Minutes of
The Price City Council Meeting
City Hall:
Price, Utah
March 22,
2006, 5:30 p.m.
Mayor Joe L. Piccolo Joanne
Lessar, City Recorder
Councilmembers: Pat
Larsen, Finance Director
Richard Tatton Nick
Sampinos, City Attorney
Jeanne McEvoy Gary
Sonntag, Public Works Director/City Engineer
Kathy Hanna-Smith Nick
Tatton, Community Director
Jeff Nielson John
Daniels, Human Resource Director
Rick Davis Bret
Cammans, Customer Service Director
Aleck Shilaos, Chief of Police
Kylee Bird Debi
Blackburn Judy Mainord Stefan Larsen
Mark Swink Greg Borman BreAna Tucker Kevin Drolc
Brandon Sicilia Scott P.
Olsen Scott Wheeler Nick Critchlow
Rose Etzel Bill
Barnes Jace McKinnon Kris
Kevin Mele Craig
Jimison Tyler Collier Grady McEvoy
Patsy Bueno Scott
Mark Swink
and Stefan Larsen, Boy Scout Troop #299, led the Pledge of Allegiance. They were at the meeting as part of their
Community Merit Badge.
INPUT - Castle Country OHV Association and Castleview Hospital Parade Permit
Christy Sitterud, Castle Country OHV Association, stated
that her association along with Castleview Hospital will host an ATV poker ride
fund raiser with proceeds donated to the American Cancer Society. The ATV ride will be held on Saturday, April
8, 2006, and will begin in the rear parking lot of the hospital. She requested permission for a parade permit
to use City streets from the hospital to the Fairgrounds to access back country
roads for the poker ride. The hospital
will provide lunch for everyone after the ride is over. It is totally a fund raiser with everything
being donated. The Council gave verbal
approval and directed that the item be placed on the next agenda for
REPORT - Update
The Mayor and Councilmembers
presented an update on the activities they administer.
Mayor Picciolo presented the March, 2006 Visionary Service
Leader Award to the CEU Elmo Club. The
club received this award for their community assistance, specifically with the
community playground equipment.
OFFICER SCOTT OLSEN - Letter of Commendation
Mayor Piccolo presented a Letter of Commendation to Police
Officer Scott Olsen for his assistance in solving the recent rash of automobile
burglaries. In the early morning hours
of March 12, 2006, Officer Olsen followed footprints in the snow for several
blocks until he apprehended the suspects.
OFFICER KEVIN MELE - Distinguished Service Award
Mayor Piccolo presented the Distinguished Service Award to
Police Officer Kevin Mele for his assistance in a domestic violence
situation. He placed himself in harms
way and was able to approach a suspect at a local residence and retrieve a
loaded revolver, preventing a further dangerous situation.
SCHOOL DISTRICT - Public Education Presentation
Debi Blackburn, Carbon School District, presented brochures
and a power point presentation on facts and figures of current student
population, administration costs, class sizes, parent involvement, teacher salaries, quality of education, and
student test scores. Utah=s scores are comparable with the
rest of the nation.
March 22, 2006
7. ST.
ANTHONYS CINCO DE MAYO FIESTA - Request To Place Flyer In Utility Billing Or On
Back Of Utility Bills - Denied
Mayor Piccolo presented a request from St. Anthony=s Cinco De Mayo committee to place a
flyer in utility bills to advertise their Cinco De Mayo Fiesta on Saturday, May
6th, 2006. MOTION. As this service is intended only for Price
City purposes, Councilmember Tatton moved that the request be denied. Motion seconded by Councilmember Hanna-Smith
and carried. Councilmember Hanna-Smith
recommended that the above committee contact the Chamber of Commerce for mass
Councilmember Nielson reported that the Planning and Zoning
Commission gave a favorable recommendation to the following requests for
Conditional Use Permits per the stated contingencies.
Mathias and Georgina Nowak - 255 South 200 West and 259 South 200 West - Lot
Line Adjustment
The Coffee Shop - 17 East Main, Business (New Owners) - Contingent upon an
The UPS Store - 1179 East Main - Business (New Owners) - Contingent upon
an inspection
Lee Nails - 9 East Main - Business and Sign (Relocation) Contingent
upon an inspection
Rockland Music - 78 North Carbon Avenue - Business and Sign
Elkridge Planned Unit Development Phase III - 400 West 800 South - Preliminary
and Final Approval
Councilmember Nielson moved that the requests be approved and that
Conditional Use Permits be issued per the above contingencies. Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton and
SUBDIVISION PHASE III - Sagewood Road and Parkway - Struck
ITEMS - MOTION. Councilmember Hanna-Smith moved that Items
#10 through #16 be approved. Motion
seconded by Councilmember Davis and carried.
10. MINUTES - March 8, 2006 - Executive Session
11. TOM
MCCORMACK - Agreement For Professional Story Telling Performance At The Library
Gary Sonntag, J. Scott Olsen, Chad Feichko - ULTAP Road Safety Audit
Review Workshop, March 27, 28, 2006,
Salt Lake City, Utah
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CENTER - Authorization To Expend Reimbursable Funds For
Remodeling Project
Authorizing an amount of $14,000 plus any additional
reimbursable expenses authorized for funding by the Carbon County Commission
and authorizing John Procarione to proceed with the project.
14. MARK
OLSON - EASY Project Reimbursement Approved
Final project acceptance and authorization of a $2,000
project reimbursement.
DEPLETION AND RECOVERY STUDY - Hansen, Allen & Luce Engineering -
Presentation To American Water Works Association
Presentation of the City=s recently completed Water Depletion & Recovery Study to
the American Water Works Association (AWWA) 2006 Annual Conference in West
Yellowstone, Idaho, on September 20-22, 2006.
16. MAIN
STREET COORDINATOR - Authorization To Replace Position
22, 2006.
- March 7, 2006, March 8, 2006
The following corrections were made to the minutes of March
7, 2006 and March 8, 2006.
March 7, 2006 - Special Meeting
Paragraph 1, Line 2 - Change Fiscal Year from 2206-07 to
March 8, 2006 - Regular Meeting
Item #17, Line 2 - After (old Police Department), add Ato include but not limited to the
Foster Grandparent Program and the Price Main Street Coordinator@.
MOTION. Councilmember
Hanna-Smith moved that per the above corrections, that the Minutes be
approved. Motion seconded by
Councilmember McEvoy and carried.
18. USDA
RURAL DEVELOPMENT - Authorization To Apply For Grant For Community Playground
Councilmember Tatton questioned the City=s role in acquiring a grant for the
Community Playground Equipment.
Councilmember McEvoy stated that she was asked to participate in a
committee to provide a Community Playground.
Perry Matthews from the USDA Rural Development approached them and
informed them of such a grant. She is
acting as a liaison between the playground and the City. It has been a learning experience for both
her and the committee as they have never applied for a USDA Federal Grant. Perry Matthews recommended that Community
Director Nick Tatton be asked to assist, as he has been a part of this kind of
grant in the past and knows most of the required information. She has also received a lot of assistance
from Gary Sonntag and his staff. MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved that authorization
be given to apply for the grant. Motion
seconded by Councilmember Hanna-Smith and carried.
JONES - Economic Vitality Loan Fund Approved
Nick Tatton presented a request for an Economic Vitality
Loan submitted by Marjorie Jones, a local novelist and writer. Ms. Jones will use the funds as a working
capital loan to attend a sales/marketing and training trade show, which will be
a primary method for her to secure additional book deals. The loan review committee reviewed the
request and recommended approval in the amount of $1,529, over 14 months at
5.5% APR. Councilmember Nielson stated
that he was on the loan review committee and after they approved the request,
he researched the novels that Ms. Jones has written and has some reservations
on the content. He issued a letter to
the Council regarding his concerns. He
intends no harm to Ms. Jones, but feels it is inappropriate to subsidize such a
venture. Councilmember McEvoy stated
that she too is concerned on the content of the books. Councilmember Tatton stated that he was
concerned if the books were erotic and contacted Librarian Norma
Procarione. Ms. Procarione verified that
there is a demand for these types of books, with the greatest number checked
out by women over the age of 50. Ms.
Jones= books are on their shelves and they
are not erotic. Councilmember
Hanna-Smith expressed concern as she felt we were acting like a bank. She doesn=t think a local lending institution would not provide a loan
based on te content of the book. Mayor
Piccolo recommended that personal feelings be kept out of the decision as this
is not a censorship issue. Loans such as
this are an economic development tool. MOTION. After further discussion, Councilmember
Hanna-Smith moved that the loan be approved.
Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton and carried with the following
Councilmember Tatton - Aye Councilmember McEvoy - Naye
Councilmember Hanna-Smith - Aye Councilmember Nielson - Naye
Councilmember Davis - Aye
SAFETY PROGRAM 2006-07 - Utah Department of Transportation - Funding
Application Approved
Gary Sonntag reported that the Utah Legislature has again
provided funding for the State Pedestrian Safety Program, which funds the
construction of pedestrian safety projects adjacent to State highways. The
amount of funding provided for the four counties in this District is $6,275. He asked the Council to submit ideas for
possible project sites and for permission to submit the application. The deadline to submit requests is April 25,
2006. MOTION. Councilmemer McEvoy moved that the funding
application be approved. Motion seconded
by Councilmember Nielson and carried.
March 22, 2006
Councilmemer Tatton reported that last year, a $5 monthly
charge was added to customer utility accounts to help pay for electrical
substation upgrades. The transformer at
the Downtown Substation was recently tested and found to be in good shape. This will be a huge savings as we upgrade that substation. The back up batteries have to be replaced and
it is recommended that cement curbing be constructed around the
substation. The other substations will
also be upgraded. Once the improvements
have been made on all the substations, the $5 monthly fee will be
eliminated. A complete inventory of all
substations will be done. The committee
is working on community education. Bret
Cammans will investigate to see if Utah Power & Light provides any training
or education. A big concern to Price
City is the rate increase from UP&L.
Councilmember Tatton reported that Price River Water
Improvement District has reached an agreement with Carbon Canal regarding the
winter stock watering. One hundred
eighty shares of stock has been turned in to PRWID for the connections. The same rules apply as with any water
connection. The line itself is two weeks
away from completion. The Eagle Crest
Subdivision between Spring Glen and Kenilworth is moving right along. There is a little bit of a conflict with Scofield Reservoir and who is making the
decision over how much water is being released.
The Price River Water Users are monitoring it and don=t want much water taken out too
early. The District has an ongoing
concern with the water delivery loss standard.
Water delivery loss through leaky pipes, backflushing and fire hydrants
it easy to understand. What is hard to
understand is the delivery loss that has to do with the amount of water left in
the reservoirs. This delivery loss is a
hedge against low water years. Most of
us think in terms of a water share as an acre foot of water. Loss of water in the reservoir is also a loss
in water shares. Both PRWID and Price
City is concerned with the bids on the Helper Interchange. Both entities are holding up their waterlines
through those Helper intersections, as all utilities need to be replaced through the whole
intersections. UDOT agreed to pay for
all engineering costs. Price City
received their reimbursement (thanks to Gary), but PRWID did not. UDOT is now balking at reimbursing them.
DAYS - Update
Councilmember Hanna-Smith reported that the carnival for
International Days has been secured. The
next committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 4, 2006, at 12:00 noon.
Councilmember McEvoy reported that the Community Playground
committee meets every week. It has
become deeper and broader, but everyone is enthusiastic. Everyone has assignments and they report to
their chairperson and that chairperson reports to her. They expend approximately 50 volunteer hours
per week putting the playground together.
One hundred volunteer hours were used during the week of March 12th,
of which some were spent on putting the float together for St. Patricks Day,
other kinds of activities, fund raising, etc.
We are not leaning on the City more than we are leaning on
ourselves. She has been in contact with
Leathers & Associates, the engineering consultants for the playground
equipment and they assured her they are liable for the design of the
playground. She feels comfortable at
this point. She has discussed with Mayor
Piccolo the possibility of hanging a sign, something generic, such as we have
raised this much and we need this much more.
It needs to be placed on a building and not on the ground where you have
to mow around it. It was recommended to
place the sign on the south side of the library building. Councilmember McEvoy asked how this should be
handled. The volunteer committee is
capable of mounting the sign. Gary
Sonntag stated that this would be a City function. It may be possible to
circumvent the sign requirements typically followed through the P&Z
Commission and Zoning Administrator.
Building Services should also be contacted. Gary felt that if there are capable people on
the volunteer force to install the sign, he would have no problem with it. Councilmember McEvoy stated that she would
work with Gary on installation of the sign.
adjourned at 8:10 p.m. APPROVED:
L. Piccolo, Mayor
Lessar, City Recorder