Minutes of
The Price City Council Meeting
City Hall:
Price, Utah
March 8,
2006, 5:30 p.m.
Mayor Joe L. Piccolo Joanne
Lessar, City Recorder
Councilmembers: Pat
Larsen, Finance Director
Richard Tatton Nick
Sampinos, City Attorney
Jeanne McEvoy Gary
Sonntag, Public Works Director/City Engineer
Kathy Hanna-Smith Nick
Tatton, Community Director
Jeff Nielson John
Daniels, Human Resource Director
Rick Davis Bret
Cammans, Customer Services Director
Aleck Shilaos, Chief of Police
Tamara Gray Brianna Welch J. Scott Olsen Paul
Francis Duzenack Greg
Lowder Gena Welch Pat Worley
Robert H. Etzel BreAna
Piccolo led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll was called with the above members present.
REPORT - Update
The Mayor and Councilmembers presented an update on the
activities they administer.
LEGION - Placement Of Flag Pole In Cliffview Cemetery Approved
Mayor Piccolo reported that Mario DiCaro and Robert Strong
from the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars are requesting that
the City install a flag pole in the Cliffview Cemetery. Their organizations will pay for a plaque to
be placed at the bottom of the pole, but would like the City to fund the flag
pole with an eagle on top of the pole and a flag. The Council discussed the request and the
appropriate location to place the flag pole.
Gary Sonntag recommended a 25' manufactured pole. From information provided by Mr. DiCaro and
Mr. Strong, it appears that a 25' pole along with the base and mounting
hardware, eagle and flag total approximately $1,200. MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved that if there are
sufficient funds in the Cemetery Department budget, that staff be authorized to
purchase the flag pole, eagle and flag in an amount up to $1,200. Further,
that the City accept the plaque at the bottom of the flag pole, and that
the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars work with the Cemetery
Supervisor to coordinate this project.
Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and carried.
F. ANDERSON - Outside Water Users Agreement Approved
Mayor Piccolo presented a request for an outside water
connection submitted by George F. Anderson, 712 East 450 South. Gary Sonntag stated that staff has reviewed
the request and recommends approval. Mr.
Anderson will be responsible to obtain the necessary permit and easement across
private property in order to place a pipeline to his property. MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved that the Outside
Water Agreement be approved and that Mr. Anderson be allowed to connect upon
receipt of a share of Price River Water Users Association stock or payment of
$1,650 in lieu of the water share, and payment of the connection and meter
fees. Motion seconded by Councilmember
Hanna-Smith and carried.
REORGANIZATIONS - Concept Approval
Councilmember Tatton presented the proposed departmental
reorganizations. The first one involves
the Parks, grounds and Cemetery, of which one is personnel and the other is
functional. Gary Sonntag will be the
director over the supervisor, which will be Suda Merriman. Ms. Merriman will be responsible for grounds,
plantings, tree maintenance, street decorations, cemetery and structure
upkeep. She will be responsible for the
six full time Groundskeepers in those departments which will be coordinated
with Facilities Coordinator Brianna Welch.
The other change involves Recreation.
Bret Cammans will be the director of the supervisor which will be Tamara
Gray. Ms. Gray will be responsible for
the pool complex and building services, which are the building maintenance
crews and the technicians. Brianna Welch
will assist in the scheduling and be the Facilities Coordinator responsible to
coordinate the functions in the Civic Auditorium, the ball fields, and Parks
and Cemetery. Ms. Welch will continue to
handle the duties she is handling now, such as the irrigation systems. Robert Etzel, Mitchell Mortuary, asked if
there would be a Cemetery Sexton? He
stressed the importance of having a Sexton and
March 8, 2006
suggested that Brianna Welch be the Cemetery Sexton. Pat Worley, Worley-Jensen Monuments, agreed
with Mr. Etzel=s comments. Councilmember Tatton stated that one of the
functions for Brianna would be the Sexton=s responsibilities. MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved that concept
approval be given to the above
departmental changes effective March 13, 2006, and that staff prepare job
descriptions and a resolution to support this change. Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and
AND SILHOUETTES - Home Occupied Business Approved
Councilmember Nielson reported that the Planning and Zoning
Commission gave a favorable recommendation to the request of Scott and Kimberly
Hathaway to operate Stitches and Silhouettes at their home located at 960 North
300 East. This is a sewing, embroidery
and quilting business. MOTION. Councilmember Nielson moved that the business
be approved upon the purchase of a business license. Motion seconded by Councilmember Davis and
- MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved that Items #6 through #15 be
approved. Motion seconded by
Councilmember McEvoy and carried.
- February 22, 2006, March 3, 2006
- Permission To Purchase Computer Software For Follett Program In The Amount of
BILLING - Permission To Insert Information On Playground Equipment
Suda Merriman, Kent Jones - Utah Parks & Recreation Association
Conference, March 12-15, 2006, St. George, Utah - Ratification
Scott Olsen - Utah League of Cities and Towns Road School, April 25-28,
St. George, Utah
Gary Sonntag - Utah Department of Transportation Joint Highway Committee
Meeting, April 25-26, St. George, Utah
10. OPEN
AIR CINEMA, INC. - Contract To Provide Movies During International Days
11. UTAH
ASSOCIATION OF MUNICIPAL POWER SYSTEMS - Authorization To Enter Into Agreement
For Personnel and Equipment Assistance
DRAIN LOAN - Permission To Pay Balance of Revenue Bonds In The Amount of
14. NEW
HIRE - Terry Jones, Streets Department Laborer, Permanent/Full Time -
WESTBROOK - Promotion To Operator #1, Streets Department, Effective February
19, 2006
PHILLIPS COMPANY - Lease of Oil, Gas and Minerals On City Property Approved
Councilmember McEvoy questioned the request of Conoco
Phillips Company to lease oil, gas and minerals on city property and if we
could end up with drilling sites within the City limits? Nick Sampinos stated
that this particular request is on the outskirts of town and consists of .102
acres. The City does not own the
property. It only owns the mineral
rights. At this point, it is just
exploratory and they may or may not drill on it. Several leases have already been approved on
parcels of land within the County that the City either owns or owns only the
mineral rights. The City has never been
approached to drill inside city limits. MOTION. Councilmember McEvoy moved that the lease be
approved. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Tatton and carried.
March 8, 2006
Nick Tatton presented a draft of the lease agreements to be
used for the Community Economic Development Center (old Police Department) to
include but not limited to the Foster Grandparent Program, Price Main Street
Coordinator, Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development, Carbon County Travel
Bureau, and Carbon County Recreation.
The agreements are in the same format used for the Price Community
Center. Councilmember Davis questioned
the costs associated with the renovation of the building and whether the County
or the City is responsible for those costs?
Mayor Piccolo stated that per the County Commission meeting attended by
Councilmember McEvoy, is was announced that the County would pay up to
$14,000. If there is an overrun, the
City could pick up the difference. The
leases are intended to cover only the maintenance and operation of the
building. Those costs have been
calculated by Mr. Tatton and will be reviewed on a yearly basis and
recalculated if necessary, depending on energy costs, etc.. Councilmember McEvoy stated that the County
Commission approved the above amount in concept, and that if the costs go over,
it is to be brought back to them with a proposal as to what to do if it goes
over. MOTION. Councilmember Davis moved that the lease
agreements be approved as presented.
Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and carried.
18. LONG
DISTANCE TELEPHONE SERVICE - Authorization To Advertise For Bids And Select A
Councilmember Tatton reported that Price City is currently
paying .08 and .10 cents per minute for instate and out of state long distance
service. Emery Telcom has offered .075
cents per minute for both instate and out of state. Bret Cammans is requesting permission to
evaluate other rates and choose the best rate.
Councilmember Tatton moved that Mr. Cammans be authorized to solicit and
accept a rate at .075 cents or less.
Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and carried.
UTILITY PAYMENT - Authorization For Credit and Debit Card Transactions
Pat Larsen requested permission to begin credit and debit
card transactions for utility payments.
It does not cost the City anything.
All fees are paid by the citizens making the transactions. There is no risk or obligation, and if it
doesn=t work out, it can be
eliminated. MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved that the request
be approved. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Hanna-Smith and carried.
20. FIRE
Councilmember Davis suggested to wait until after the budget
process to fill the vacant position of Fire Inspector/Building Inspector. Paul Bedont stated that this position, which
was vacated last year, is still funded in the current budget. Francis Duzenack stated that this is a needed
position. State law requires that
building inspections be performed, and we have to have adequate staff to do
that. The department has been lacking
for assistance the past 8 months. We
were hoping that this replacement person could be spread between the fire
inspections and building inspections and provide better coverage for both
departments. Pat Larsen verified that
this position is still in the budget.
John Daniels expressed concern in that he does not have a job
description to advertise for this position.
The vacant position held by Bob Bennett was a fully certified licensed
inspector, Grade 15. The job description
he received approximately two weeks ago for this position does not require
certification for the combined departments.
It allows one, two or three years to get this certification. He sent the job description back for further
review. Councilmember Tatton commented
that since this is the slower part of the year for building permits, he
suggested hiring a Fire Inspector to keep the City safe and place that
individual as a Fire Marshall/Building Inspector with primary responsibility under
the Fire Chief. He agrees that any
additional hires should be put off until July 1st. Councilmember Nielson stated that he has
visited the Building Department on this issue and has seen what takes place and
sometimes how far behind it can get. It
is a lot more than just building permits.
This is a small portion of what takes place from what he has seen. There are a lot of other issues and he is
concerned that the future of our economy is built on getting zoning and
planning things approved and different requests. He feels our economy will suffer if this is
not dealt with promptly. The Building
Department is dealing with it. However,
Mr. Duzenack feels we are in trouble if we can=t get these requests out. Councilmember Nielson stated that he does not
know all the aspects, but is concerned with Mr. Duzenack=s opinion. Mayor Piccolo stated that Mr. Duzenack does a
great job and he believes if we can provide that level of service for the
community, that we should step up and do it.
He appreciates what Councilmember Davis says, too. Councilmember Hanna-Smith
March 8, 2006
that she has taken time to talk to Mr. Duzenack and looked at his desk. Our goal is
get every building located inside the city, but that can=t happen. She agrees with Councilmember Nielson, that
we need to be efficient and get things out in a timely manner. I know there was a contractor that sat for a
quite a while. We can=t have that. We should lure business to our City. If we are to be more efficient by doing that,
then we should do it. She compared last
years building permits to this years, which are a lot less. If there is money for this year, what about
next year? Councilmember Nielson felt
that this position for both departments would be saving money. Aleck Shilaos stated that the City provides a
service. When Mr. Duzenack is gone on
vacation and training, we usually get Carbon County to help. However, they are dealing with issues of
their own and we can=t count on them. In those times that Mr. Duzenack is absent,
how do we serve our customers? We do not
have back up. If something breaks, we
have nobody to fix it and hope the County steps in. Contracting is quite expensive with private
entities. We=ve had to contract out plan reviews
which is very time consuming. We have
zoning issues and the only one that does zoning is Mr. Duzenack. This does not show up on permits or anything
else. Some months are busy and others
are not so busy. There seems to be a
pick up in sales tax revenues, we are seeing new people at the schools and new
customers on his side of the street.
Something is taking place and we need to be prepared. The fire issue hasn=t even been addressed for several
years. Councilmember McEvoy asked about
the training for Laurie Tryon, Building Dept. Technician and if she is able to
help with the work load? Francis
Duzenack stated that she is still working on it. Basically, it is the same thing she is doing
now, issuing building permits. She will
have a better understanding of what she is doing. Inspectors sent out on the job to inspect
have to be licensed by the State. It=s a Class A Misdeameanor if they are
not. They have to be licensed by the State and certified in the Code. The month of February was a little slow, but
things should change this month. He is
expecting seven new building plans for homes and one for a large garage within
the month. Three subdivisions are
expanding and we are looking at Phase III of the Elkridge Subdivision, Phase II
of the Florence Subdivision, and Rick Krompel is expanding his subdivision with
another phase. The Creekview Shopping
Center is in the process of dividing and
converting to a condominium subdivision.
Mayor Piccolo agreed with Chief Shilaos that the City is going to
grow. Cutting this one position will not
benefit customer service. He recommended
that the Personnel Committee meet with the departments involved and John
Daniels and prepare a job description and return it to the Council as soon as
possible. MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved that the Fire and
Building Departments request to advertise for a vacant position be referred to
the Personnel committee with a recommendation back to the Council. Motion seconded by Councilmember Davis and
POOL COMPLEX - Permission To Advertise and Hire Part Time Lifeguards and Office
As with Item #20 above, Councilmember Davis questioned the
need for additional lifeguards and Office Clerks prior to the budget
process. Bret Cammans explained that
these positions are part time and are hired in the summer due to attrition and
school. No additional hours will be
added to the budget. We will only be
filling a block of hours. MOTION. Councilmember Davis moved that the request be
approved. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Hanna-Smith and carried.
MUSSELMAN - Access For Dogs At City Parks - Struck
MOTION. As Dianna Musselman
was not at the meeting, Councilmember Tatton moved that the item be
struck. Motion seconded by Coucilmember
Nielson and carried.
23. KATE
ALLEMAN - Charity Walk - Struck
MOTION. As Kate Alleman was
not at the meeting, Councilmember Tatton moved that the item be struck. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nielson and
DAYS - Update
Councilmember Hanna-Smith stated that a carnival has been
hired for International Days. The movies
in the park are a go as well as online registration. The Chamber of Commerce will send out post
cards on the registration. The theme
this year is AEthnic Gardens In A Growing
March 8, 2006
BOARD - Update
Councilmember Tatton reported that the high school and
downtown substations are being reviewed.
The oil testing results on the transformers came back positive. This means they are in good condition, which
could save approximately $250,000. Over
the past year, the Power Committee has met with UP&L to discuss raising
rates under the Price City contract. However,
at this point the discussion have stalled.
The Power Committee would rather have increases in smaller increments
rather than one big increase.
MCEVOY - Appointed As Representative To Community Park Committee
MOTION. Councilmember Tatton
moved that Councilmember McEvoy be appointed as the City=s representative on the Community
Park Committee. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Hanna-Smith and carried.
Councilmember McEvoy moved that the meeting adjourn and that an
Executive Session be held to discuss potential litigation. Motion seconded by Councilmember Hanna-Smith
and carried.
adjourned at 8:13 p.m.
at 8:27 p.m.
RIGHTS APPLICATION - Hansen, Allen & Luce Engineering Services Approved
MOTION. Councilmember Tatton
moved that Gary Sonntag be authorized to pursue the services of Hansen, Allen
and Luce Engineering not to exceed $4,000 to prepare a response to the State
Engineer pertaining to the extension of
Water Rights Application #91-152 (A17936), White River. Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and
adjourned at 8:28 p.m.
L. Piccolo, Mayor
Lessar, City Recorder