Minutes of The Price City Council Meeting

City Hall: Price, Utah

July 14, 1999, 5:30 p.m.


Roy A. Nikas
Betty P. Wheeler
Joe L. Piccolo
Richard Tatton



Vernon W. Jones, Community Admin.
Joanne Lessar, City Recorder
Pat Larsen, Finance Director
Nick Sampinos, City Attorney
Gary Sonntag, PWD/City Engineer
Keith Wight, Human Resource Dir.
Aleck Shilaos, Chief of Police
Mayor Lou Colosimo
Councilmember Stephen L. Denison
Others Present:
Cameron Campbell
Chris Pehler
Leslie Jewkes
Bren D. Dennis
Adrianne Shorts

Ellis Pierce

Steve Flanagan
Jeanne Thompson
Kirt Rich
Steve Sims
Pat Worley


Robert Potts
Jenifer Jewkes
Michelle Rich
Emily Dart
Pierre A. Moynier


Councilmember Nikas led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll was called with the above members in attendance.


MOTION. In the absence of Mayor Colosimo, Councilmember Piccolo moved that Councilmember Roy A. Nikas be appointed Mayor Protempore. Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.

2. MINUTES - June 23, 1999

MOTION. Councilmember Wheeler moved that the minutes of the June 23, 1999 meeting be approved as written. Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton and carried.

3. BID OPENING - Swimming Pool Air Inflated Membrane Structure - Committee Appointed

The following bids were received for the Swimming Pool Air Inflated Membrane Structure

Item #1 (Air Supported Structure Membrane) Double Skin $131,980.00
Item #2 Tedlar Coating $ 23,000.00
Item #1 (Air Supported Structure Membrane) Double Skin $148,000.00
Item #2 Tedlar Coating $ 18,460.00

MOTION. Councilmember Wheeler moved that a committee consisting of herself, Councilmember Denison, Gary Sonntag, Vern Jones, Pat Larsen, Vern Jones, and Scott McDonald, be appointed to review the bids and given the power to act. Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton and carried.

4. BID OPENING - Class "C" Road Improvements and Bulk Materials -Committee Appointed

The following bids were received for the Class "C" Road Improvements and Bulk Materials:

Item #1 1 1/2" Asphalt $49,000.00
Item #2 Tack Coat 2,100.00 Totals 1 & 2 $51,100.00
Item #3 Excavate Asphalt 3,150.00
Item #4 Surface Course 14,350.00
Item #5 Road Base 1,900.00
Item #6 Density Testing 500.00 Totals 3-6 $19,900.00
Item #7 Crack Sealing 33,600.00 Total 7 $33,600.00
Item #8 Paint Striping 22,800.00 Total 8 $22,800.00
Item #9 Hot Mix 11,000.00 Total 9 $11,000.00
Item #10 Cold Mix 6,600.00 Total 10 $ 6,600.00
Item #11 Base Course 20,000.00 Total 11 $20,000.00 (Picked Up)
Item #12 Base Course 28,000.00 Total 12 $28,000.00(Delivered)
Item #1 NB
Item #2 NB Totals 1 & 2
Item #3 NB
Item #4 NB
Item #5 NB
Item #6 NB Totals 3-6
Item #7 NB Total 7
Item #8 $10,450.00 Total 8 $10,450.00
Item #9 NB Total 9
Item #10 NB Total 10
Item #11 NB Total 11
Item #12 NB Total 12
Item #1 NB
Item #2 NB Totals 1 & 2
Item #3 NB
Item #4 NB
Item #5 NB
Item #6 NB Totals 3-6
Item #7 $33,600.00 Total 7 $33,600.00
Item #8 NB Total 8
Item #9 NB Total 9
Item #10 NB Total 10
Item #11 NB Total 11
Item #12 NB Total 12
Item #1 NB
Item #2 NB Totals 1 & 2
Item #3 NB
Item #4 NB
Item #5 NB
Item #6 NB Totals 3-6
Item #7 NB Total 7
Item #8 NB Total 8
Item #9 NB Total 9
Item #10 NB Total 10
Item #11 $16,800.00 Total 11 $16,800.00
Item #12 $27,000.00 Total 12 $27,000.00
Item #1 NB
Item #2 NB Totals 1 & 2
Item #3 NB
Item #4 NB
Item #5 NB
Item #6 NB Totals 3-6
Item #7 NB Total 7
Item #8 $ 7,600.00 Total 8 $ 7,600.00
Item #9 NB Total 9
Item #10 NB Total 10
Item #11 NB Total 11
Item #12 NB Total 12
Item #1 NB
Item #2 NB Totals 1 & 2
Item #3 NB
Item #4 NB
Item #5 NB
Item #6 NB Totals 3-6
Item #7 NB Total 7
Item #8 $17,100.00 Total 8 $17,100.00
Item #9 NB Total 9
Item #10 NB Total 10
Item #11 NB Total 11
Item #12 NB Total 12
Item #1 $48,090.00
Item #2 .07 Totals 1 & 2 $ 48,090.07
Item #3 1,500.00
Item #4 14,760.00
Item #5 2,760.00
Item #6 300.00 Totals 3-6 $19,620.00
Item #7 60,000.00 Total 7 $60,000.00
Item #8 NB Total 8
Item #9 10,600.00 Total 9 $10,600.00
Item #10 6,200.00 Total 10 $ 6,200.00
Item #11 17,600.00 Total 11 $17,600.00
Item #12 32,000.00 Total 12 $32,600.00

MOTION. Councilmember Piccolo moved that a committee consisting of Councilmembers Nikas and Denison, Gary Sonntag, Pat Larsen, and Harold Valdez, be appointed to review the bids and given the power to act. Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton and carried.

5. BID OPENING - Trailer Type Tack Distributor - Struck


Joanne Lessar conducted the swearing in of the following Youth City Council.

Chris Pehler - Youth City Mayor
Emily Dart - Youth City Councilmember
Michelle Rich - Youth City Councilmember
Adrianne Shorts - Youth City Councilmember
Jenifer Jewkes - Youth City Councilmember


MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved that verbal action by the Council to place a half page advertisement in the program for the Rocky Mountain Coal Mine Rescue Association Contest be ratified. Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.


Steve Sims, representing the Carbon County Push and Pull Invitational Weightlifting Tournament, requested a contribution for this event. The event is sponsored by the Carbon County Travel Bureau and the College of Eastern Utah. Mr. Sims feels this event has a potential to bring many people to this area. MOTION. Councilmember Piccolo moved that $500 be contributed. Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.

9. CARBON COUNTRY CLUB GOLF COURSE - Request For Contribution - Tabled

Ellis Pierce, Pierre Moynier, and Pat Worley, requested that the Council consider contributing a portion of the Transient Room Tax (tourism) funds to the Carbon Country Club Golf Course. The funds will be used to make improvements at the golf course. They feel Price City is a benefactor of the golf course as the majority of people that come to the golf course stay in motels located in Price and eat in the restaurants. They recently constructed a new golf cart staging and storage area and are in the process of putting in a new putting and practice area. Councilmember Piccolo felt the Council could support this request if they knew what projects the funds would be used for and possibly review their past and current budget. MOTION. Councilmember Piccolo moved that a committee comprised of himself, Councilmember Tatton, Pat Larsen, Vern Jones, Ellis Pierce, Buck Moynier, and Pat Worley, be appointed to review the request and report back to the Council. Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried. Councilmember Piccolo was appointed Chairman.

MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved that the meeting adjourn and that a meeting of the Redevelopment Agency convene. Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.

Meeting adjourned at 6:32 p.m.

Redevelopment Meeting Minutes

Reconvened at 6:36 p.m.

10. CARBON COUNTY SEARCH AND RESCUE - Rental Fees Waived For Washington Park Pavilion

MOTION. Councilmember Wheeler moved that rental fees be waived for use of the Washington Park Pavilion by the Carbon County Search and Rescue Association, that a $25 deposit be charged for cleaning and that it be refunded if it is left clean. Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton and carried.

11. CATHY SANTI - Special Event Beer Permit - Tabled

Joanne Lessar reported that Kathy Santi has submitted a request for a special event beer permit for a wedding to be held at 11 West Main, formerly Mallards. The Council questioned if this could be approved if the building is vacant and if it would qualify for occupancy. MOTION. Councilmember Piccolo moved that the item be tabled for further review. Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.

12. CHIP SEAL PROGRAM - Coordination With Carbon County

Mayor Protem Nikas reported that Price City will be able to work with the Carbon County Road Department on chip sealing projects for next year. The City will pay for the rock chips and oil. The County will place the material on the selected roads. The costs for this will be paid by Class "C" Road funds. In addition, Carbon County has made available to the City, their asphalt tack distributor trailer and equipment. Carbon County also did some patch work for the City on Airport Road.


Councilmember Piccolo reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission gave a favorable recommendation to the following home occupied businesses.

MOTION. Councilmember Piccolo moved that the businesses be approved upon payment of the business license fees. Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.

14. CASTLE COUNTRY BAPTIST CHURCH - Conditional Use Permit

Councilmember Piccolo reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission gave a favorable recommendation to the Castle Country Baptist Church to change the building located at 295 South Highway 55 from a medical office for usage by the church. MOTION. Councilmember Piccolo moved that the request be approved and that a Conditional Use Permit be issued. Motion seconded by councilmember Tatton and carried.

15. PAPA MURPHY'S PIZZA - Conditional Use Permit - Referred Back To Planning and Zoning Commission

Councilmember Piccolo reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission gave a favorable recommendation for a Conditional Use Permit for Papa Murphy's Pizza at 704 East Main. There was a lengthy discussion regarding the plans presented by Rick Krompel, owner of the business. The day after the meeting, Councilmember Piccolo stated that he contacted Gary Sonntag to review the plans. Gary reported that they were not sufficient; there was no soil testing, no engineered plans and no sampling manholes. MOTION. In view of the above, Councilmember Piccolo moved that this be referred back to the Planning and Zoning Commission until proper building plans are submitted, and that a stop work order be issued to Mr. Krompel until he meets the standard criteria, which involves the soil testing, engineered plans and sampling manholes. Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton and carried.

16. STREET CLOSURE - 300 West Street 200 North - Approved

Councilmember Piccolo reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the street closure at 300 West 200 North Street. In an earlier meeting, Jeff Richens requested the street closure, which the City approved. However, at the last meeting, Roger Hunt and Wayne Hunt voiced their objection to the closure due to access into their back driveway. At that time, the Council recommended that the street closure be tabled for further review. After review by Mr. Sampinos, it was recommended that the existing gate at the top of the hill be relocated to a point south of that location (down the hill) and immediately north of the driveway into the Wayne Hunt property. The roadway south of the gate's new location could then be vacated by the City, which would accommodate the needs of Jeff Richens. The concerns of Wayne Hunt and Roger Hunt could be addressed in that access into the Wayne Hunt driveway could still be allowed by a written easement to the Hunts by Price City. MOTION. Councilmember Piccolo moved that the street closure be approved, that the gate be placed per the above recommendation, and that staff be directed to prepare the easement. Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried. It was suggested that reflective tape be placed on the gate and that a sign be erected indicating a dead end and pedestrian way only.


Vern Jones presented a contract with the Utah Department of Transportation for a Pedestrian Safety Grant for sidewalks in East Price. The grant is in the amount of $3,400.00. MOTION. Councilmember Wheeler moved that the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized to execute the contract. Motion seconded by Councilmember Piccolo and carried.

18. RESOLUTION #99-17 - Execution and Delivery Of A Power Supply Agreement With Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems


Vern Jones presented Resolution #99-17, authorizing the execution and delivery of a Power Supply Agreement with Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems and related matters. He also presented an agreement with the Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems, which sets forth the terms and conditions upon which UAMPS will sell and the City will purchase firm power and energy from certain sources as provided. MOTION. Councilmember Piccolo moved that Resolution #99-17 be approved, that the agreement with UAMPS be approved, and that the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized to sign the resolution and agreement. Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.


Vern Jones presented an agreement with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which pertains to a matching grant (75/25) in the amount of $5,000 that the City received in order to prepare a plan for flood control along Meads Wash. In addition, FEMA informed him that they have an additional $5,000 in technical assistance money to help complete the plan. Mr. Jones requested permission to execute the agreement for the grant and to submit a request for the technical assistance money. MOTION. Councilmember Piccolo moved that the grant be accepted, that the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized to execute the grant, and that Mr. Jones be authorized to submit a request for the technical assistance money. Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton and carried.


Gary Sonntag reported that the committee appointed to review the bids received for the Water System Expansion Project IV, Phase IV, awarded the contract to High Mountain Excavation of Salt Lake City, Utah for the bid amount of $385,907.56.

21. CDBG 1999 ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROJECT, #2C-99 - Contract Awarded

Gary Sonntag reported that the committee appointed to review the bids received for the CDBG 1999 Road Construction Project awarded the contract to Minchey Digging of Cleveland, Utah, for the bid amount of $70,984.50.

22. VOUK SUBDIVISION - Partial Release #2 Of Cashiers Check

Gary Sonntag reported that the Vouk Subdivision recently completed work on their concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk and is eligible for a partial release of their cashiers check in the amount of $15,110.00. MOTION. Councilmember Piccolo moved that the partial release be approved. Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.

23. NICK BLACK, TARA JENSEN - Partial Release #2 Of Escrow Funds

Gary Sonntag reported that Nick Black and Tara Jensen have completed the required sidewalk installation at their housing development and are eligible for a partial release of funds from escrow in the amount of $855.00. MOTION. Councilmember Piccolo moved that the partial release be approved. Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.

24. CARBON DISPATCH CENTER - Interlocal Agreement

Nick Sampinos reported that he and Aleck Shilaos had some concerns pertaining to the language in an interlocal agreement for dispatch services. He wrote to the State of Utah asking that it be changed per their recommendation. The State responded back to him indicating that all other entities in the county has approved the agreement and that they were not interested in changing the existing language and if they did, it would take months. The State indicated that this agreement is for only a year and that next year they would allow more time to review the documents. MOTION. After further discussion, Councilmember Piccolo moved that the agreement, as it is, not be signed, but that the State be made aware that Price City is more than willing to be a member and would pay their fair share. Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton and carried.

25. CARBON METRO DRUG TASK FORCE - Interlocal Agreement

Nick Sampinos reported that the Carbon/Emery County Drug Task Force is being disassembled so that each county can have their own drug task force. An interlocal agreement (Carbon Metro Drug Task Force) between Price City, Helper City, Wellington City, and the Carbon County Sheriff has been prepared. Police Chief Shilaos and Lt. Shook are in close contact with the State and working with them for the purpose of establishing a grant that will properly fund both organizations. Mr. Sampinos stated that the agreement is basically the same agreement used for the Carbon/Emery Drug Task Force. MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved that the interlocal agreement for the Carbon Metro Drug Task force be approved. Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.


27. CERTIFIED TAX RATE - .002676

Pat Larsen reported that the Certified Tax Rate for this year is .002676. This rate will generate $547,470.00 in taxes, which is an increase of $37,000.00 over last year. MOTION. Councilmember Piccolo moved that the tax rate be approved. Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.

28. FUND TRANSFERS - Approved

Pat Larsen presented the following fund transfers and asked that they be approved.

MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved that the fund transfers be approved. Motion seconded by Councilmember Piccolo and carried.

29. RESOLUTION - Policy for Standards For Grooming and A Dress Code - Tabled

Keith Wight presented a draft of a resolution adopting a policy for standards for grooming and a dress code for all employees of Price City. It was recommended that before the resolution is adopted, that the dress code be discussed with department supervisors. MOTION. Councilmember Piccolo moved that the item be tabled for further review. Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.

30. SID HANSEN - Tabled

Keight Wight reported that he has prepared a letter to Sid Hansen accepting his resignation. He plans to deliver the letter, explain the COBRA insurance benefit and conduct an exit interview. It was recommended that prior to delivery of the letter, that Mr. Wight visit Mr. Hansen and try to resolve the issue regarding his resignation. The letter could be presented to him at a later date. MOTION. Councilmember Piccolo moved that the item be tabled until Mr. Wight can visit Mr. Hansen. Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton and carried.

31. LORETTA LOBATO - Resignation Accepted

LIBRARY AIDE - Permission To Advertise

Keight Wight reported that Loretta Lobato, Library Aide, has submitted her resignation. He requested permission to advertise for her replacement. MOTION. Councilmember Wheeler moved that the resignation be accepted effective July 31st and that Mr. Wight be authorized to advertise for her replacement. Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton and carried.

32. DELL CLOWARD - Retirement Accepted

SENIOR CARPENTER - Permission To Advertise

Keith Wight reported that Dell Cloward, Senior Carpenter, has submitted his plans to retire effective August 2, 1999. He requested permission to advertise for his replacement. MOTION. Councilmember Wheeler moved that the retirement be accepted and that Mr. Wight be authorized to advertise inhouse for his replacement. Motion seconded by Councilmember Piccolo and carried.

33. SWIMMING POOL - Pay Changes Approved

Keith Wight reported that the pay changes for Lifeguards at the swimming pool were approved two months ago along with changes in job descriptions and as part of the budget for FY1999/2000. MOTION. Councilmember Piccolo moved that the pay changes be approved. Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.

34. SWIMMING POOL - Permission To Advertise For Sr. Lifeguards At Pool, Schools And Newspaper And To Establish A New Roster

Keight Wight requested permission to advertise for Sr. Lifeguards at various places, such as the pool, schools, and the newspaper and to establish a new roster. MOTION. Councilmember Wheeler moved that the request be granted. Motion seconded by Councilmember Piccolo and carried.

35. DENNIS HAYES - Reclassification Approved

Keith Wight requested permission to reclassify Dennis Hayes, Street Dept., Laborer, from Temporary/FT to Permanent/FT. MOTION. Councilmember Piccolo moved that the reclassification be approved. Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton and carried.

36. STREET DEPARTMENT LABORER - Permission To Advertise

MOTION. Councilmember Piccolo moved that permission be given to advertise for a Street Department Laborer, Temporary/FT. Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.

37. KEN HARNEY, ROBERT POTTS - Reclassifictions Approved

SUDA MERRIMAN, LYLE BAUER - Wage Adjustments Approved

NORMA PROCARIONE - Reclassification - Tabled

Keith Wight discussed reclassifications that were approved in the budget for FY1999/2000 for Suda Merriman, Lyle Bauer, Ken Harney, and Robert Potts. After the budget was finalized, Norma Procarione submitted a request for reclassification due to attainment of her Masters Degree. The Council discussed the procedure for reclassifications and the need to conduct evaluations and prepare new job descriptions. MOTION. Councilmember Piccolo moved that the reclassifications for Ken Harney and Robert Potts be approved effective July 1, 1999, and that wage adjustments be approved for Suda Merriman and Lyle Bauer effective July 1, 1999, contingent upon a satisfactory performance evaluation and review of the job description. Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton and carried.

MOTION. Councilmember Piccolo moved that the reclassification for Norma Procarione be tabled as it was not a budgeted item. Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.


Keith Wight presented information and discussed the definition of a Volunteer Fireman. The Council will review the information.

39. FREELANCE PROPERTIES - Request For Separate Water Meters

Councilmember Piccolo directed Gary Sonntag to review the request for separate water meters for the Freelance Properties owned by Jim Pulli and Ron Wadsworth located at 709 East 2nd North, and to prepare a cost for the installation of the water main and meters.


Gary Sonntag reported that he contacted the local propane dealer, Searle's Sav On Propane, regarding the conversion of gas to propane at the swimming pool. Searle's is willing to look at our system, however, they indicated that the main boiler for the pool water and main heater for the bubble cannot be retrofitted by putting in new jets. It is an air blended system. It could cost as much as $20,000 to change the system. He will continue to find out as much as possible and get a firm estimate. The Council questioned whether the pool could use compressed natural gas instead of propane.

Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.