Minutes of The Special Price City Council Meeting
City Hall: Price, Utah

April 7, 1999, 5:07 p.m.


Mayor: Lou Colosimo.

Councilmembers: Roy A. Nikas, Betty P. Wheeler, Joe L. Piccolo, Stephen L. Denison, Richard Tatton.

Staff: Vern Jones (Community Administrator), Joanne Lessar (City Recorder), Gary Sonntag (PWD/City Engineer), Keith Wight (Human Resource Director).

Mayor Colosimo called the special meeting to order at 5:07 p.m. Roll was called with the above members in attendance.

1. EXECUTIVE SESSION - Personnel Issue

MOTION. Councilmember Denison moved that the Special Council Meeting adjourn and that an Executive Session convene. Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.

Meeting adjourned at 5:08 p.m.

MOTION. Councilmember Denison moved that the Executive Session adjourn and that the Special Council Meeting reconvene. Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.

Executive Session adjourned at 5:23 p.m.

Special Council Meeting reconvened at 5:35 p.m.

2. STEVE RABER, VOLUNTEER FIREMAN - Placed On Administrative Leave

MOTION. Councilmember Nikas moved that Volunteer Fireman Steve Raber be placed on Administrative Leave with pay from the Fire Department until further notice. Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.

3. BUDGET SESSION - FY1999/2000

Pat Larsen reported that the budget for the Fiscal Year 1999/2000 is $1.6 million out of budget. Mayor Colosimo recommended that instead of going through the Capital Expenditure list one by one and cutting out items, that the Council take the $600,000 that is available and decide where they want it spent.

Councilmember Tatton joined the meeting at 5:30 p.m.

Pat presented the proposed budget and stated that she has already found $175,000. There is $115,000 in fund balance that can be used for Class "C" Roads that is not reflected in the proposed budget, plus $60,000 in personnel items that were wrong and have been deducted. The Council discussed increasing sewer rates. If the sewer rate was increased by $2.00/month, it would generate about $270,000/year. This would almost cover the expenses budgeted in that department. These funds could be used to replace a lot of old sewer lines.

Pat indicated that estimates from financial advisers indicate that it will cost over $7 million to replace the water transmission line from the treatment plant to the City. If the City does this project, it will be necessary to bond for this amount of money. She has asked the financial advisers how much water rates need to be increased in order to bond for this project. She recommends that the rates be increased over a period of time rather than one large increase in one year. As soon as she receives an answer from the financial advisers, she may be recommending a $2.00/month increase for this next budget. Mayor Colosimo recommended submitting requests for grants. Vern Jones stated that the granting entities will look at what we are charging for water and if we show that we have steadily increased rates and have a reserve, the City will have a better chance for a grant. The Council discussed constructing the new transmission line in increments - such as $3 million at a time instead of one large amount. Vern suggested capping it at $2 1/2 million increments. The rates could then be increased $1.00/mo. per year.

Pat stated that the Water/Sewer fund is out of balance #354,300. It will be necessary to either raise the water and sewer rates or cut projects. Out of this amount, $140,000 is for new sewer lines. The biggest expenditures are painting of the water tanks, and new sewer and water lines. If the water tanks need to be painted, then the users should pay for it.

The decision was made to cut $210,000 from the $340,000 Water/Sewer Department, and raise sewer and water rates for the balance. Pat will report back with the amount that the water and sewer rates need to be raised and the Council can then determine if this is what they want to do.

The Council discussed the purchase of a new fire truck. Instead of purchasing it, Pat suggested a lease/purchase for $35,000/year for 5 years. The Council agreed with this concept.

It was suggested to reduce the amount for the storm drain on 350 South 400 West from $170,000 to $30,000.

The purchase of a wave pool cover was discussed. Pat recommended that it be purchased through a lease/purchase agreement. Before this is done, it was suggested to look into funding through recreation monies.

Property taxes was discussed. Pat stated that she will estimate property taxes higher. If she estimates it low, the City would receive less than the certified tax rate. She increased sales tax by $20,000.

Pat reviewed personnel costs, such as medical and dental insurance, retirement, FICA, industrial insurance, etc. In the proposed budget, she placed a 1.8% cost of living adjustment and a 2% wage adjustment. The cost of living adjustment would be effective July 1st and the 2% would be effective on the employee's anniversary if they receive a good evaluation. The Council reviewed the changes in each department, such as vacancies, retirements, requests for new employees, rate changes, etc.

Items cut from the budget were:

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.