PRESENT:           Commissioners:                                  

                                Larry Bruno, Chairman                     Nick Tatton, Community Director

                                Ed Shook                                              Laurie Tryon, City Recorder                            

                Robert Richens   

                Kathy Hanna-Smith

                Frankie Sacco

                Alfred Richens

                Gary Lyon



                OTHERS PRESENT: Amanda Alderson, Carrie White, Keith Cox, April Childs, Lisa Reich and Ray




                Chairman Bruno led the Pledge of Allegiance


II             ROLL CALL


III           MINUTES OF AUGUST 25, 2008

              Commissioner Hanna-Smith moved to approve the minutes of August 25, 2008 as presented. Motion

              seconded by Commissioner Lyon and carried.


IV           PUBLIC COMMENT ON AGENDA ITEMS- No public comment presented




                MOTION. Commissioner Shook moved to open the public hearing at 6:01 p.m. Motion seconded by

              Commissioner Lyon and carried.

              Three property owners living in the 500 N. 300 E. area provided comments to the Commission.

              1.  Lisa Reich stated that the area on 300 East near Cove Basin is already congested from traffic and

                   speeding vehicles and she is not in favor of the added traffic associated with the subdivision or the

                   proposed zone change.

                2.  Ray Jensen stated that he does not want new homes added to the area if it they are going to have smaller

                   lots, smaller homes or homes that are not of the same quality that exists in the current Cove Basin area.

                   He stated that the reason he moved to the area was because modular and mobile homes were not allowed

                   and certain criteria should be consistent to the overall area.

                3.  Carrie White stated that she is concerned about the water pressure getting worse if more homes are built

                    in the area. She stated that the water pressure is of poor quality and needs to be reviewed by the City.

                    Mrs. White also stated that she had purchased an extra twenty feet (20’) of property when she built her

                    home on 200 East a few years back and presented an agreement that indicated she would not be

                    responsible for the completion of the curb, gutter, road and sidewalk for the 20 feet of property. She

                    stated that the agreement indicates that the next developers would be responsible for the public

                    improvements. Nick Tatton stated that he would look into the issue. Mrs. White provided Mr.

                    Tatton with a copy of the property information. Commissioners assured the three property owners that

                    all of the information would be taken into consideration when the developers for Cave Hollow

                    Subdivision came forth with a preliminary and final approval for the actual subdivision. Commissioner

                    Hanna-Smith recommended that the speeding and traffic issue for the area be reviewed separately with

                    a traffic study.


              The purpose of the public hearing was to consider a rezone to the 1500 N. 300 E. area containing the newly

              proposed subdivision of Cave Hollow. The re-zone would zone the entire area R1-8 to match the existing

              adjoining area zones. The size of the lots, homes and criteria for the design of the homes will be discussed

              during the preliminary and final stages of the Cave Hollow subdivision during a Planning and Zoning



                Keith Cox representing Dayspring Developers stated that the public hearing was set for zoning change and

              setback requirements necessary to complete the proposed subdivision. He stated that he is very concerned

              with the information brought forth tonight by adjoining property owners and will take all of the information

              into consideration during the preliminary and final stages of the proposed subdivision development.  Mr.

              Cox stated that as it is designed, Cave Hollow will comply with an SF-8 zone and he wants to make

              sure that the new development stays consistent through the entire area.  He stated that he will only do what

              was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission during the concept stage. He stated that he is not

              trying to impact or effect the quality of life in the area or the value of the homes that exist now. No further

              public commend was received. MOTION. Commissioner Hanna-Smith moved to close the meeting at 6:24

              p.m. Motion seconded by Commissioner R. Richens and carried.




                Dayspring Developers requested consideration of a rezone of the property at approximately 1500 North 300

              East, known as the Cave Hollow Subdivision. The property is currently zoned Residential 1-12 (R1-12), the

              rezone would potentially zone the property Residential 1-8 (R1-8). Land uses in each of the residential

              zones is not changed, minimum lot size to accommodate the potential residential development is the

              nature of the re-zone request. Mr. Nielson notified all property owners within 300’ of the subject property

              by registered mail, copies of the mailings were received by Price City. A Public Hearing for the City

              Council is scheduled for September 9, 2008. Keith Cox of Dayspring Developers stated that the subdivision

              will remain consistent with the Cave Hollow subdivision with lot and home size and home quality. Mr. Cox

              agreed to consider traffic studies, restrictive covenants on home construction and design and water pressure

              improvements as conditions of his potential future subdivision request for final approval. ACCEPTANCE:

              The Commission confirmed the acceptance and understanding of the approval conditions by Keith Cox.

              MOTION. Commissioner R. Richens moved to recommend approval the re-zone from R1-12 to R1-8 for

              Dayspring Development, for Chairman Bruno and the City Recorder to sign a resolution recommending the

              re-zone on behalf of the Price City Planning and Zoning Commission, and lot size restrictions listed within

              the plat drawings from Byrd and Associates #2007-12 (dated July 2006) be recorded as a condition of

              recommended approval. Motion seconded by Commissioner A. Richens and carried.




              ALDERSON, OWNER

                In December of 2007, the Planning and Zoning Commission (Commission) provided concept approval to

              Amanda Alderson for Amanda’s All Star Cheerleading, a new development to be located at 1317 East

              Nielson Lane, situated within the Commercial 1 (C-1) zoning district. Mrs. Alderson was given a copy of

              the requested items to be completed for preliminary approval. This development was started under the

              previous version of the Land Use Development and Management Code, while the zone designation name

              changed, the development requirements present at the time of application are the requirements that must be

              followed. Different options for parking are still in design and Mrs. Alderson stated that she is still working

              with surrounding property owners on parking options. Chairman Bruno stated that a dumpster enclosure is

              a requirement. Mrs. Alderson stated that she has not purchased the property and is waiting for the site plan

              and building to be approved in final by Price City before she moves forward with the purchase. She stated

              that the building will have two or three businesses included, all related by fitness, tumbling and

              cheerleading and will make sure that each business has its own license. Mrs. Alderson stated that the

              drainage issues will be taken care of by the engineer before final approval. Nick Tatton stated that fire

              protection will be a building permit issue. Mrs. Alderson stated that she will install a 6’ chain link slatted

              fence. Staff recommends preliminary approval with the following conditions that were read aloud by

              Chairman Bruno: 

·         Finalized site plan.  The site plan has been revised and is ready for preliminary approval.  Remaining items to be included on the site plan are:  indication of 6’ sight obscuring fence on east side (and perhaps south side of parking lot at north end of development) of development with landscaping; dumpster enclosure.  There is also an indication that an easement or property swap may need to be completed prior to final approval.  Final review of finalized site plan by Price City Public Works Department necessary prior to final approval.

·         Contact of PRWID.  Completed.

·         Environmental statement.  Completed.

·         Storm water management plan.  A storm water management and control plan, concurred with by the Price City Engineer is not evident in the application materials.  This must be completed prior to final approval.

·         Development Agreement.  The pubic infrastructure development agreement must be completed prior to final approval.

·         Geotechnical report.  A geotechnical report used for the development of the Airport Mall adjacent to the development has been procured by the applicant and submitted with the permission of the report owner.  The Price City Engineer needs to review and concur with the report or an individual report will be required.  This matter must be resolved prior to final approval.

·         Final signage plan submitted to the Price City Planning Department for review and approval.

·         Notification of neighbors in writing.  Completed.

·         Soil Report

                ACCEPTANCE: The Commission confirmed the acceptance and understanding of the approval conditions

              by Amanda Alderson. MOTION. Commissioner Hanna-Smith moved to grant preliminary approval

              Amanda Alderson. Motion seconded by Commissioner Shook and carried.



                                1.  Pinnacle Canyon Academy:

                                      a. Completion of off street parking requirements by 7-1-09

                                2.  Conditional Use Permit- Additional Info. Requested (10-13-08) - Circle H, LLC.


                UPDATE: The Commissioners met at 5:30 p.m. and visited the GCR Tire site on Carbon Avenue as a group to follow-up on recommendations at the last meeting of the commission.


Meeting adjourned at 6:56 p.m. by Chairman Bruno pursuant to a motion by Commissioner Hanna-Smith.




APPROVED: _________________________                  ATTEST: ________________________

                       Larry Bruno, Chairman                                                      Laurie Tryon, City Recorder