. Specific approval of the south parking lot driveway to be 25 feet north of the 200 South intersection, instead of the standard 50 feet finding that placement of the driveway 25 feet from the intersection safely facilitates ingress and egress from the south parking lot.
    3. Right turn only exiting from the south parking lot onto 600 West with signage and paint marking at the parking lot exit indicating the right turn only, finding that right turn only with signage and paint markings will mitigate potential accidents and promote safety at the 600 West 200 South intersection.
    4. Removal of any trees blocking sight distance at the intersection finding that proper visibility at intersections mitigates potential accidents and promotes vehicular and pedestrian safety.
    5. Submission of deeded public utility rights-of-way to Price City with a minimum 10 feet finding that properly deeded utility rights-of-way provide a means for long term public utility infrastructure maintenance and provides a mechanism to reduce potential misunderstandings regarding utility placements.
    6. Incorporation of, and development of fire safety requirements including additional hydrant and a sprinkler system in building as requested by the Price City Fire Chief and confirmation of ability to use fire hydrant in K-Mart parking lot or installation of a second fire hydrant, finding that life safety is a primary health, safety and wellbeing mission of Price City.
    7. A qualified letter from the BLM indicating permission for placement of the dumpster on BLM property or placement of the dumpster in the northeast corner of the north parking lot in a screened dumpster enclosure finding that properly placed and maintained garbage dumpsters and collection promotes improved community aesthetics and reduces incidents of blowing garbage and is consistent with the Price City General Plan.
    8. All construction, including public improvements, to be developed in accordance with Price City or APWA standards, finding that properly constructed improvements and developments promote long term quality development within Price City and is consistent with the Price City General Plan.
    9. Completion of all development in accordance with submitted qualified geotechnical study and storm water management plan reviewed and concurred with by the Price City Engineer, finding that development that manages storm water mitigates potential for flooding of neighboring land uses and development consistent with the findings of a soil study promotes long-term high quality development within the community.
    10. Development of noise producing and light emitting devices (parking lot lights and air conditioning units) in such a manner that noise and light pollution is angled away from all residential areas to the east and south of the development, finding that retaining noise and light within the boundaries of the development mitigates negative impact on residential uses and provide an environment for adjoining residential uses to not be impacted by operation of the building.
    11. Completion and submission of a development agreement with the Price City Public Works Department and submission of the necessary financial surety to Price City for the development of all pubic infrastructure associated with the development and along both 200 South Street and 600 West Street to include curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lighting, fire hydrants, water lines, sewer lines, electric lines and transformers, finding that completion of public infrastructure associated with development to Price City standards promotes long-term high quality development and is consistent with the Price City General Plan.
    12. Submission of building plans to the Price City Building Department for plan review and concurrence with all building and fire safety requirements finding that properly completed construction, in accordance with building and fire safety requirements protects the health, safety and welfare of the community.


MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved to approve addendum item 12 inclusive of the specific conditions enumerated above. Motion seconded by Councilmember Davis and carried.


CONSENT AGENDA - Councilmember Tatton moved to approve items 13 through 32 as listed on the agenda with items 17, 20 and 35 removed for discussion. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nielson and carried.


13.          MINUTES

                April 23, 2008 City Council Meeting

                May 8, 2008 Tentative Budget Meeting

                May 9, 2008 City Council Workshop


14.          TENTATIVE BUDGET- Adopt the Tentative Budget for the Fiscal Year 2008-2009


15.          PUBLIC HEARING- Authorization to set a Public Hearing on May 28, 2008 at 6 p.m. for the Fiscal Year Budget 2008-2009


16.          BUSINESS LICENSE- Authorization to Approve a Business License for Paletta Trucking, LLC to be Located at 375 S. Carbon Ave. (BTAC)


17.          SINGLE EVENT PERMIT- Authorization to Approve a Local Consent Single Event Permit to Assumption Greek Orthodox Church for the Greek Festival on July 11-12, 2008- Ratify from April 23, 2008 City Council Meeting


18.          ZONING FEE REFUND- Authorization to Refund a Re-Zoning Fee to Ray Morley in the Amount of $300.00


19.          UTAH PUBLIC TREASURER’S INVESTMENT FUND- Authorization to Approve a New DTF Confiscation Account for the Treasurer’s Office


20.          UTILITIES- Authorization to Approve Landlord Agreement Forms for the Utility Department and the Utility Department Policy and Procedures


21.          CCRIC OPERATING AGREEMENT- Authorization to Approve a Revised CCRIC Operation Agreement as Needed by the Forest Service to Accommodate Changes in the Fiscal Agent for the CCRIC


22.          ELECTRIC RESOURCE CONTRACT- Authorization to Approve a Proposed Electric Resource Contract Between Price City and Pacificorp


23.          ANNUAL NEWSPAPER AND ADVERTISEMENT AGREEMENT- Authorization to Approve the Annual Print Advertising Contract Between Price City and the Sun Advocate


24.          UAMPS RESOURCE SOLICITATION- Authorization for Price City to Participate in the Idaho Wind Project via UAMPS


25.          TRAVEL REQUEST-

                Bob Bennett- National Electric Code Training- May 4-7, 2008- Wendover, Nevada- Ratify from 4/23/08 City Council Meeting

                Bret Cammans and Heather Sandoval- Caselle User Training-October 21-23, 2008- Anaheim, CA.


                Ratification of Council poll on April 23rd, 2008 for Robert Bennett to attend the 2008 National Electric Code

              Training in Wendover, Nev.- estimated cost $460.00. 


26.          BID AWARD- Class C Road Improvements- Project #8C-2008- Class C Road Improvements were Awarded to Contractors Submitting the Low Bid: Crack Seal: Hot Asphalt $25,600; Slurry Seal: Morgan Asphalt $45,760; Road Construction: Nielson Construction $138, 200.00; Traffic Striping $20,221.05. Work Will Begin after July 1, 2008


27.          WATER TREATMENT PLANT- Ratify-Authorization to Replace the Miox Disinfection Electrical Transformer and Two Solenoids that have Stopped Working at the Water Treatment Plant Unit. This was an emergency situation that required a Council poll on May 2, 2008 to proceed. The backup unit#2 is running twice as long to keep up with demand. The equipment will cost an estimated $4,577.54 plus freight and can be paid with the current year department budget.


28.          CONTRACT MAINTENANCE- Authorization to Provide Payment of $8,705.00 to Twin D Inc. for the Sewer Cleaning on 400 South from 700 East Down to Carbon Avenue in the 8”, 12” and 15” Sewer Pipelines.

                Twin D completed sewer cleaning on 400 South from 700 East down to Carbon Avenue in the 8”, 12” and

               15” sewer pipelines. This includes the pipeline in the claim area where the sewer backup occurred and

               sections of pipeline further down stream. The pipelines were very dirty and it took extra time and water to

               clean them out. Some residual grease, that could not be removed, was left in the pipelines and does not

               appear to be threatening. TV videos show the pipelines allowing clear passage of sewage flows. Twin D has

               invoiced the City in the amount of $8,705.


29.          PARKS DEPARTMENT- Authorization to Purchase a John Deere 6030 Tractor $40,500; AB17 Alamo

              Boom $17,818, Alamo 5” Timber Cat Sickle Mower $8,747, Freight and installation $10,750, Total $77,815.

              from Scott Machinery

              The Tiger brush mower was put on stand down in October 2007, preventing its use until safety concerns could

                be resolved subsequent to an incident where debris was thrown from the mowing head causing property

              damage. It was determined that there is still a need for this type of equipment in the Parks Department

              operation as part of the weed abatement program. The Tiger mower is 22 years old, weathered and worn.

              Staff’s proposal to replace the mower and tractor with new equipment using a sickle bar and updated safety

              features was approved by Council.  Staff have found that this type of equipment is only offered by select

              vendors. These vendors were solicited for quotations. Wheeler Company: Challenger tractor, $45,201, Boom

              $35,640, Cutting ‘Sickle Bar head is not available, Freight/Install, $Total $80,841.44; Scott Machinery: John

              Deere 6030 Tractor $40,500; AB17 Alamo Boom $17,818, Alamo 5” Timber Cat Sickle Mower $8,747,

              Freight and installation $10,750, Total $77,815. It is recommended that tractor, boom arm and sickle mower

              be purchased from Scott Machinery and that the old Tiger mower be declared surplus and sold or traded in on

              the new equipment. This would not include the old rear tiller attachment to the Tiger, it will be used with the

              new equipment.


30.          CARBON CANAL STUDY- Authorization to Approve a Study Done by Sunrise Engineering on a

               Segment of the Carbon Canal (½ Mile Long) 

                A segment of the Carbon Canal ½ mile long, located above Westwood Blvd. will be studied to determine its

                stability, seepage, risks, potential damage from flooding and solutions to mitigate the problems. Sunrise

                Engineering has prior knowledge of the canal’s condition. The estimated cost for engineering services to

                complete this study is $32,000.


31.          ADA IMPROVEMENTS- Project #9C-2007- Authorization for Pierucci & Siaperas Construction to

              Complete the ADA Improvement Project.

                Pierucci & Siaperas Construction has completed the ADA Improvement project. Change orders necessary to

                reflect as-built quantities are: #1 $16,325.50 and #2 $1,200 for a total project amount of $39,320.75.

                Payments to date are: #1 $13,434.43, #2 $18,980.28. The final invoice is for $6,906.04.


32.          INSURANCE REBATE- Authorization to Approve an Insurance Rebate


33.          NET METERING- Authorization to Approve a Draft of a Net Metering Policy


                Councilmember Nielson questioned the terminology of item #3 on the policy draft regarding credits. He stated he thinks that it could either encourage or discourage alternative power creation and that credits could be saved up for use when the customer needed to but should not be allowed to be transfered to another account. Mayor Piccolo stated that the power bought back cannot be used or lost and cannot be stored for later use. Nick Tatton stated that the credits offered are monetary and that the account has to balance to zero each year because power is not storable. He went on to say that a large commercial building might generate enough power to receive net credits that would be beneficial to the company but not small residential users. The net metering draft is a leading document that may be replaced by a revised one in the next few months if needed. MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved to approve the policy. Motion seconded by Councilmember Davis. 


                Councilmember Tatton-Aye                             Councilmember Davis-Aye

                Councilmember Nielson- Naye


34.          BUSINESS LICENSE- Authorization to Refund a Business License Fee to Janice Miller of Jim Miller Construction

                The business of Jim Miller Construction has received three separate building permits from Price City and does not qualify for a refund of a business license. MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved to deny the request for a business license refund. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nielson and carried.


35.          AERIAL BUCKET TRUCKS- Authorization Requested to Complete Necessary Inspections and Repairs on

              Unit #3210 1985 Chev 35 Aerial Truck and Unit #4605, 2000 GMC Forestry Truck for the Quoted Price of

              $2,981.50 to LW Miller

                Permission is requested to complete the necessary inspections and repairs on Unit #3210 1985 Chev 35 Aerial

              Truck (smaller one), inspection ; Unit #4605, 2000 GMC Forestry Truck (larger one), inspection and repair

              two hydraulic hoses in boom arm. Pricing and capability has been considered with Diversified Inspections,

              LW. Miller Company and Mountain States Industrial Services. LW Miller appears to be the company able to

              inspect and repair this equipment. They have quoted a price of $2,981.50 to do this. There may be additional

              repairs subsequent to the inspection results. MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved to approve the item.

                Motion seconded by Councilmember Davis and carried.


36.          PRWID –Update- Councilmember Tatton reported on the happenings of the last PRWID meeting.


37.          INTERNATIONAL DAYS- Update by Councilmember Davis

·         Permits for parade are available

·         Car show application is online.

·         Contract with Sun Shade and Rain are in process

·         Neil Breinholt will bring a contract for signatures

·         A carnival contract and Den and Jen Bouncers is needed

·         Posters are finished  

·         Next meeting will be on May 27, 2008 at 10 a.m. in room 207 –City Hall



                a. Committee Review for Street Banners- Councilmember Nielson will have more information on this topic at

                   the next meeting.  

                b. Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Improvements on 2nd South

                c. Basso Dino-Mine Playground

                d. Eastern Utah Produce-

                Councilmember Nielson declared his interest in the unfinished business item #38d.

                As a quorum was not present, if Councilmember Neilson were to remove himself from the meeting because

               of his conflict of interest, a motion could not be made. The unfinished business item will be discussed at the

                next City Council meeting. 



39.           CITY ENGINEER- Approval to Advertise and Hire


40.           GROUNDSKEEPER- Approval to Advertise and Hire


MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved to approve both items. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nielson and



Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. by Mayor Piccolo pursuant to the motion by Councilmember Tatton.          


APPROVED                                                                                          ATTEST




___________________________                                                 __________________________

Joe L. Piccolo, Mayor                                                                         Laurie Tryon, City Recorder