Minutes of
The Price City Council Meeting
City Hall:
Price, Utah
May 10,
2006. 5:30 p.m.
Mayor Joe L. Piccolo Joanne
Lessar, City Recorder
Councilmembers: Pat
Larsen, Finance Director
Richard Tatton Nick
Sampinos, City Attorney
Jeanne McEvoy Nick
Tatton, Community Director
Jeff Nielson John
Daniels, Human Resource Director
Rick Davis Aleck
Shilaos, Chief of Police
Councilmember Hanna-Smith
Gary Sonntag,
Public Works Director/City Engineer
Sherry King Pam
Konakis Angelo Konakis Brian Barton
Dave Levanger Kristi
Ohlwiler Paul Bedont Norma Procarione
Bob Peirce Harvey
Peet Carol Leturgez BreAna Tucker
Piccolo led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll was called with the above members present.
REPORT - Update
The Mayor and Councilmembers presented an update on the
activities they administer.
2. BID
OPENING - 2006 CIB Road Improvement Project - Committee Appointed
The following bids were received for the 2006 CIB Road
Improvement Project:
M & M Asphalt, West Jordan, Utah
- Schedule A
Nielson Construction, Huntington,
Utah - Schedule B $ 12,391.00
Kilgore Paving & Maintenance,
Salt Lake City, Utah - Schedule A
Intermountain Slurry Seal, Inc.,
Salt Lake City, Utah - Schedule A
$ .13 SF
MOTION. Councilmember Tatton
moved that a committee, consisting of Councilmember Davis, Scott Olsen, Lisa
Richens and John Procarione, be appointed to review the bids and given the
authority to award the contract if it is within budget. Motion seconded by Councilmember Davis and
HOSPITAL DIABETES FUND RAISER - Authorization To Close 1st East
Between Main Street and 1st North
Pam Konakis, Castleview Hospital, requested that 1st East between
Main Street and 1st North be closed on Friday, August, 25, 2006,
between 1:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. for the first annual fund raiser for diabetes
sponsored by Castleview Hospital. These
funds will be kept in the community and used to assist diabetics in purchasing
their supplies. There will be music and
a dance in the Peace Gardens, a bike show and bike rodeo using motorized mini
bikes, and a barbecue. On Saturday, a
286 mile motorcycle ride will take place beginning in Price, going through the
towns of Tory, Hanksville, Green River and back to Price. Active Re-Entry will be the facilitator of
the funds. MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved that the request
to block the street and use the Peace Gardens be approved. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nielson and
OHLWILER - Authorization To Close 7th East Between 7th and 8th
North For Block Party
Christy Ohlwler requested permission to close 7th
East between 7th and 8th North for a neighborhood block
party on Monday, May 22nd, from 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. MOTION. Councilmember Nielson moved that the request
be approved. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Davis and carried.
& DEMILLE ENGINEERING - Carbon County Cross Country Trails System
Brian Barton, Jones & Demille Engineering, and Dave Levanger, Carbon County Building
Official, presented an update on the Carbon County Cross Country Trails
System. Mr. Levanger stated that Carbon
County has been working on this project for several years and has hired
May 10, 2006
Jones and Demille Engineering to finish the work. The trail will begin in the Scofield area
beginning at Skyline Drive, down Pontown Canyon, and into
Scofield Town. The trail will
accommodate horses, bicycles, ATV=s, walking, etc.
However, there are portions that will not be built for every kind of
vehicle. At the present, Scofield Town
is opposing the trail through their town, but they are working with them to
iron out the bugs. The Carbon County
Commissioners have considered declaring a loop beginning at Wild Cat Siding, to
Consumers and old Coal City, around and through the Forest Service and Corner
Canyon, to Poulfrey Bench and into the Carbon County Fairgrounds. A loop around Price will eventually be
created. Helper City is mostly ATV open
and they currently have designated routes to travel around the backside of the
City from Wild Cat, under the freeway from Helper Junior High, past Kenilworth,
continuing across Clarks Valley into East Carbon and Sunnyside and up to Bruin
Pont. From there, you can either go down
to Dry Canyon to the Barrett Compressor Station or 2 2 miles into Nine Mile Canyon and
then back up Cottonwood Canyon and the Coal Springs route and back to Bruin
Point. Mr. Levanger asked for input from
the Council as to how they would like a loop made around Price to connect back
to the Fairgrounds. The North Springs Shooting range could eventually be accessed
from the trail. With all this activity,
it is hopeful that tourists will want to spend extra days in the
community. Speed limits will be set and
there will be a comfort station every 20 miles.
Hopefully it will be in areas where there is cell phone service. The comfort station will have a small pavilion
where you can get in out of the weather, a small restroom, trash receptacles,
and a wall on one end with a map
indicating where you are. However, there
will be no water. Individuals will have
to come prepared. The whole idea is to
have access to each town in Carbon County to obtain food, water and gas. There will eventually be designated areas for
camping. Warning signs will be placed in
areas where the terrain is narrow or rough.
There will be law enforcement, solid waste management and emergency
services. Brian Barton stated that the
main focus is to get the main backbone trail in place so that the communities
and County can work towards tying all points together. A trail head is currently being pursued. We are at a point where we can finalize the
design and lay out the signs, comfort stations, obtain right-of-ways, and move
ahead so this can be advertised for bids to get it constructed. Dave Levanger stated that a loop into Emery
County will eventually be constructed to tie them in. There will be a total of 120 to 140 miles of
trail. Mr. Barton asked the Council to
post their comments on their website.
Mayor Piccolo thanked Mr. Barton and Mr. Levanger for their input.
SCHOOL DISTRICT - Softball Field Agreement - Struck
AID - Authorization To Replace Part Time Person
Norma Procarione requested permission to replace a part time
employee who is resigning. She presented
information and efficiency reports regarding this position. MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved that the request
be approved. Motion seconded by
Councilmember McEvoy and carried.
DEPARTMENT - Additional Captain and Captains Pay Increase Approved
Fire Chief Paul Bedont requested an additional captain in
the Fire Department and a $25/month increase
in captains= pay due to the extra work that is
required. His original request was for
$50/month. This is an increase of
$2,400/year and will provide for two Captains on each shift. For fire service, there should be no more
than three firefighters under each Captain.
He currently has five Captains and a total of 25 firefighters. MOTION. Councilmember Davis moved that the request be
approved. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Tatton and carried.
BIZ ADS.COM, STONE TOAD WATERSCAPES - Home Occupied Businesses Approved
Councilmember Nielson reported that the Planning and Zoning
Commission gave a favorable recommendation to the following requests for home
occupied businesses per the contingency on Stone Toad Waterscapes.
Price Biz Ads.Com - 695 West 300 South, Jeff Sandoval-Owner (Internet
Stone Toad Waterscapes - 239 North 400 West, Lyle Bauer-Owner (Landscape
Business) - Contingent upon obtaining a contractors license.
MOTION. Councilmember
Nielson moved that the home occupied businesses be approved per the above
contingency and upon the purchase of a business license. Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and
May 10, 2006
SHOP - Conditional Use Permits Approved
Councilmember Nielson reported that the Planning and Zoning
Commission gave a favorable recommendation to the following requests for
Conditional Use Permits
Silky Smooth - 894 East 100 North #3, Business and Sign (Hair Removal)
Price Pediatric Dentistry - 391 North 400 East, Business and Sign
Bryner House Museum - 68 South 100 East, Building and Grainery Renovation
Bookcliff Sales Repair Shop - 45 South 100 West, Business
MOTION. Councilmember
Nielson moved that the request be approved and that Conditional Use Permits be
issued. Motion seconded by Councilmember
McEvoy and carried.
ITEMS - MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved that Items #11 through #24 be
approved. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Nielson and carried.
- April 21, 2006, May 5, 2006
- 2006-002 - Adding Chapter 9.78 To The Price Municipal Code, 1988, Imposing
Regulatory Standards And License Requirements On Certain Business Activities,
Which Are Characterized As Sexually-Oriented Businesses And Certain Employees
Of Those Businesses Characterized As Sexually-Oriented Business Employees.
#2006-09 - Fee Schedule For Usage of The Facilities Within Price Municipal
Building, Peace Garden, and Public Works Complex
Policy consists of activity and maintenance schedule,
building access, rules and regulations, responsibilities of Presidents,
Coaches, Assistant Coaches, and responsibilities of Price City Parks Department
CARNIVAL COMPANY - Contract For Entertainment During International Days
DEPARTMENT - Authorization To Purchase Portable Mobile Radio Alarm System
Cost of the portable mobile radio alarm is approximately
VITALITY LOAN FUND - Bicycleworks (Fuzzy Nance)
For retail business (bicycle and outdoors store) start-up
financing of inventory, equipment and leasehold improvements in the amount of
$10,000, 24 months, 7.5% APR.
Additional funding in the amount of $7,500, 24 months, 75%
APR to increase on-hand inventory.
VITALITY LOAN FUND - Snap On Tools (Carl Potter)
Funding for the purchase of inventory related to a Snap On
Tools distributorship in the amount of $10,000, 24 months, 7.5% APR.
21. USDA
RURAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GRANT - Authorization To Submit Application For
Castle Country Business Expansion and Retention (BEAR) Program
DEPARTMENT - Approval To Issue Credit For Winter Water Overages
Credits for the winter water overages on accounts that
experienced leaks during the winter months when water meters are not read.
May 10, 2006
23. NEW
HIRE - Alexandria Baum, Swimming Pool Lifeguard, Part Time
Customer Service & Collections Specialist, Facilities Manager, Grounds
Manager, Customer Service Director
Councilmember Tatton reported that in the recent Price River
Water Improvement District meeting, two new subdivisions were presented. One is located at 1150 South and 600 West and
requested both water and sewer. The
other one is located southeast of the current Circle K Subdivision and
requested approximately 600 feet of water line and a hydrant at their
expense. The District purchased a parcel
of ground from Plateau Mining Co. located south of the waste treatment plant,
which included a large building. The
District is looking at a release of the reclamation in that area and plans to
remove a large unsightly tank. The
District is looking at participating in a management agreement on affluent
wastewater. The law is changing on this
and there is controversy brewing on who owns the water rights to affluent water,
how much water is taken out and how much is being put back in to keep things
going. The District agreed to hire an
attorney at a cost of $2,500/year to work on legislation so the water rights
are protected. This change affects all
of the State. The Utah Department of
Transportation recently opened bids for the Helper Interchange project. He is unaware of the results, but if they are
within budget, the project should start in August, 2006. At that time, the District and Price City
will be able to move their utility lines.
The Price River is still running quite high.
BOARD - Update
Councilmember Tatton reported that the Power Board did not
have a meeting. The Finance Department
is working with Bret Cammans on current rates.
Nick Tatton contacted the Utah Association of Municipal Power Systems to
see if a rate specialist can review and advise rate schedules. We want to make sure everything is going in
the right direction on the rate structure.
At this point, Utah Power & Light has not contacted Price City about
raising rates. However, Brigham City has
been contacted. As we move along, we
will keep everyone posted. We need to
stay ahead of rate increases with the citizens.
If the rate is increased 13%, he recommended increasing the rate half
now and the other half at a later date so the rate payers aren=t hit so hard all at once.
DAYS - Update
Councilmember Davis reported that the Youth City Council
will help with International Days events.
Norma Procarione has agreed to direct and make sure they assist with
Councilmember McEvoy moved that the meeting adjourn and that a meeting
of the Redevelopment Agency convene.
Motion seconded by Councilmemer Davis and carried.
adjourned at 6:58 p.m,
at 7:04 p.m.
adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Piccolo, Mayor
Lessar, City Recorder