Minutes of
The Price City Council Meeting
City Hall:
Price, Utah
January 11,
2006, 5:30 p.m.
Mayor Joe L. Piccolo Joanne
Lessar, City Recorder
Councilmembers: Pat
Larsen, Finance Director
Richard Tatton Nick
Sampinos, City Attorney
Jeanne McEvoy Gary
Sonntag, Public Works Director/City Engineer
Kathy Hanna-Smith Nick
Tatton, Community Director
Jeff Nielson Bret
Cammans, Customer Service Director
Aleck Shilaos, Chief of Police
Ann Evans Paul
Bedont Lisa Richens Linda Allred
Dana Young John
Procarione Elayne Storrs Shane Baggs
Maron King Erica
Jenson Scott Olsen Ann Evans
Les Bowen Timothy
Piccolo led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll was called with the above members present.
INPUT - Fire Chief Paul Bedont Sworn In
Justice Elaine Storrs conducted the swearing in of Fire
Chief Paul Bedont.
INPUT - Street Department Snow Removal
J. Scott Olsen, Street Department Supervisor, presented snow
removal plans for city streets and the course of action during major
storms. If all Street Department
employees have been called out and there is still a need for more employees,
personnel in other departments will be called upon to assist. Residents will be contacted to wait until a
snow plow has cleared the street at least once before they push snow onto the
road from their sidewalks. This
information will be posted on the web site as well. All plow operators will have a copy of these
plans as well as a cellular telephone and a list of employees to call out if
needed. Plowing will not occur until at
least 3 inches of snow has fallen. When
the streets have been plowed and salted, the snow will then be hauled away from
Main Street and the parking lots.
Sidewalks that are the responsibility of the city will then be
cleared. Snow will be pulled away from
the curb, placed in the middle of the roads and then hauled away. Each plow operator will be required to do a
pre and post check of their equipment to make sure it is safe. In order to avoid hitting anything, maps will
be provided to mark any obstacles on the streets as well as trees, etc. Employees will be trained on the operation of
snow plows along with procedures to follow should an accident occur. Employees not experienced will be placed with
seasoned operators so there will not be a problem with inexperience. The equipment will be kept in pretty good
condition with a sufficient amount of parts to take care of any problems
encountered. Operators will be aware of
the priority routes and slick roads in order to keep traffic moving in and out
of the city, around businesses, public service buildings, and schools if they
are open. The next priority would be the
neighborhoods. Contact will be made with
Carbon County and the State as there are several roads that belong to the county and State. Cars parked on the street and along side the
roads will be addressed. If it gets to
be a major problem, the Police Department may be asked to help. Mayor Piccolo thanked Mr. Olsen for his
REPORT- Update
The Mayor and Councilmembers presented an update on the
activities they administer.
COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - Continuation Of Accounting Services Approved
Shane Baggs, representing the Chamber of Commerce, requested
that the City continue to provide accounting services to the Chamber as they
have in the past couple of years. It has
helped out tremendously. Councilmember
Hanna-Smith stated that the city has provided a great service. She believes the Chamber is capable, but felt
an outside entity should do it. She is
unaware of the time it takes on the City=s part, but supports continuing the service. Councilmember McEvoy stated that when the
City agreed to provide this service, it was a temporary situation until the
Chamber got back on its feet. That being
the case, she questioned how much longer would there be a need for this
service, such as one or more years? Mr.
Baggs stated that the Chamber is capable of going out and asking someone else
to provide this service,
January 11, 2006
but they would like to continue the way it has been done. Pat Larsen stated that she was under
the impression is was temporary. It seems that the Chamber is now firmly on
its feet and is continuing to grow and provide more activities, such as the
Downtown Alive. There are more
transactions to record and more tracking being done, which takes more
time. She feels the tax payers money
should be used to support services to the tax payers. The City helped the Chamber get through their
rough times, but she feels the Chamber now has good leadership, a good board,
and can make good sound financial decisions.
She doesn=t see the need for our services any
more. Councilmember Tatton stated that
the majority of the Chamber members are Price City residents, either business
or individually. He does not see it as
using City tax money irresponsibly for those services. When the City got involved, it was part of a
fiduciary issue. The City has a higher
level of trust with the accounting and auditing procedures they go
through. He is comfortable with having
somebody who understands the fiduciary requirements and would like the City to
continue helping the Chamber.
Ann Evans, Chamber of Commerce, stated that with the
formation of the Main Street partnership
board and officers, the Downtown Alive will now be handled through
them. The payables will no longer be run
through the Chamber. Lisa Richens, Price
City Accounting, stated that it is very time consuming as she has to
distinguish between what is Price City=s, what is the Chamber=s, what is Downtown Alive and what is the Main street
Program. She has to look closely as
some of those entities are not getting charged tax. She has to then call them and request that
they charge taxes. Councilmember McEvoy
asked if the City is setting a precedent?
What if other non-profit entities who are struggling financially ask the
City to do their accounting? Nick
Sampinos stated that yes, there is concern saying yes to some and no to
others. The Council will have to stay
very neutral and make their decision on a case by base basis. Mayor Piccolo questioned if there would be
any legal liability. Mr. Sampinos stated
that he didn=t think there would be. Councilmember Nielson stated that it is
important to listen to Pat. If it gets
too extensive and takes too much time, another person may need to be hired in
lieu of helping on International Days and small things. It was questioned if the Chamber should be
charged for this accounting
service. MOTION. Councilmember Hanna-Smith moved that the City
continue providing accounting services to the Chamber and that it be reviewed
on an annual basis beginning the first part of November. Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and
STURDY - Planning and Zoning Home Operated Business Fee Refunded
Joanne Lessar reported that Harry Sturdy received approval
for a home occupied business in November, 2005l. He paid $40 to the Planning and Zoning
Commission for a processing fee. Instead
of paying a $50 business license fee in November and then another $100 in
January for the entire year, he delayed his business until January. During the time he received approval in
November and came in to pay his business license fee, he moved. Since he moved, he was required to go back to
P&Z and receive approval for a home operated business at his new
location. He paid a second $40 fee to
the P&Z for processing. Mr. Sturdy
is requesting that the second $40 fee be refunded to him as he never started
his business at the previous address. MOTION. Councilmember McEvoy moved that the fee be
refunded. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Nielson and carried.
NEW COUNCILMEMBER - Placed On Unfinished Business
The Council discussed the finalization process to select a
new Councilmember to replace Councilmember Stephen L. Denison who
resigned. Councilmember Tatton stated
that in order to comply with State law, it is necessary to appoint a
replacement within 30 days of the resignation date of January 1, 2006. A notice was placed in the Sun Advocate
informing the public that the deadline to submit an application was 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006. The notice
also stated that at a special meeting scheduled for Wednesday, February 1,
2006, a new Councilmember would be appointed.
The Council discussed setting a time to interview the applicants. It was recommended that the procedure to
interview the applicants be similar to the process used to Ameet the candidates@ prior to an election. A moderator disassociated with Price City
could conduct the interview process. MOTION. Councilmember Nielson moved that this item be
placed on Unfinished Business for further review. Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton and
Councilmember Tatton moved that the meeting adjourn and that a meeting
of the Redevelopment Agency convene.
Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and carried.
January 11, 2006
Meeting adjourned
at 6:45 p.m.
reconvened at 6:49 p,.m.
Occupied Business Approved
Councilmember McEvoy reported that the Planning and Zoning
Commission gave a favorable recommendation to the request of Arland and Marie
Leonard to operate Good Sense Pool, Hot Tub, and Softener Service/AM/PM
Painting and Cleaning at their home located at 645 North Homestead Boulevard
subject to review of the chemical storage plans by the Fire Chief. MOTION. Councilmember McEvoy moved that the business
be approved upon the purchase of a business license. Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton and
8. ANTHONY BASSO - Single Lot
Subdivision, Conditional Use Permit Approved
Councilmember McEvoy reported that the Planning and Zoning
Commission gave a favorable recommendation to the request of Anthony Basso for
a single lot subdivision located at 1560 East Sagewood Road subject to a 10'
easement in front of the lot. MOTION. Councilmember McEvoy moved that the request
be approved and that a Conditional Use Permit be issued. Motion seconded by Councilmember Hanna-Smith
and carried.
Councilmember Tatton moved that Items #9 through #24 be approved. Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and carried.
- December 14, 2005, January 3, 2006, January 6, 2006
ENERGY, LLC (CONOCO/PHILLIPS) - Approval To Lease Oil, Gas and Mineral Rights
This is located on a 40 acre tract of land north of Ridge
Road and east of the coal load out facility.
The City owns the mineral rights but not the land.
TATTON - Travel Approved
Sam White, Bill Wardle - 2006 Rural Water Conference, March 1-3, 2006, St.
George, Utah
Paul Bedont, Steve Carlson, Dalvin Bradley - Winter Fire School, January
26-28, 2006, St. George, Utah
Brandon Sicilia - Advanced Taser Re-Certification Course, March 15, 16,
2006, Sandy, Utah
Richard Boyden - DEA Basic Drug Investigator School, May 1-12. 2006, Salt
Lake, Utah
Nick Tatton - Streamlined Sales Tax Project, March 23, 2006, Salt Lake,
CITY STAFF, CITY BOARDS - Approved For Years 2006, 2007
Richard Tatton - Water Quality Reclamation Policy,
PRWID Board Member, Physical Facilities Policy Ditch Companies Policy, Capital
Improvements Committee, Fleet Management Policy, Drinking Water Policy, Public
Utilities Advisory Board, Personnel Committee, International Days Immediate
Past Chair, Power & Light Policy Chairman
McEvoy - Recreation Board, Power & Light Policy, Shade Tree Commission,
Board Member, City Risk Management Committee, Public Works
Policy, Chamber of Commerce Committee, CEU Planning Commission, Personnel
Committee, Capital Improvements Committee
Kathy Hanna-Smith - Library Board, Group Insurance Benefits Policy, Volunteer
Team Development Policy, Historic Preservation Policy, Engineering Policy,
Community Progress Board,
Swimming Pool Policy, Information System Policy,
International Days Chair
Jeff Nielson - Planning and Zoning Board, Streets/Maintenance Policy,
Water/Refuse Management Policy, Gun Range Committee, Carbon County
Emergency Management Committee LEPC,
Customer Service Policy, Storm Water Policy Public Risk Management Policy,
International Days Chair Elect
Vacant - Price City Youth Council,
Nuisance Abatement Policy, Weeds & Mosquitoes, Carbon
County Travel Board, CCRIC Board, Museum/Gallery Policy,
Downtown Business Revitalization
Policy, Parks/Cemetery Policy, Cultural/Heritage Committee
January 11, 2006
Gary Sonntag - Allred Ditch
Company, Pioneer Ditch #1 and #2, Price Water Co. (Price Canal),
Price River Water Users
Association (Scofield Reservoir)
Joint Highway Committee, Emergency Planning
Nick Tatton - UAMPS, WAPA, IPA, Economic Development, Council On Aging, BTAC, RC&D, Property, Irrigation Water
Pat Larsen, Finance Director Max
Morgan, City Physician
Shari Madrid, City Treasurer J.
Scott Olsen, Street/Mtnce. Supv
Gary Sonntag, PWC Director/City
Engineer Tom
Richardson, Fleet/Shop Supervisor
Nick Tatton, Community Director Francis Duzenack, Bldg.
Insp., P&Z
Aleck Shilaos, Chief of Police Joanne Lessar, City Recorder
Paul Bedont, Fire Chief Sam White, Public Utilities Supv.
Nick Sampinos, City Attorney Norma Procarione, Librarian
Bret Cammans, Customer Services Director Tamara Gray, Aquatics Supervisor
John Daniels, Human Resource Director Suda Merriman, Parks/Recreation
Cemetery Sexton -
Board of Adjustments -Guido Rachiele (Chair), Marie
Fausett, Helen O. Smith, David Paur, Jan Young
Planning and Zoning Commission - Larry Bruno (Chair), Alfred
Richens, Frankie Sacco, Gary Lyons, Ed Shook, Penny Sampinos, Jeff Nielson
Library Board - Norma
Townsend (Chair), Jim Thompson,
Christine Wood, Lea Cotter,
Christopher J. Colt, Sherril Burge, Janet Sparks, Kathy Hanna-Smith (Council),
Jennifer Bedont (Youth City Council)
DEPARTMENT - Permission To Purchase Two Police Cars Through USDA Grant
14. NEW
TELEPHONE SYSTEM - Contract Awarded To Carbon/Emery Telcom In The Amount of
$9,500 (Part !) And $27,999 (Part II)
OF NEW SERVER - From CDW Government, Inc. In The Amount Of $2,828
PROJECT - From CDW Government, Inc. In The Amount of $6,807.67
#2006-01 - Adopting Price City Pool Usage Agreement - Recreational Classes
REHABILITATION - Intern Placement and Reimbursement Agreement Approved
TREATMENT PLANT FILTER BUILDING - Purchase of Water Valve In The Amount Of
$2,635 Approved
19. CV-LLC
Development Agreement In The Amount of $43,938
BYRD, LLC , PROJECT #6C-2005 - 300 East Road (East Side) - Change Order #1 and
Change order #1 accounts for
increased as-built quantities for grading and curb and gutter in the amount of
$155. Change Order #2 accounts for the addition of water and sewer service work
to the new park, in the amount of $2,885.
ROAD, PROJECT #5C-2005 - Nielson Construction Co. - Change Order #1, Final
Change Order #1 decreases the contract
by the unused tonnage in the amount of $20,797.59. The final invoice is for
TELCOM - Communication Equipment Easement (Miller Creek Property)
The easement is a 20 ft. by 20 ft.
parcel of land (0.0092 acres, or less) the City owns in upper Miller Creek.
January 11, 2006
SCHOOL DISTRICT - High School Softball
Agreement (City To Own and Maintain Softball Field And High School Allowed To
24. 2006-07
#2006-02 - Establishing The Price City Electric Power Distribution System
Policy and Operations Advisory Board of Directors
Mayor Piccolo presented Resolution
#2006-02, establishing the Price City Electric Power Distribution System Policy
and Operations Advisory Board of Directors.
Councilmember McEvoy stated that Section 3 of the policy pertaining to
membership indicates one Price City elected official. She has been assigned to that board, however,
she recommends that Councilmember Tatton also be on the board. The power contracts are getting complex and
complicated and she feels that Councilmember Tatton has a deep understanding of
whats going on in those areas and should be the Chairman. Councilmember Tatton accepted the additional
assignment. It was recommended that the
Chairman be allowed to vote only in the case of a tie. MOTION. Councilmember McEvoy moved that Resolution
#2006-02 be approved with the addition of Councilmember Tatton as the Chairman
for a one year period and that the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized to
sign the resolution. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Nielson and carried.
Councilmember Hanna-Smith reported
that the Community Progress committee will stay on the same schedule arranged
by the previous Councilmember.
DAYS - Update
Councilmember Hanna-Smith reported
that a meeting to start preparations for International Days has been scheduled
for 12:00 noon on January 30, 2006. A
theme and new events will be discussed as well as the selection of a Grand
Councilmember Hanna-Smith moved that the meeting adjourn and that an
Executive Session be held. Motion
seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
SESSION - Possible Litigation (Insurance Benefits)
Meeting reconvened at 7:31 p.m.
SOWER - Supplemental Medicare Insurance Premium
Councilmember Tatton moved that staff be authorized to work with Marge
Sower and her representative on the collection of her share of the Supplemental
Medicare Insurance Premium and that the progress be reported back to the
Council. Motion seconded by Councilmember
McEvoy and carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:32 p.m.
Piccolo, Mayor
Joanne Lessar, City Recorder