Minutes of the Price City Council Meeting

City Hall: Price, Utah

July 11, 2007 5:30 p.m.



Mayor Joe L. Piccolo                       Gary Sonntag, Public Works Director/City Engineer                      

Councilmembers:                             Nick Sampinos, City Attorney

Jeff Nielson                                           John Daniels, Human Resource Director

Richard Tatton                                    Pat Larsen, Finance Director

Jeanne McEvoy                                   Aleck Shilaos, Police Chief

Rick Davis                                            Laurie Tryon, City Recorder

Kathy Hanna-Smith                           Nick Tatton, Community Director


Excused Absence: Bret Cammans, Customer Service Director

Others Present: Peggy Rinaldi, Margaret Rinaldi, Dave O’Brien, Shaunna O’Brien and Daryl Friant


Mayor Piccolo led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll was called with the above Councilmembers and staff in attendance.



The Mayor and Councilmembers presented an update on the activities and functions in which they have participated.


2.             PUBLIC HEARING- Consideration of an Update to the Price City Land Use Development and Management Code to Change Sections and Permitting Pet Grooming use in the MD and MG Zoning Designations


                MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved to open the Public Hearing for consideration of an update to the Price City Land Use Development and Management Code at 6:33 p.m. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nielson and carried. Margaret Rinaldi was present to explain the need for this zone change for a dog grooming business. Mrs. Rinaldi brought to the meeting, a list of signatures from surrounding area neighbors in support of the zone change. Mrs. Rinaldi stated that no overnight boarding of animals would be allowed and hours would usually be from 7a.m. until 6-8 p.m. as customers picked up their animals. MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved to close the public hearing at 6:35 p.m. Motion seconded by Councilmember Hanna-Smith and carried.   


3.             ORDINANCE 2007-02- Approval and Adoption of an Ordinance Updating the Price City Land Use Development and Management Code recommending Section and Designating Pet Grooming and the Sale of Pets and Supplies as Permitted uses within the MD and MG Zoning Destinations. MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved to approve Ordinance 2007-02. Motion seconded by Councilmember Hanna-Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried.


                Councilmember Davis stated that he is a relative to the person presenting the next item. The Mayor and City Attorney both agreed that this was not a conflict of interest as there will not be a financial gain to him from this item. Councilmember Davis stayed for the meeting.


4.             PRICE CITY WATER MAIN

                Dave O’Brien would like to connect to a Price City water main for a future 75 lot subdivision. He will need concept approval for the water connection before the subdivision can even be considered. Gary Sonntag stated that the water supply and pressure were sufficient for this tie in to the water main as the connection would be tied to a 10 million gallon supply tank. The current line was built to handle a growth in the City limits until the year 2030. Mr. Sonntag has spoken to Mr. O’Brien regarding this project on a concept level and understands the water will be gravity fed and not pumped. Mr. O’Brien agreed to the statement and stated that all of the details for this subdivision have not yet been finalized as this is concept only. The water and sewer issues will be engineered as the project proceeds. This project is outside of City limits and will need to be researched for elevation, pressure and quantity with the City Engineer. Councilmember Nielson had concerns as to whether Price City could meet the supply and demand for volume and pressure of water within City limits for all of the upcoming subdivisions. Price City is equipped to handle the demand of such projects and water rights are sufficient to cover the present and future growth. The only problems that Price City may run into would be the outside water connections. The building and zoning issues would be considered County but Price City would still review for hillside protection areas within ½ mile radius of the City limits. The Mayor and Councilmembers are very supportive of this subdivision and growth to the area. Mayor Piccolo suggested that Mr. O’Brien research the annexation potential for this project. MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved to authorize the Public Works Engineering Department to work with Mr. O’Brien to determine the exact quantity and pressure for the water connection and bring the item back to Council. Councilmember Hanna-Smith seconded motion.

                Motion carried.     



                Dave O’Brien would like to purchase property owned by Price City and asked the Mayor and City Council to review the request. The first property in question is located next to the Price City water tanks west of Pioneer Park. Both pieces of property must be reviewed by Price City for any interest it may have for the property and its value to the City. If the properties were to be sold, they must follow procedure for surplus and auction. Mr. O’Brien would work with the City on both properties if he were to purchase the same regarding easements and/or utilities that may or may not exist. Councilmember McEvoy would like some time to research the value and potential of the properties to Price City. MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved to put the possible sale of the first property in question on unfinished business for staff to research. Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy. Gary Sonntag stated that the water tanks on the first mentioned property are steel tanks that are empty and not being used. There is also a large active water distribution line crossing diagonally on the property. Motion carried.

                The second property in question is located near 6th South and the highway on ramp. This piece of property is considered wetlands and within the 100 year flood plain. Mr. O’Brien is aware of the problems that exist with the property and the procedures that must be followed and would like to continue with the process if possible. MOTION. Councilmember Hanna-Smith moved to place the item on unfinished business for staff to review. Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy. Motion carried.


6.             HOMESTEAD BOULEVARD-Loop Road-UDOT Small Urban Road Project- Bid Results- Gary Sonntag

Gary Sonntag and UDOT Project Manager, Darryl Fryant, presented this item for discussion. A copy of the bid abstract for the Homestead Boulevard Loop Road project was given to all Councilmembers. Nielson Construction was the only company that bid on the project, with a bid of $983,078.00. The bid exceeded the engineer’s estimate by 10% (12.59%), $109,958.00. Three bid items that exceeded the engineer’s estimate by a significant amount included: item 2, Traffic Control $21,000 ($16,400 over); Item 6, Survey $50,000 ($34,500 over); and item 20, Hot Mixed Asphalt (HMA) $331,100 ($51,600 over). It is understood that Nielson Construction bid the project for construction next spring 2008; but, may try to complete it for fall of 2007. The engineer’s estimate for the entire project is $1,334,386.44. Considering the bid results and the overage the project cost would be $1,444,344.44 The Utah Department of Transportation would like Council comments in regards to an analysis of the bids, and to receive confirmation that the City would cover any and all costs that exceed UDOT funding. Nielson Construction has bid on Price City jobs before and has always been very reasonable and reliable. This bid is high and puts the project at approximately $110,000 over the estimate. The bid by Nielson Construction is good until next spring. When this project was originally bid out, the option was given to complete the work in the fall or in the spring of 08’. This was done to add flexibility to the bidding process, but still only one bid was received. Councilmember Hanna-Smith suggested that the company be contacted to make sure the bid is accurate and to continue with the project. MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved to approve the bid by Nielson Construction with Gary Sonntag first contacting the company for bid accuracy. Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and carried.


7.             ORDINANCE-Section 9.52.040- “Posting Hand Bills without Property Owner’s Permission Prohibited”

                Councilmember Hanna-Smith presented this item. The ordiannce prohibits signs and flyers being posted on City poles and property. The law has not been enforced and needs to be reviewed by the Mayor and Council as to whether the ordinance should be rescinded. The public needs to be educated on the ordinance before it can be enforced. The Community Progress Committee suggests rescinding the ordinance with careful review of a different approach.  The ordinance is currently being enforced by the Police Department when flyers block street signs or cover traffic box vents. The Police Chief would like to see the ordinance stay in place and used with discretion. The City Attorney recommended that the ordinance be amended to exclude signs that advertise one time yard and garage sales. The ordinance needs to be amended with a time allowance for signs to hang after an event is complete. MOTION. Councilmember Hanna-Smith moved for staff to draft an amended ordinance for review, that a copy be sent to Community Progress and then to Council in draft form for approval. Motion seconded by Councilmember Davis and carried.





                Councilmember Nielson reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission gave favorable recommendations for the following requests for Conditional Use Permits. This is information only for City Council.


                a. Lot Line Adjustment- 710 East 100 South-Bonnie J Subdivision- Rick Krompel, Owner- Approved Concept and Preliminary with Public Hearings to be held in August, 2007

                b. Rezone- 710 East 100 South- Bonnie J Subdivision- Rick Krompel, Owner- Approved Concept and Preliminary with Public Hearings to be held in August, 2007

                c. Multi-Purpose Building- 200 North Street (Corner) Notre Dame Church, Owners- Concept Only


                CONSENT ITEMS- MOTION. Councilmember Hanna-Smith moved that items #9 through # 16 be approved. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nielson and carried.


9.             MINUTES –

                City Council Meeting- June 27, 2007

                Community Development and Renewal Agency-June 27, 2007

                City Council Workshop- July 6, 2007


10.          OLD CENTRAL SCHOOL- Demolition-Project #5C-2007- Authorization for Final Payment to MKP Enterprises for $24,700.00 for the Demolition and Backfill Work of the Old Central School Building


MKP Enterprise has submitted an invoice for final payment in the amount of $74,600 for the demolition and backfill work at the old central school demolition site. It is recommended that final payment (#2) be approved in the amount of $24,700. The contractor submitted a cashiers check in the amount of $75,000 in lieu of a performance and payment bond. It is recommended that this be released.


11.          WATER DEPARTMENT- Ratification of Emergency Purchase of a Miox Transformer and the purchase of a new Cla-Val Control Valve


The water treatment plant had a Miox transformer break down, that is one of two units that make disinfectant. An emergency purchase was made to secure a new unit at a cost of $3,632.58. This item will come out of budget. A Cla-Val pressure control valve is needed to replace a malfunctioning valve (other brand name) on the main line at 900 North 500 East. This is a specialized piece of equipment. A price quote was received from Mountainland Supply for $3,810.06.  


12.          LIBRARY-Authorization to Create Three (3) Part-Time Positions from One (1) Full Time Position and One (1)  Part Time Position and to Advertise and Hire for Two (2) Open Part-Time Positions.

                Jolynda Varner will be moving from current full time position to a part-time position


13.          POOL- Authorization to Purchase Wave Pool Doors for the Outdoor Pool Bubble-Specialized Equipment- Bids Not Applicable


14.          POOL- Authorization to Advertise and Hire Shift Managers for the Wave Pool


15.          PERSONNEL WAGE ADJUSTMENT – Authorization of Recommended Wage Adjustment for the Human Resource Director


16.          TRAVEL REQUEST-

                Nick Tatton- Grant Writing Institute-Portland, Oregon- September 25-29, 2007- Item Removed

                Kamra Davis-Richfield City Invitational Swim- July 27-28, 2007- Richfield, Utah


17.          PRWID- Update by Councilmember Tatton

·         Water Distribution Analysis- Water delivery from old Wellington Road to airport and proposed subdivision being discussed.

·         Employees borrowing equipment- ongoing issue being discussed.

·         Kathy Dahl’s last day is Friday, July 13, 2007 with a reception from 1-3p.m.

·         An audit will be conducted of PRWID’s finances in view of transition from retiring treasurer to the appointment of a new treasurer.



                a. Committee Review for Street Banners and A-Frame Signs


A committee meeting was held to discuss whether a fee should be charged to hang banners across main street or set A-frame signs up for organizations before an event. The actual cost for this service is quite expensive and Price City needs to decide if it can continue to be offered. It was decided to transfer the A-frame signs to the Travel Bureau for distribution from their office with a transfer agreement between Price City and the Travel Bureau for maintenance and storage. The committee will request input from organizations requesting this service.  

A-frame signs will be removed from the unfinished business portion of the agenda. The banner issue will remain on unfinished business for further review.


                b. Road Audit- 200 and 400 North- 100 E.

                c. Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Improvements on 2nd South


19.          EXECUTIVE SESSION- Closed Meeting- Presented by Gary Sonntag


MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved to close the regular City Council meeting and go into the Executive Session Closed Meeting for a strategy session to discuss the purchase, exchange, or lease of real property. Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy. Motion carried.


Meeting adjourned at 7:31 p.m. for the Executive Session-Closed meeting

Meeting reconvened at 8:20 p.m.


MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved to authorize the City Engineer, Gary Sonntag to begin the negotiation with property owners for a sewer line right of way and return the item to Council. Motion seconded by Councilmember Hanna-Smith Motion carried.


Councilmember McEvoy moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m.





                                                                                                                          Joe L. Piccolo, Mayor





Laurie Tryon, City Recorder