Minutes Price City Planning and Zoning

May 22, 2000

Price City Hall  6:00 P.M.



Present:            John Angotti, Chairman                         Francis Duzenack, Building Official

Larry Bruno, Vice-Chairman                 Carolyn Vogrinec, Secretary

Alfred Richens                                     

Laurel Marinos

Penny Sampinos

Joe Piccolo


Absent:             Gary Lyon                                            Vern Jones, Community Administrator


Others Attending:


James Hansen                                                   Lori Pugliese

Mark Morley                                                    Tasha Morley

Tony Basso                                                      Dave Childs


1.                  MINUTES OF MAY 8, 2000

There were no additions or corrections and Larry Bruno made a motion to approve the minutes of May 8, 2000 as read.  Laurel Marinos seconded and the motion carried.


2.                  HOME OCCUPIED BUSINESS


127 WEST 500 SOUTH




Mr. Hansen will be selling reflective address signs for poles or mailboxes. Joe Piccolo asked about the distribution of fliers as a means of advertising and indicated the Green River Ordinance prohibits the distribution of fliers door to door or on car windshields.  Mr. Hansen has spoken with Price Police Chief Shilaos and he suggested visiting various places and meetings where there are large groups of people present.  It was also suggested utilizing store bulletin boards or handing them out personally.  His home will be used as an office and there will be some inventory on hand for special orders, primarily supplies to make the signs, as each sign will have a different house number.  All sales and installation will be done on customer site. There were no other questions and Larry Bruno moved to forward a favorable recommendation to Price City Council for the Home Occupied Business - Office Use Only for The Pub Supply.  Laurel Marinos seconded and the motion carried.


3.                  CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - SIGN


214 EAST 100 NORTH





Ms. Pugliese told the Commission she would like the additional sign on the east side of her business for better advertisement and exposure.  The sign, from her previous location,  is professionally done, meets all size requirements  and will be mounted flush against the building. There were no concerns and Penny Sampinos moved to forward a favorable recommendation to Price City Council for the Conditional Use Permit - Sign for Southwest Silks.  Alfred Richens seconded and the motion carried.                               








The Price City Attorney has reviewed this matter and has recommended that all previous requirements on the Miller application be required on the Basso application.  In addition, the paving of the parking lots will also be required.  Mr. Bruno asked if this would include the curb, gutter and sidewalk and overshot along 400 South on the Miller property.  Joe Piccolo indicated there was some question as to whether or not this was done to Price City specifications. The matter has not yet been reviewed by the City Engineer to determine whether or not what was installed is adequate.  So far there have been no problems with what is in place. Joe Piccolo said Mr. Miller was required to pave the entire front parking lot rather than just a portion and this could be done under a two year Temporary Conditional Use Permit.  Mr. Basso agreed to do this and requested a copy of the Price City Attorney’s letter of review and recommendation.


Mr. Piccolo asked about the access to the property from Carbon Avenue.  Francis Duzenack indicated that UDOT approved the access and part of it, the sidewalk and the approach was replaced when Mr. Miller moved into the building.  However, this approach is not an issue - our concern is the 400 South side of the property.  It is important to maintain visibility at the intersection making certain  the RV’s are not parked to close to the corner. 


There is a 4' high chain link fence on the south side of the property running up to the sidewalk. Mr. Basso also requested permission for a banner sign, 34" x 30' which complies with the sign regulations.  Part of this application is to relocate the impound yard, formerly on the north side of 400 South, to the south side of the building.  There is a site obscuring fence around the impound yard.  As Mr. Basso has complied with all the requests of the Zoning Commission and Price City Attorney Nick Sampinos has no problem extending the Temporary Conditional Use Permit, Joe Piccolo moved to forward a favorable recommendation to Price City Council for a Conditional Use Permit - Business and Sign for Mad Man Basso RV Sales.  Larry Bruno seconded and the motion carried.  Mr. Piccolo then moved to forward a favorable recommendation to Price City Council for a Temporary Conditional Use Permit for a period of two years on the portion of the parking lot which is required to be paved as indicated on the application, to include all the way across the front of the property and west to the building edge.  Penny Sampinos seconded and the motion carried.


5.                  CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - FINAL





Mark Morley appeared before the Commission to represent Price V LLC in this matter.  PRWID has reviewed the plans for this project and are satisfied with the pre-treatment requirements for that site.  There is also a letter from Pentacore EPG, the engineering firm doing the wetlands review and this area is classified as a non-wetlands area.  Mr. Duzenack indicated he had met with the Price City Engineer, however, he had not yet had an opportunity to review the plans, but has a couple of items of concern.  There is an irrigation inlet on the end of the underground pipe system that needs to be enlarged by approximately 3 times the size that is shown.  The problem is  the inlet is not big enough to let the water flow and it backs up into the ditch, forcing excess water down another irrigation pipe.  Then we have problems by K-Mart with the water blowing out of the clean outs.  He feels enlarging the inlet should solve the problem.  The Engineering Department is reviewing the boundary descriptions to make certain everything matches.  There is a problem with the dumpster encroaching on the power right-of-way in the back, but Rich Morley met with Mr. Duzenack to review the situation.  The dumpster area is oversized -  15' x 50', for a small dumpster to be contained.  If they shrink the footage to 8' x 10', it will clear the right-of-way and still allow the dumpster.  Aside from these two items, everything looks good.  The building plans are currently undergoing plan review and should be ready tomorrow.  Mr. Piccolo indicated  since this is a request for Final Approval, the Price City Engineer should sign off on the plans.  The Engineering Department will need to check the boundary description to make certain everything closes.  There are no Development Agreements involved because all  public improvements are already in place.  Once the Price City Engineer indicates everything is okay, the permit is issued and Price City Council gives the Final Approval, they will be ready to go.  The Price City Fire Chief has reviewed the plans and has no fire protection issues.  One issue of concern is the driveway going into the Wildlife Resources Facility.  It is currently not in formal easement form.  It’s more of a “gentleman’s agreement” and a formal  easement is needed to maintain the driveway for access to the Wildlife Resources Facility.  The curb cut and actual driveway approach is existing and this driveway was put in as a temporary type access.  Everything will be realigned once the project gets going.  A formal recorded easement with Wildlife Resources for the access will be drawn up and recorded on the deed.   


Alfred Richens mentioned that, at the last meeting, the company representative indicated the bottom floor of the building would house the DMV.  The information now is that only one quarter of the building will be occupied.  He is concerned about sufficient parking for any future building occupants.  Mr. Morley explained that, looking at the plans, you can see there is actually part of Lot #4 that will be used for additional parking.  Francis Duzenack indicated the plans had been reviewed as though the office building would be totally occupied and even though the building will be only partially filled, there is adequate parking for this building now.  The parking lot on the east side of the building is sitting on Lot #4.  The developer will do a lot line adjustment and combine the two lots so they will become one lot.  The remaining portion of Lot #4 is not big enough to leave a buildable lot, so they will reserve that space for future parking expansion as necessary.  Because this is a multiple tenant building, we will look at each tenant, as they come in, to review the parking situation.  Joe Piccolo asked Mr. Morley if there would be a problem in preparing the easement before the next Price City Council Meeting.  Mr. Morley said it could be done. 


There were no other concerns and Larry Bruno moved to forward a favorable recommendation to Price City Council for the Conditional Use Permit Final Approval for Price V LLC Office Building (DMV) at the Price River Drive Business Park, contingent upon the final approval of the Price City Engineer for all the required changes and that an easement be recorded to access the Wildlife Resources Facility north of the development.  Laurel Marinos seconded and the motion carried.                                


6.                  STAFF


1)                  David Childs of A-1 Rental appeared before the Commission concerning the problem of his placing equipment on the parkway in front of his business.  Mr. Richens explained there is a great deal of traffic generated by the nearby shopping center and several residents of the area have complained about the site distance problem with the equipment being on the parkway and making it difficult to see on-coming traffic.  There is an Ordinance, #12.04.110 - Section A - Placing goods on sidewalks for sale or show - that regulates the distance.  This section of the ordinance was read and reviewed.  Mr. Childs indicated the ordinance should be enforced all the time, not spot by spot.  Mr. Piccolo said many business people and private citizens have abused the ordinance and have been asked  to move items from their parkways.  Following some discussion on this matter, Mr. Childs told the Commission he will comply with the ordinance but feels it  applies to everyone and wants only to be treated fairly.  Mr. Angotti thanked Mr. Childs for his concern.


There was no further business and Joe Piccolo made a motion to adjourn.  The meeting adjourned at 6:50 P.M.