Minutes of The Special Price City Council Meeting
City Hall: Price, Utah
April 21, 2006, 8:00 a.m.
Mayor Joe L. Piccolo Joanne Lessar, City Recorder
Councilmembers: Pat Larsen, Finance Director
Richard Tatton Gary Sonntag, Public Works Director/City Engineer
Jeanne McEvoy Nick Tatton, Community Director
Kathy Hanna-Smith John Daniels, Human Resource Director
Jeff Nielson Bret Cammans, Customer Service Director
Rick Davis Aleck Shilaos, Chief of Police
Others Present:
Lisa Richens Paul Bedont
1. BUDGET WORKSHOP - Fiscal Year 2006-2007
Pat Larsen reported that the budget for Fiscal year 2006-07 is out of balance by $1,485,250. Homestead Boulevard loop road was discussed and whether this project should be considered. It was clarified that most of the funds for this project were coming from grants. It was felt the expenditure of $75,000 for Class C Road Improvements/Maintenance should remain in the budget. These funds come out of the Class C Allocation. Also recommended for purchase are the following items in the Streets Department - 10 wheel dump truck for $95,000, a 1 ton dump truck with tool box for $45,000, and a 2.5 ton dump truck Bob Tail for $65,000. These funds will come from Class C Roads. The costs to upgrade the City=s substations were reviewed as well as water projects. It was recommended to cut electrical new construction reimbursable by $50,000. A property tax increase was discussed as there hasn=t been an increase since 1978. If a .001 increase or 50% were to take effect, the increase on a $100,000 home would be approximately $55/year. Pat informed the Council that the City is currently below the maximum allowed which is .007. If this occurs, the public will want to know the reasons. A City official could meet with various clubs and organizations to help in this endeavor.
Pat indicated that sales tax revenues are 14% higher this year than last year. Because of this, there could be an increase of $125,000. The highway tax would also increase 14%. Pat reviewed various funds and the amount they were out of balance, such as the Drug Task Force, Library, Water, Capital Improvements, Electric, Pool, etc. The following requested positions have been eliminated - Equipment Technician, City Engineer, Secretary, Facility Technician, Streets Laborer. The Building Inspector position was discussed. At the present time, funds are in the budget for a part time person. Contracting with outside engineering firms for this function was discussed. John Daniels reported that a 4% cost of living increase is currently in the budget, along with a 1 - 2 % anniversary increase. He received information that health insurance costs will increase 16.6% and dental 1%. Adding this to the cost of living and anniversary increases totals 21 - 22%. The cost of living increase totals $133,860; the anniversary increase $46,800; salary adjustments $4,200; dental insurance $57,000, and health insurance $100,000. Utah Local Governments Trust will no longer offer Comprehensive Care I, which most of the City employees currently have. It has been replaced with Summit Care I and II. Funds have been placed in the budget to cover Summit Care II. If employees want Summit Care I and Preferred Care, they will pay the difference.
Besides property tax, the Council discussed increasing other items, such as sewer, garbage, and electric fees.
Meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.
ATTEST: Joe L. Piccolo, Mayor
Joanne Lessar, City Recorder