April 12, 1995, 5:30 p.m.
Mayor Lou Colosimo
L. Lamond Williams, Theressa O. Frandsen, L. Janet Oliveto, Roy Nikas
Vernon W. Jones (Adminis. Assist.), Joanne Lessar
(City Recorder), Nick Sampinos (City Attorney), Gary Sonntag (City Engineer), Aleck Shilaos (Chief of Police)
Absent and Excused:
Councilmember James L. Jensen, Pat Larsen (Finance Director), Cobb Johnson (Public Works Director)
Others Present: Ray Downard, Don Burge, Amie Sanderson, Karen Sanderson, Rene Andrews, Kristen Andrews, Teresa
Andrews, Jolynn Westbrook, Dawn Slama, Paul M. Hofer, Paula Lewis,
Mike Bradshaw, James S. Hansen, Tom Niederhauser, Pat Johnson
Mayor Colosimo led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll was called with the
above members in attendance.
1. MINUTES - March 22, 1995
Councilmember Oliveto moved that the minutes of the March 22, 1995 meeting
be approved as written. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nikas and carried.
2. RESOLUTION #95-11 - Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds (Water Expansion
Joanne Lessar presented Resolution #95-11, authorizing the issuance and
sale of a $1,250,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bond Series 1995A and a $2,997,615 Water and
Sewer Revenue Bond, Series 1995B, for the purpose of defraying a portion of the cost of
constructing a water system and related improvements. Councilmember Williams moved that
Resolution #95-11 be approved and that the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized to sign
the resolution. Motion seconded by Councilmember Frandsen and carried.
3. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - Funding For 1995/96
Tom Neiderhouser, representing the Chamber of Commerce, expressed his
appreciation to the Council for their level of financial support. Mayor Colosimo thanked
the Chamber for what they have done and stated that the City would continue funding at the
same level as in the past.
4. DAWN SLAMA - Speeding Problems Along Rose Avenue
Dawn Slama presented a petition from residents living on Rose Avenue
regarding excessive speeding. Seventy five children live on the block and they are
concerned for their safety. She asked if signs or dips could be placed in this area.
Councilmember Nikas stated that new signs have been ordered and he will direct the Streets
Dept. to place some of these signs on Rose Avenue.
5. PAM MIERA - Permission to Hide Easter Eggs At Washington Park - Struck
6. RAY DOWNARD - Contribution For CEU Museum Sign
Ray Downard and Don Burge, representing the CEU Museum Board, reported
that for the past 2 years, the museum has been trying to get welcome signs placed at the
entrances to the City. Upon the recommendation of Archie Hamilton, former Manager of the
Price UDOT office, they designed a sign representing Carbon County, Price City, the
College of Eastern Utah, and the CEU Museum. Mr. Burge presented a small rendition of the
sign, and asked the Council for financial assistance. The signs will be 50' wide 6' high
and cost approximately $12,000 for each base.
Mr. Downard reported a small problem between the college and Price City in
coordinating the responsibilities for maintenance and repair of the museum. He referred to
a 4-month unpaid invoice to repair the heating system. The museum board feels that a
meeting should be held between the City, the college, and the museum to resolve these
problems. Mayor Colosimo reported that President Mike Petersen assured him that the
college would take care of the bill. He assured Mr. Downard that the City would meet with
the above entities to resolve these problems and prepare a new agreement regarding
maintenance and repairs.
Don Burge asked the Council to place their sign of approval on a building
permit to construct the sign. The highway department is requesting this to make sure the
City is aware of what is taking place.
Tom Neiderhauser introduced Pat Johnson, the new Executive Director of the
Chamber of Commerce. Pat replaces Kathy Hanna who has accepted a position with the Castle
Country Travel Council.
7. BRIDGE REALTY - Utility Connection/Disconnection Fee
Jim Shorts, owner of Bridge Realty, was present at the meeting to
represent property owner Hal Renthrow. Mr. Renthrow owns a 40 unit apartment complex and
is concerned about the $15 fee that is being charged for utility connects and disconnects.
Mr. Renthrow is suggesting that Price City look into the possibility of using the same
procedure as Mountain Fuel. When Mountain Fuel reads someone in, they charge the tenants
$30. As a lot of people skip in the middle of the night, Mr. Renthrow is not only out the
rent, but he gets charged $15 for the disconnection fee. Using the same procedure as
Mountain Fuel does would shift the entire cost to the customer and not the landlord and
the City would still be getting the total $30 fee. Councilmember Nikas stated that he will
have the Utility Department look into this.
9. PAYSON HIGH SCHOOL BAND BOOSTERS - Program Ad - Request Denied
Mayor Colosimo presented a letter from the Payson High School Band
Boosters inviting the City to purchase a program ad in their annual marching and musical
performance tournament to be held in the fall. Carbon High School does participate in this
event. After further discussion, the Council recommended that the request be denied.
10. GRADUATION SPECTACULAR - Contribution Approved
Councilmember Williams moved that $500 be contributed towards Graduation
Spectacular. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nikas and carried.
11. ODYSSEY OF THE MIND TEAM - Contribution Approved
Karen Sanderson, director of Odyssey of the Mind Team, requested a
contribution to help pay for travel expenses for this group to represent Utah, Carbon
County, and Price at the World Finals competition in Knoxville, Tennessee, in May, 1995.
The Carbon School District has funded this group in the past, but it was cut from their
budget several years ago. Since then, the parents have had to fund this team. Other teams
throughout the state are funded by their school district. The Council directed that upon
review by the Finance Director, that $200 be contributed.
12. SMUIN, RICH & MARSING - Audit Services For FY1994/95
Joanne Lessar presented a letter from Smuin, Rich, & Marsing
confirming audit services for FY1994/95, and requesting the Mayor's signature of approval.
The cost is $9,100. Councilmember Nikas moved that upon review by the Finance Director,
that the Mayor be authorized to sign the letter. Motion seconded by Councilmember Oliveto
and carried.
13. COLLEGE BAND CONCERT - Waiver of Rental Fees and Authorization To Use
Volleyball Court
Councilmember Williams moved that rental fees be waived and authorization
given to Scott Stanton to use the volleyball court for the college band concert. Motion
seconded by Councilmember Oliveto and carried.
Vern Jones presented the amended contract with Western Area Power
Administration. Approximately two years ago, Price City entered into an agreement with
WAPA for the purpose of allowing them to buy our CRSP power from an alternative source.
The reason for this was because an environmental group was studying the regulation of
flows coming out of the Grand Canyon Reservoir. The way it operated in the past was the
water coming out of the Grand Canyon was power motivated. The more power needed, the more
water was released. The Federal Government allowed the environmental group to sustain
those flows until the study was complete. As such, Western had to have a way of selling
Price City the CRSP power from another source. As the EIS has not been completed and the
decision not been made, WAPA is asking that the contract be amended to continue for a
limited period of time until the EIS is complete. Councilmember Nikas moved that the
amendment be approved and that the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized to execute the
document. Motion seconded by Councilmember Williams and carried.
15. PAUL HOFER - Sewer Line Installation, Waiver of Fees
Councilmember Williams reported that Paul Hofer, 55 East 200 North, has
had sewerline problems. Paul is asking permission to run a second sewerline in order to
take care of his upstairs living area, and that the sewer connection fees be waived. He
will continue to maintain the present sewerline to take care of the floor drains in the
basement. Councilmember Williams moved that permission be given for the second sewerline
connection, that the connection fee be waived, and that all hard costs be incurred by Mr.
Hofer. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nikas and carried.
Mr. Hofer discussed the repavement of the street once the new sewerline
has been installed. In talking to Plumber Dave O'Brien, he understand that the resident
who lives to the east of his home also has to put in a new sewerline. As the City has no
sewer main by this house, Mr. O'Brien is trying to get the City to extend the sewerline.
If this is done, the City will have to tear the street up. He asked if the repavement
could be prorated with him paying for his share only. Councilmember Williams felt that the
charges for this could be placed on hold until this issue is resolved.
Service, Powell's Wholesale
Councilmember Williams reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission
gave a favorable recommendation to the following home occupied businesses:
Boot-A-Pest, 279 West Railroad Avenue, Merrille Maloof-
JMA Janitorial Service, 1101 South Carbon Avenue, John &
Roxane Abney-Partners - Contingent upon landlord's
Powell's Wholesale, 399 North Carbon Avenue #C, Joe
Powell- Owner - Contingent upon landlord's approval
Councilmember Williams moved that the businesses be approved contingent
upon the above stipulations and upon payment of the business license fee. Motion seconded
by Councilmember Oliveto and carried.
Permits, Signs
Councilmember Williams reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission
gave a favorable recommendation for the following conditional use permits for signs.
Main Street Coffee Company, 11 West Main, Sign - One year
temporary approval for banner sign
Cortec Design Service, 23 South Carbon Ave., #4, Sign
Councilmember Williams moved that the signs be approved and that
conditional use permits be issued per the above stipulation. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Frandsen and carried.
18. RECEPTION CONNECTION - Conditional Use Permit, 374 South Carbon Avenue
BOOKCLIFF MEDICAL CENTER - Conditional Use Permit, Sign
Councilmember Williams reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission
gave a favorable recommendation for conditional use permits for the following:
Reception Connection, Business operation in the BTAC, 375 South Carbon Ave. - Subject to approval by BTAC Board
Bookcliff Medical Center (1st North 6th East; Medical Office
Building (north of Castleview Hospital) - Signs
Councilmember Williams stated that the Reception Connection also asked
approval for a sign. As this was not on the agenda and needs to be reviewed by the BTAC
Board, the sign was not approved. Councilmember Williams moved that the operation of the
Reception Connection at the BTAC be approved contingent upon approval by the BTAC Board,
that the signs for the Bookcliff Medical Center and Medical Office Building be approved,
and that conditional use permits be issued. Motion seconded by Councilmember Oliveto and
19. CLIFF WOODRUFF - Board Of Adjustment Request, Variance For Side Yard
Councilmember Williams reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission
reviewed the request of Cliff Woodruff, 240 North 300 East, to build a carport on the side
of his house and to close it in and make a garage. The Commission gave a favorable
recommendation for a variance and recommended that it be referred to the Board of
Adjustments. He moved that this be referred to the Board of Adjustments with a favorable
recommendation. Motion seconded by Councilmember Oliveto and carried.
20. MARK MACKIEWICZ - Board of Adjustment Request, Variance For Side Yard
Councilmember Williams reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission
reviewed the request of Mark Mackiewicz, 681 West 300 South, to take a carport down and
build a garage with a couple of rooms above it. The Commission gave a favorable
recommendation for a variance and recommended that it be referred to the Board of
Adjustments. He moved that this be referred to the Board of Adjustments with a favorable
recommendation. Motion seconded by Councilmember Oliveto and carried.
OLIVER - Rehires
Mayor Colosimo presented the following rehires and recommended approval:
Charles Anderson, Brent Nelson, Jacob Garcia - Weed Dept., Laborer,
Temp/Full Time
Ike Simmons - Weed Dept., Weed Control Officer, Temp/Part Time
Richard Oliver - Water Treatment Plant, Operator, Temp/FT
Councilmember Williams moved that the rehires be approved. Motion seconded
by Councilmember Oliveto and carried.
22. NEW HIRE - Patti Ruden - Tabled
23. NEW HIRE - Recreation Specialist - Struck
RETREAT SCHEDULED - April 20, 1995
Mayor Colosimo presented the tentative budget for FY1995/96. As the budget
is still out of balance and needs to be reviewed, he recommended that another retreat be
scheduled. Councilmember Oliveto moved that the tentative budget be approved and that a
retreat be scheduled for April 20. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nikas and carried.
25. RESOLUTION #95-08 - Water Rate Increase, May 1 Effective Date
Vern Jones reported that Resolution #95-08, adopting the water rate increase, is effective
May 1. It has been suggested that the rate increase be effective April 1. After further
discussion, the Council directed that the effective date remain May 1.
Engineering - Partial Payment #1
Councilmember Williams moved that Partial Payment #1 in the amount of
$7,925 be paid to CRS Engineering for work accomplished to date. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Frandsen and carried. Gary Sonntag stated that this includes checking the
feasibility and operation of proposed facilities and evaluating the flow capacity of the
water pipe system under various scenarios. About 10% of the design contract is complete.
Western - Partial Payment #1, #2
Gary Sonntag presented a request for Partial Payment #1 from Anthratech
Western in the amount of $63,350 less 15% ($9,502.50) retainage, and $25,000 for a project
guarantee resulting in a total of $28,847.50 for their contract on the Water Treatment
Plant Filter Basin. Ratification of this payment is recommended based upon the Council
being polled for approval.
Anthratec has submitted another partial payment request #2 in the amount
of $63,350. This, with a release of the 15% retainage will total $72,852.50. The $25,000
will still be held for a guarantee. The work on the filter refurbishment has been
completed and is operational. Councilmember Williams moved that Partial Payment #1 be
ratified and that Partial Payment #2 be approved. Motion seconded by Councilmember
Frandsen and carried.
- Addendum To Contract
Vern Jones presented an addendum to the contract with Anthratech Western
for the Water Treatment Plant Filter Basin Refurbishment. This addendum approves the
stainless steel troughs that were constructed in the treatment plant. Councilmember
Oliveto moved that the addendum be approved and that the Mayor and City Recorder be
authorized to execute the document. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nikas and carried.
29. WATER LINE REPLACEMENT PROJECT 1995 - Permission To Advertise For
Councilmember Williams moved that permission be given to advertise to
receive bids for the Water Line Replacement Project for 1995. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Frandsen and carried. Gary Sonntag reported that this years water line
replacement project will construct a new water line along 500 East from 700 North to 800
North and along 200 North from 300 East to 400 East.
Prequalification of Contractors Approved
Gary Sonntag reported that the first phase of the Water System Expansion
Project 1995 will be to construct the concrete water storage tanks (10 and 2 million
gallon). At the suggestion of City staff, CRS Engineering conducted an evaluation process
to pre-qualify contractors for this project. After public advertising for
pre-qualification application submittals, they completed the evaluation. Gary presented
the evaluation report and explained the procedure, the results and the recommendations of
CRS. After discussion on the report, Councilmember Williams moved that the recommendations
of CRS Engineering be approved and that only those contractors pre-qualified by CRS be
invited to bid on the tank project. Motion seconded by Councilmember Oliveto and carried.
Nick Sampinos reported that last year the City was under pressure to
finish the connection between UP&L Wells #1 and #2. It was necessary to obtain a
right-of-way on property belonging to John and Jeri Houston. Staff met on sight with John
and he agreed to allow the City to go on his property to complete the necessary
connections subject to certain conditions. There was no historical data to show what
particular flow would come from this spring. Mr. Houston's concern was that if Well #2 was
turned on, what would happen to the production of a certain spring that is near some
houses and a pond on his property. A plan was proposed that if Mr. Houston would allow
Price City to put their line in, Price City would agree to replace whatever water flow was
diminished from that spring and that the spring's production would be monitored over a
minimum of two years and that Mark Paige from the State Engineer's office would direct the
Mr. Sampinos presented a copy of an agreement that he prepared per the
above. He has reviewed it with Vern Jones and Gary Sonntag and forwarded a draft copy to
Mr. Houston. He asked the Council to review the agreement, and that it be placed on
unfinished business until it is finalized..
Facility - Tabled
Nick Sampinos reported that Price River Water Improvement District would
like to exercise their option to purchase Price City's interest in the sewer treatment
facility at Wellington. He understands that Price City served as a financing conduit at
the time the facility was built and as part of the transaction, ended up owning 21.4% of
the facility. The District retained the option to purchase the City's interest for $1 once
the bonds on that facility were paid, but it couldn't be purchased before 20 years
expired. Based on the refinancing that was done 2 years ago, those bonds have now been
paid and they would like to exercise their option. The only problem is that the agreement
specifically states 20 years. They District would like to amend the agreement and proceed
with exercising the option of the $1. It was recommended that this be tabled for further
Joanne Lessar reported that the Legislature passed a low changing the
Municipal Election Law. The City has two options. The first option is to hold a primary
election when the number of candidates filing for an office exceeds twice the number to be
elected. The second option is for candidates to be nominated by a political party
convention for the general election. New ordinances must be adopted by June 1. It was
recommended that this be tabled and reviewed further.
34. PURCHASE OF VEHICLES - Report On Bid Results
Joanne Lessar reported that the committee appointed to review the bids
received for the purchase of 3 trucks and 1 car is recommending that three 1995 Dodge
Dakotas be purchased from Community Motors at a cost of $14,234.11 each, and that a 1995
Chev Corsica be purchased from Mountain View Motors at a cost of $14,062.00. Councilmember
Nikas moved that the recommendations of the committee be approved. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Oliveto and carried.
The following business license applications were received:
Diamond H Work & Western Wear, 750 West Price River Drive, Arvel Hansen-Owner, Retail Apparel (56) $100
Raymond's, 88 East 100 South, Raymond Smith-Owner, Delicatessen (58) $100
Homier Distributing Co., (National Guard Armory), Retail
Miscellaneous, Itinerant Merchant $200
Councilmember Nikas moved that the businesses be approved. Motion seconded
by Councilmember Oliveto and carried.
36. COLTON SPRINGS FENCING PROJECT 1995 - Contract Awarded
Gary Sonntag reported that the committee assigned to review the bids
received for the Colton Springs Fencing Project awarded the contract to Yanks Fencing, the
low bidder.
Councilmember Nikas moved that the meeting adjourn and that a meeting
of the Redevelopment Agency convene. Motion seconded by Councilmember Oliveto and carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:02 p.m.
Reconvened at 7:06 p.m.
Redevelopment Agency Minutes