Minutes of the Price City Council Meeting

City Hall: Price, Utah

October 8, 2008 at 5:30 p.m.



Mayor Joe L. Piccolo                       Gary Sonntag, Public Works Director

Councilmembers:                             Aleck Shilaos, Police Chief

Jeff Nielson                                           John Daniels, Human Resource Director

Rick Davis                                            Pat Larsen, Finance Director

Kathy Hanna-Smith                           Laurie Tryon, City Recorder            

Richard Tatton                                    Nick Tatton, Community Director                  

Jeanne McEvoy                                  


Excused Absence: Nick Sampinos, City Attorney

Others Present: Lynnda Johnson


Mayor Piccolo led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll was called with the above Councilmembers and staff in attendance.


1.             PUBLIC COMMENT- No public comment was received.


2.             COUNCILMEMBERS REPORT -The Mayor and Councilmembers presented an update on the

               activities and functions in which they have participated.


3.             DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT- RESOLUTION 2008-17Authorization to Approve a Demand Side Management (DSM) Plan and Budget Including the DSM Charge


                Councilmember Hanna-Smith requested more information from Nick Tatton regarding the Demand Side Management Plan (DSM) expenditures. Nick Tatton stated that the $120,000 proposed annual budget would come from the $2.25 per month user charge that would be implemented in the plan. Nick Tatton stated that the cost associated with the program and to move forward with the DSM plan with a resolution as presented for Council consideration. Mayor Piccolo stated that another resolution may be put into place when funding for the program is set. He stated that January of 2009 may be a more appropriate time to set the program in place because the funding will be available. He suggested placing a cap on the $120,000 annual budget in case the funding is not completely used. Mayor Piccolo stated that the project would continue in perpetuity for budget consideration as a normal line item. Councilmember Hanna-Smith stated that education of the program will be the key factor in its implementation and success and she is concerned with the time frame to educate citizens as the City only has a few months until the end of the year. Pat Larsen stated that the $50,000 estimated for lending should be taken out of the $120,000 because that amount is a receivable not an expenditure.

                Nick Tatton stated that he will manage the DSM program. Mayor Piccolo stated that it should be reviewed as to which departments will be used to manage the program. Gary Sonntag stated that the program should be budgeted ahead of time so that it can be split between departments if needed. Nick Tatton stated that the program revenue will utilize a restricted fund and cannot be used for anything other than for its own use. The program will be reviewed annually and can be amended or stopped at any time. Mayor Piccolo stated that before the Council makes a final decision, they need to evaluate the economy and its changes, the Siemens audit and its results, COLA benefits for retirees, weed abatement programs etc. He stated that with so many projects at one time, the City needs to be clear about the decisions regarding available funding. He stated that he is in support of the DSM and would like to see it implemented but needs to be sure that it can be funded before making a decision. MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved to adopt the Demand Side Management Resolution 2008 with a monthly charge of $2.25 be added to customer’s utility bills not to exceed $120,000 annually. Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy. Question was then heard on motion with additional information and a substitute motion was made. MOTION. Councilmember Tatton questioned the motion after additional discussion and moved to add the following information requested by Councilmember Hanna-Smith and Mayor Piccolo: Councilmember Hanna-Smith requested more information and clarification to make a decision. Mayor Piccolo would like the advice of the City Attorney on the wording of the resolution and the resolution be brought back to Council for consideration at the next meeting. Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy. The item was denied with the following votes:


                Councilmember Hanna-Smith- Naye                             Councilmember Davis-Naye

                Councilmember Nielson-Naye                                          Councilmember Tatton-Aye

                Councilmember McEvoy- Aye




October 8, 2008


CONSENT AGENDA - Councilmember McEvoy moved to approve items #4 through #24 with item #24 (item 13 as listed on agenda) removed for discussion. Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton and carried.


4.             MINUTES

                September 24, 2008 City Council Meeting

                October 3, 2008 City Council Workshop


5.             ELECTRICAL INFRASTRUCTURE- Authorization to Review the Statements of Qualifications and Award the Project


6.             LIBRARY- Authorization to have Mayor Piccolo Sign an Agreement with the Senior Service Employment Program (SCSEP) on Behalf of Price City


7.             BUSINESS LICENSE- Authorization to Approve a Business License for Main Street Apartments Located at 41 West Main, Randy Timothy, Owner


8.             FEE WAIVER- Authorization to Waive the Building Permit Fees for Three (3) Roof Replacements on Carbon County Buildings


9.             FEE REFUND REQUEST- Authorization to Refund a Variance Committee Meeting Fee Paid on Behalf of Steve and Amy Nielson by the Castle Valley Center Citing that the Variance Was Not Approved


10.          STREET CLOSURE- Authorization for Downtown Alive to Close Main Street from 100 East to 100 West (Except the Carbon Avenue Intersection) on Saturday, October 25, 2008 from 5 a.m. until 4 p.m. for the 2008 Spooktacular Event


11.          CLASS ‘C’ ROADS- Authorization to Pay Hot Asphalt a Final Payment (#2) of $11,200 for the Completion of Work, Applying Sealant to Road Payment Cracks in the City. Payment#1 was $14,400 for a Total of $25,600 with No Change Orders

                Hot Asphalt has completed all of the required work to apply sealant to road pavement cracks in the City. Payment #1, $14,400 (material); Payment #2 (final) $11,200.  Total project $25,600. No change orders.


12.          UTILITY BILL- Authorization to Place a Yearly Updated Informational Flyer in the Utility Bills Regarding Business License Requirements and Frequently Used Phone Numbers for Citizens


13.          MONTEZUMA CREEK WET LANDS MITIGATION- Authorization to Accept the Montezuma Creek Wet Lands Mitigation Project Near the North Bank Price River Area Downstream of the 300 West River Bridge

                Jones & Demille Engineering approached the City representing a project they are doing on Montezuma Creek

               near Bluff, Utah, inquiring if the City would be interested in hosting a mitigation site. The suggested City site

               is on the Price River, north bank, immediately downstream of the 300 West river bridge. Should the project

               go through it would be funded by $40-50,000 at no cost to the City. The City Council was polled for

               acceptance. Acceptance was conditioned upon there being no cost to the City, no impact to other City land,

               improvements or its utilities and that all permitting and approvals are received.


14.          UTAH DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (UDOT) - Authorization to Accept the Reimbursement Agreement from UDOT for 18-Inch Water Pipeline Relocation

                UDOT is planning to continue its road work on US6. The location of a fill site will negatively impact the

              City’s 18 inch water pipeline from the Colton Springs. UDOT has agreed to reimburse the City for its

              expenditures to relocate approximately 1,381 feet of pipeline. The estimated cost is $343,000 (to be

              reimbursed by UDOT).


15.          EATON ARCHITECTURE, INC.- Authorization to Enter Into An Architectural Services Agreement and Task Order #1 and #2 with Eaton Architecture, Inc.

                To better facilitate the design of projects involving buildings and site improvement, it is proposed that the

                City enter into an Architectural Services Agreement and Task Order #1, PWC Reconstruction-Roof, not to

               exceed $15,000 (budgeted, CIB) and Task Order #2, conceptual drawings on wave pool permanent structure,

               not to exceed $4,000 (budgeted, Eng.).


16.          AERIAL BUCKET TRUCK- Authorization to Purchase a Used 1997 GMC Aerial Bucket Truck from Los Angeles City Surplus Stock, for Staff Members to Retrieve the Truck from California and to then Declare the City’s 1985 Chevy Bucket Truck Surplus to Sell

                The Mayor and Council were polled on September 24, 2008 for permission to purchase a used 1997 GMC

             October 8, 2008

              aerial (bucket) truck to replace the City’s 1985 Chev bucket truck (unit #3210). Staff’s recommendation was

              based on a review of replacement options that included: contract services, rental, used and new equipment.

              The option selected was a used truck. The truck is from the Los Angeles City surplus stock. This particular

              vehicle is part of a planned rotation (not being sold due to deterioration). The purchase price is $22,500

              (includes minor repair and painting the vehicle). This is a non budgeted unexpected urgent purchase. The

              transaction will take place with LA City or its designee.  The vehicle has been inspected by an independent

              mechanic and found to be in good condition.  It will be necessary to go to California and pick up the vehicle.

              Staff will review and select an option to either drive or fly. Further, it is proposed that the City’s old bucket

              truck #3210 be declared surplus and sold.


17.          SOUTH PARK IMPROVEMENTS- Authorization to Make a Final Payment (#3) to B. Hansen Construction for the South Park Community Development Block Grant Improvements

                B. Hansen Construction has completed the South Park CDBG improvements. Change Orders were necessary to reflect adjustments and as-built: #1, $7,509.99 (elec, conc. Wk); #2 <$14,717.21> (prev pd.sand grav.); #3, $2,000 (adj. sand reduc. >25%). Partial Payment #1, $120,519.39; partial payment  #2, $3,643.22; Payment #3 Final, $3,254.17.  Project total $127,416.78.


18.          WASHINGTON PARK- The City Purchased 389 Tons of Mortar Sand and 14.8 Tons of Drain Gravel for $14,142.51 from B. Hansen Construction for use at the Washington Park


19.          JONES AND DEMILLE ENGINEERING- Authorization for an Addendum (#05-07) to the Price River Trail Pre-Design Work with Jones and Demille Engineering for an Increase of $8,000 to the Working Budget of $2,000 for a Total of $10,000 to Cover Pre-Design Work to Secure Encroachment Permitting, to Hold a Neighborhood Open House on the Project and for Any Unforeseen Issues (Unbudgeted- Draw from Fund Balance).

                It is necessary to perform pre-design work on the Price River Trail to secure encroachment permitting and

               hold a neighborhood open house on the project. There is currently a working budget of $2,000. It is proposed

               that there be an increase of $8,000 for a total of $10,000 to cover this item and other unforeseen issues

               (unbudgeted, draw from Fund Balance).


20.          CAREER LADDER PROMOTIONS- Authorization for Career Ladder Promotion to Trevor Lindt from Laborer to Operator I


21.          TRAVEL REQUEST-

                Nick Tatton- Subdivision and Annexation Training- December 1, 2008- SLC

                Fleet Department- One or Two Employees- Bucket Truck Pick Up- Los Angeles, CA-

                Scott Olsen- APWA Public Fleet Management Workshop- October 22-24, 2008- Dallas, Texas

                J. Scott Olsen requests permission to attend the APWA Public Fleet Management Workshop in Dallas, Texas

                on October 22-24, 2008 (traveling on Oct. 21 & 25). The workshop includes instruction to be a better fleet

                manager by integrated planning; customer service; best practices for budgeting, maintenance, purchasing,

              acquisition, replacement, disposal; fuel consumption; parts management; and safety management. Estimated

              cost $1,611.05.


                Fleet Department, Pick up Bucket Truck in L.A., California.

                Explanation: It will be necessary to pick up the bucket truck purchased from Los Angeles City, in California.

              Travel may be either by land or air by one or two employees. The purchased truck will be driven back to

              Price at an estimated cost of approximately, $1,450.


22.          PEACE GARDEN- Authorization for Bruno Engineering to Complete the Electrical Design for the Following Two (2) Projects: Emergency Power Generators (City Hall, IS Department, Police Station, Public Works Complex), $7,838 (budget, CIB) and Peace Garden Design (Electrical Upgrade, Receptacles, Lighting and Sound), $1,890 (Budget, elec.) No Change Orders


23.          GRANT APPLICATION- Authorization for the City to Apply for a Grant Through the Coca-Cola Company

               National Recycling Coalition Bin Grant Program


24.          INCENTIVE FEE SCHEDULE- Authorization to Adopt a Proposed Incentive Building Permit Fee Schedule for the New West Price Travel and Tourism Community Development Project Area

                Councilmember Hanna-Smith requested clarification on the proposed fee schedule. Nick Tatton described two options for the Mayor and City Council to choose from including a three (3) tiered incentive program and a two (2) tier system (that has removed a refundable option). Nick Tatton stated that the incentive is to support economic growth through a limited, one-time, incentive reducing the amount of a building permit fee for

October 8, 2008

              commercial projects in the new West Price Travel and Tourism Community Development Project area. Mayor Piccolo stated that he thought the idea was a good one and thanked Mr. Tatton for working with developers to encourage them to build in Price City. The Mayor requested an accountability report from Nick Tatton to show why and how the incentive worked for

               each development. MOTION. Councilmember Hanna-Smith moved to approve option 2 with administrative implementation flexibility for the incentive building permit fee schedule. Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton and carried.


25.          PRWID-Councilmember Tatton reported on the happenings of the last PRWID meeting.


26.          WATER RESOURCES- Gary Sonntag reminded the Mayor and City Council that a hearing is scheduled at

              the Division of Natural Resource building on Oct. 30, 2008 at 2 p.m. before the Utah State Engineer on the

              Price City water right change application.


27.          COMMUNITY PROGRESS by Councilmember Hanna-Smith

·         Will meet at Highway 10 for a billboard project on October 9, 2008

·         Peace Garden year round power- secured a bid from Bruno Electric

·         Halloween decoration judging contest for business and residents


28.          POWER BOARD- by Councilmember Davis

·         Next meeting- October 22, 2008- 1:30 p.m.



·         October 14, 2008- Meet with Brianna Welch to discuss minutes and create an agreement for the inflatable movie screen



                a. Committee Review for Street Banners

                b. Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Improvements on 2nd South

                c. Basso Dino-Mine Playground

                d. Animal Control- Cove Basin Park

                e. Demand Side Management Program

                f. New Library Project

                g. Water Issue- 100 South 400-500 East

                h. Pedestrian Safety- Castle Valley Center

                i.  Fire Station


Councilmember Tatton moved to open the Community Development and Renewal Agency meeting at 7:12 p.m.

Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and carried.


Regular City Council meeting re-adjourned from the Community Development and Renewal Agency meeting at 7:18



City Council meeting adjourned at 7:39 p.m. by Mayor Piccolo pursuant to the motion by Councilmember McEvoy.          


APPROVED                                                                                          ATTEST




___________________________                                                 __________________________

Joe L. Piccolo, Mayor                                                                         Laurie Tryon, City Recorder