April 20, 1995, 5:00 p.m.
Mayor Lou Colosimo
James L. Jensen, L. Lamond Williams, L. Janet Oliveto, Roy Nikas
Vern Jones (Adminis. Ass't.), Joanne Lessar (City
Recorder), Pat Larsen (Finance Director), Cobb
Johnson (Public Works Dir.)
Absent and Excused: Councilmember Theressa O. Frandsen
Pat Larsen presented and reviewed the revised budget worksheets for
FY1995/96. The funds transferred from the Electric Fund to the General Fund over past
years was reviewed. The amount transferred to the 1993/94 budget was $1,207,000 and the
amount transferred to the 1994/95 budget was $1,485,000. The present amount being
transferred is $1,176,000. Pat reported that the present balance in the Electric Fund is
$696,000, which is ahead by $240,000. At the rate we are going, we should be able to add
another $250,000. It was recommended that another $250,000 be transferred from the
Electric Fund to help balance the 1995/96 budget. It was suggested to increase electric
rates at the same rate the cost of living increases.
Merit increases and reclassifications were discussed. The Council expressed concern over those employees that were in the categories of 80% to 90% of mid range, compared to employees from 100% to 120% of mid range. There seems to be an inequity in the way these rates come out. The implementation of an evaluation program was again reviewed, and it was felt that this is very important and should be done. The position of Electrician was discussed and questions arose if it would cost the City more money to hire an Electrician versus contracting someone to do the work. The possibility of contracting to have the weeds sprayed instead of hiring employees to dig out the weeds was also discussed.
Pat reported that $100,000 has accumulated in the Capital Expenditure
Fund over the past years. This money can be used to purchase the vehicles that are needed
or saved and built up. She would like to see this fund built up so that it can be used to
purchase needed vehicles.
After further discussion regarding the budget, reclassifications, merit increases, capital
expenditures, etc., the Council directed that in order to balance the budget, that the
following take place:
* Eliminate $12,000 to reroof the library, which will be done this year
* Increase electric rates 2.5%, which would generate $92,000
* Transfer a total of $1,569,250 from the Electric Fund to the General
* Eliminate the $150,000 in library taxes and take this amount out of the
General Fund balance to replace it
* Instead of placing in next year's budget the credit received from Utah
Local Governments Trust, the Council directed that it be split between those employees
covered under the medical insurance. This would be an incentive for employees to continue
good health practices.
* Approve reclassifications. Set aside the $30,000 for merit increases
at a later date, which will be reviewed after implementation of an evaluation program.
2. FIRE DEPARTMENT - Permission To Purchase Computer
Councilmember Williams moved that permission be given to purchase a new
computer for the Fire Department. Motion seconded by Councilmember Oliveto and carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:56 p.m.