April 26, 1995, 5:30 p.m.
Mayor Lou Colosimo
L. Lamond Williams, L. Janet Oliveto, Roy Nikas
Gary Sonntag (City Engineer), Vernon W. Jones (Adminis. Assist.), Joanne Lessar (City Recorder), Pat Larsen (Finance Director), Nick Sampinos (City Attorney), Aleck Shilaos (Chief of Police)
Absent and Excused:
Councilmembers James L. Jensen, Theressa O.
Frandsen, Cobb Johnson (Public Works Director)
Others Present: Paula Lewis, Mike
Bradshaw, Geri Petersen, Karen Bliss, Alonna Cook, Laurie Nelson,
Michael C. Keller, Stacy Berggren
Mayor Colosimo led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll was called with the
above members in attendance.
1. MINUTES - April 3, 1995
Councilmember Oliveto moved that the minutes of the April 3, 1995 meeting
be approved as written. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nikas and carried.
2. MINUTES - April 12, 1995
Councilmember Williams moved that the minutes of the april 12, 1995
meeting be approved as written. Motion s;econded by Councilmember Nikas and carried.
3. PAULA LEWIS, MIKE BRADSHAW - Utah Library Conference
Paula Lewis and Mike Bradshaw, library employees, thanked the Council for
the opportunity to attend the Utah Library Association workshop held in Salt Lake.
Karen Bliss and Geri Petersen presented a proposal to establish an
official cultural resource committee. This committee would be responsible to put together
a series of regular programs to be held in the Civic Auditorium and in the Peace Garden
during the summer months. Several individuals have indicated a willingness to be members
of the committee. The credibility of some of these people are known for having established
independent programs on their own. They would like representatives in dancing, music,
religious and ethnic groups, the schools, the college and private instructors. This
committee would reach out throughout the entire community for talent. Mayor Colosimo
thanked Karen and Geri for getting this program started, as this community needs something
like this. He asked if any funding would be needed and recommended that $5,000 be budgeted
for this. Ms. Bliss stated that she has a pledge of $2,000 from the College of Eastern
Utah to help with the program. Councilmember Oliveto recommended that since Price City
facilities would be used, that members of this committee be sworn in at the next meeting.
Ms. Bliss will provide the names of the committee members. Councilmember Oliveto moved
that staff be directed to prepare an ordinance creating the above committee. Motion
seconded by Councilmember Nikas and carried.
Michael Keller, 865 North 1100 East, discussed the ongoing problems with
speeders and the amount of traffic passing through their street to access the North Price
Softball Field. He asked that another primary access be built to the softball fields.
Since meeting with the Council, the neighborhood attended a County Commission meeting and
were told to return to the Council since the majority of the property lies within Price
City. They did mention the subject of interagency cooperation to work together to find a
satisfactory solution.
Councilmember Nikas reported that following the last meeting, 20 mph speed
limit signs were placed on the street, plus an increase in patrols. Some of problems are
not entirely from those playing softball, but kids driving up there late at night. He
attended a County Commission meeting and brought to their attention the concern over the
increase from 18 to 68 softball teams within 3 years. Commissioner Breinholt stated that
with the upgrading of the softball fields near the County Fairgrounds, some of the
pressure will be taken off of the fields at 1100 East.asfinished at least half of games
will be out there. In addition, they will alternate the playing times so the traffic is
not all at one time. He received a commitment from Commissioner Breinholt that the Sheriff
would work with the Police Chief to set up whatever kind of inforcement is needed to deal
with some of these problems.
Councilmember Nikas stated that construction of a road east of the
softball fields would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Because of the day-to-day
traffic 12 months out of the year on Cedar Hills Drive, the City has committed to making
this street safer by expanding it. It will cost $850,000 to do this project. They budgeted
$50,000 in next years budget, which will only widen it another 500 to 700 feet. The Master
Road plan shows an alternate road coming in on the east side of the softball fields.
However, there will need to be land acquisitions, plus crossing Meads Wash.
Laurie Nelson stated that the Council made a promise 20 years ago that
there would be another access into the ball fields. None of the residents are against the
ball teams, they just want a safer street. Councilmember Nikas suggested that since the
street is relatively narrow, that parking alongside the curb could be prohibited. This
would solve some of the problems. The Council symphathized with the residents, but stated
there are no funds to build the secondary access.
6. MARCH OF DIMES WALK-A-THON - Request To Waive Rental Fees For
Washington Park Pavilion and Terrace Hills Park
Councilmember Oliveto moved that rental fees for the pavilion at
Washington Park and Terrace Hills Park be waived for the March of Dimes Walk-A-Thon.
Motion seconded by Councilmember Nikas and carried.
7. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - A-Frame Signs - Tabled
Vern Jones reported that the Chamber of Commerce is requesting permission
to place 10 A-Frame signs throughout the City to advertise the Black Diamond Stampede.
Councilmember Williams moved that the item be tabled and referred to the Planning and
Zoning Commission. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nikas and carried.
8. HOME OCCUPIED BUSINESS - Ceramic Den, 260 South 700 West, Dennis R.
Councilmember Willimas reported that upon inspection by the Fire Chief and
Building Inspector, the Planning and Zoning Commission gave a favorable recommendation to
Dennis Marshall to operate a ceramic business from his home located at 260 South 700 West.
He moved that the business be approved pending a satisfactory inspection and payment of
the business license fee. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nikas and carried.
Conditional Use Permits
Councilmember Williams reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission
gave a favorable recommendation for the following conditional use permits.
Tom & Laurel Marinos - New Home Construction In CD Zone at 145
South 7th East
Bernie & Traci Eriart - New Home Construction In CD Zone at 485 East 100 North)
Dan Tamllos - Subdivision of Property For Construction of
New Home (property split at 210 North 5th Avenue)
Councilmember Williams moved that the requests be approved and that
conditional use permits be issued. Motion seconded by Councilmember Oliveto and carried.
10. HANS MILLER PROPERTY - Rezoning, 404 South Carbon Avenue
Councilmember Williams reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission
gave a favorable recommendation to Hans Miller to rezone 2 parcels of property located
west of the old Mabbutts building at 404 South Carbon Avenue from RM-7 to CD. He moved
that upon payment of the fee, that a public hearing be scheduled for this rezoning. Motion
seconded by Councilmember Oliveto and carried.
11. HANS MILLER - Conditional Use Permit, Change Of Use - Tabled
In conjunction with Item #10, Councilmember Williams reported that Hans
Miller also requested a conditional use permit for a change of use to operate his farm
equipment business. This can not be completed until the rezoning takes place. One of the
things to be resolved is the establishment of a sidewalk. The Council directed that this
item be tabled until the zoning is determined.
Mayor Colosimo presented the following personnel actions and recommended
a. New Hires
Arville L. Patton, Police Chaplain, Temp/PT
Karlene Kallas, Recreation Specialist, Temp/PT
b. Rehire - Gus Pappas, Cemetery Department, Laborer, Temp/FT
c. Swimming Pool - Permission To Hire Six Lifeguards, Perm/PT
Councilmember Williams moved that the above personnel items be approved.
Motion seconded by Councilmember Oliveto and carried.
Mayor Colosimo presented the following travel requests and recommended
Kevin Drolc, Shaunna Fassett, - Utah Law Enforcement
Intelligence Network Training, May 8, 9, Salt Lake
Joe Christman, Bill Barnes, Juanita Richard, Tom Harris
(Emery County) - Narcotics Officer Association Training,
April 30 - May 3, Salt Lake
Ed Tallerico - Euthanasia Class, May 24, 25, Salt Lake
Joanne Lessar, Sharon Klarich - Business License
Certification Class, May 11, 12, Salt Lake
Councilmember Oliveto moved that the travel be approved. Motion seconded
by Councilmember Williams and carried.
14. UTILITY DISCONNECT/RECONNECT FEES - Temporary Hold On Fee Collection
Councilmember Nikas reported that he and the Utilities Department reviewed
the fees currently charged for utility disconnect/reconnect fees. Renters are paying $15
to connect their services and $15 to disconnect. They are receiving complaints from
landlords who are having to pay the disconnect fee when tenants move out. In addition,
there have been several complaints from residents that leave for the winter (snow birds)
and move back for the summer months. Most of those residents have lived here for 30 plus
years. The Utility Department is recommending that the disconnect portion of the ordinance
be deleted. One of the purposes to assess these fees was to collect revenue to help assist
in the cost of meter readers going out to read the meters in and out. Another option is to
place an administrative fee on the utility fees. It was recommended to charge a $30
connection fee. There was a concern as how to handle the "snow birds". The
Council directed that the item be tabled and a temporary hold be placed on the collection
of fees until a solution is reached.
15. RESOLUTION - Cleaning Fee For Peace Garden - Tabled
Vern Jones reported that a resolution adopted regarding usage of the Peace
Garden did not include a cleaning fee. He presented an updated resolution setting forth a
$25 cleaning fee, $15 of which would be refunded if the occupant demonstrated that the
area was cleaned after use. The Council discussed commercial events that were bringing in
refreshment wagons and what fee should be charged for using the electrical outlets, plus
the parking lot. The Council directed that this item be tabled for further review.
16. LIBRARY REROOF - Permission To Prepare Specifications And Advertise
To Receive Bids
Councilmember Oliveto moved that permission be given to prepare
specifications and advertise to receive bids to reroof the library. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Nikas and carried.
17. SWIMMING POOL HEATING EQUIPMENT - Permission To Advertise To Receive
Councilmember Nikas moved that permission be given to advertise to receive
bids for the swimming pool heating equipment. Motion seconded by Councilmember Williams
and carried.
18. WATER EXPANSION PROJECT DESIGN - CRS Consulting Engineers, Inc., -
Partial Payment #9
Councilmember Williams moved that Partial Payment #9 in the amount of
$11,972.96 be paid to CRS Engineering for work completed to date on the design work for
the Water Expansion Project. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nikas and carried.
Engineering Group - Partial Payment #2
Councilmember Nikas moved that the invoice in the amount of $18,959.87
submitted by The Engineering Group for the Main Street Project Design be approved and sent
to the Utah Department of Transportion for payment. Motion seconded by Councilmember
Williams and carried.
Potential Conflict of Interest (Gary D. Sonntag)
Gary Sonntag presented disclosure of a potential conflict of interest
involving one of the pre-qualified contractors selected by CRS Engineering for the Water
Expansion Project Phase I. Build Inc., Construction Company, who is one of the
contractors, has a principal owner by the name of Richard J. Stromness. Through a property
purchase involving Gary's father-in-law Paul O. Huber, Mr. Stromness has a contract with
Gary and his wife, Pauline Huber Sonntag, to submit monthly payments to them towards this
property purchase. Nick Sampinos stated that no action is needed on this item, but that it
should be made a part of the minute record. Councilmember Nikas moved that this
information be made a part of the minutes. Motion seconded by Councilmember Williams and
21. UTAH LOCAL GOVERNMENTS TRUST - Medical/Dental Insurance Contract For
Councilmember Williams moved that the medical/dental insurance contract
with Utah Local Governments Trust for FY1995/96 be approved and that the Mayor and City
Recorder be authorized to execute the document. Motion seconded by Councilmember Oliveto
and carried. Councilmember Nikas asked if the City ever puts this insurance contract out
to bid. Joanne Lessar reported that the Council was approached several years ago by
different companies, and was reviewed by the Council and the employees at that time. It
was felt that Utah Local Governments was performing satisfactorally. One of the local
governments entities changed and was eventually sorry they did. If you leave ULGT's
system, they will not take you back for 3 years. The last increase for insurance premiums
was for the year 1993/94.
The following business license applications were received:
Gary's Towing, 935 East 100 North, Gary Lupo-Owner, Automobile Towing (75.4) $100
The Reception Center, 375 South Carbon Avenue (BTAC), Glenda Ivie-Partner, Caterer (58) $100
School of Seimei-No-Michi, 78 North Carbon Avenue, Nephi James
Thorpe-Owner, Karate Instruction (79.9) $100
Councilmember Nikas moved that the business license applications be
approved. Motion seconded by Councilmember Oliveto and carried.
Councilmember Nikas moved that the meeting adjourn and that the Council
Meeting reconvene. Motion seconded by Councilmember Oliveto and carried.
Meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m.
Reconvened at 7:15 p.m.
Meeting adjourned at 7:18 p.m.
Redevelopment Agency Minutes