
Price City Planning and Zoning

December 11, 2000

Price City Hall 6:00 P.M.

Present: John Angotti, Chairman Vern Jones, Community Administrator

Alfred Richens Carolyn Vogrinec, Secretary

Laurel Marinos

Gary Lyon

Penny Sampinos

Joe Piccolo

Excused: Larry Bruno, Vice-Chairman Francis Duzenack, Zoning Administrator

Also Present:

Kay Burton Jack Leautaud

Toni Johnson Larry Hunsaker

There were no additions or corrections and Penny Sampinos made a motion to approve the minutes of November 20, 2000 as read. Laurel Marinos seconded and the motion carried.


345 SOUTH 100 EAST


Mr. Kraushaar was not present and Gary Lyon made a motion to table this item until a future meeting. Alfred Richens seconded and the motion carried.

Price City Planning and Zoning

Minutes of December 11, 2000

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Mr. Burton is providing information only on a proposed project and will return in the future for preliminary approval. The School Trust lands owns a considerable amount of property in the Carbon County area, and, in particular, a 40 acre piece east of the Price City Ball Fields. It is not currently within Price City boundaries and they have been asked for annexation of this and another smaller piece, and are favorable to that action. However, in conjunction with the annexation, they would like to assist in the planning and present their own ideas for the 40 acre piece. This will also allow proper zoning at the time it is brought in. This piece of property has challenges - a wash coming down the west side; a high pressure gas easement and two utility lines. When asked if there were any active gas wells on the 40 acre piece, Mr. Burton indicated there were none nor are any planned. He presented a detailed map of the site and discussion began.

They have been working on this project trying to find something that will work within the City parameters as well as make money for the schools. Mr. Burton presented four different unique products within the 40 acre piece. Access will come from an extended Cedar Hills Drive. There will be a main roadway with an exit going into the CEU piece to the north. This CEU piece is also being annexed. A roadway will exit out into the Alaskan Western Property - also a part of the annexation. Some access will also be allowed into the Price City Ball Fields - a different access than it has currently. There are open spaces shown on the plans and input from the City will help determine how it will look and be maintained. There is also a small piece over on the other side of the wash which could be given to the City for ball fields or parks, etc. They would like to hook up into the proposed trail system going around the City. If that works, they want to be a part of it. They like open space and trail systems, but need to work out some density issues with the one piece they see as Single Family Housing of a more affordable nature - (Housing Product #2) They are looking at affordable apartments on Housing Product #1 and a little higher priced product on Housing Product #3 . The design allows some higher densities, but also allows it to look more open, having what LEI Engineers call a cove design. The streets move around and have some parks and open space amongst them. It allows the set backs to be a little bit different and does not present a crowded appearance. The lots will run 7000 to 7500 square feet.

Price City Planning and Zoning

Minutes of December 11, 2000

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Mr. Angotti asked who would do the development. Mr. Burton told the Commission the Trust Lands Administration tries not to self-develop. They were contacted by Utah Housing who has three or four areas of the State which have been asked to put in an affordable housing project. They have two products, one of which is a manufactured housing and the other is a stick-built project called the Crown Program. Because of the activity in this area, they are opposed to the manufactured housing. The Crown Program is fairly nice looking and photographs of actual project examples of what Utah Housing has done in the past were passed to the Commissioners. This - Housing Product #2 - is 10 acres and they are looking at putting in ten to twelve lots in the first phase. But they can only do 50% or less of a subdivision, which means Trust Lands would have to put in a matching number of lots. So, the initial phase here would be twenty to twenty-four lots. Half of those lots would go to Utah Housing to put in Housing Product #2 and the other half of that product is generally a three bedroom, two bath - 1400 square foot home with stucco and some brick exterior. There are different requirements. When asked if there were basements, Mr. Burton indicated probably not. Some homes have garages and some have carports. The Crown Program will appear before Planning and Zoning in January to do their presentation. They look at a market and see what can be built under the State Standards of Affordable Housing. The way they make it affordable is through tax credits and there is a certain income level. The other ten to twelve lots in the subdivision that do not go to Utah Housing, will be sold to local builders or individuals. Using the same type of tax break, a Wisconsin Company will put in affordable apartments. Mr. Burton again passed photographs of actual apartment housing projects to the Commission. They are nice looking units, grouped in sets of four or six all on one floor with common walls. Housing would designate an area and sell to them and, they in turn, would do their own project. The Trust Lands would like to control, with Price City's input, what goes into the area so that everyone concerned is happy. The Wisconsin based developer does not have projects in Utah, but is looking at sites in Price and other areas of Utah. Mr. Burton concluded his presentation and there was no further discussion on the matter. Community Administrator Vern Jones indicated the annexation plans will be available at the next meeting and will include parts of the CEU property.

Price City Planning and Zoning

Minutes of December 11, 2000

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Contractor Larry Hunsaker asked the Commission for Preliminary and Final Approval on this project, however, Vern Jones indicated the project is not yet ready for Final Approval. The plan presented tonight shows the subdivision has been divided into Phase I and II. Mr. Leautaud explained the sewer was installed as part of the Roscrea Apartment Project and the water line will be installed sometime this week. He plans to loop the line to Fausett Lane. Following discussion on the matter, it was decided to await the decision of the Price City Engineer concerning the use of high or roll back curb throughout the development so a final plan can be drawn up. Once this is done, they return to Planning and Zoning for Final Approval. Gary Lyon made a motion to grant Preliminary Approval for the first half of the Leautaud Subdivision, Phase I. Following a short discussion, Joe Piccolo amended the motion to grant Preliminary Approval for the Leautaud Subdivision as presented. Laurel Marinos seconded and the motion carried.

Community Administrator Vern Jones told the Commission that an engineering firm has submitted a total commercial package to Staff for review.

Mr. Jones indicated the operation is a large retail outlet and they will come before this Commission sometime in January 2001.

There was no further business and Alfred Richens made a motion to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 6:43 P.M.

John B. Angotti, Chairman


Carolyn Vogrinec, Secretary