Minutes of The Price City Council Meeting
City Hall:
Price, Utah
May 24,
2006, 5:30 p.m.
Mayor Joe L. Piccolo Joanne
Lessar, City Recorder
Councilmembers: Pat
Larsen, Finance Director
Richard Tatton Nick
Sampinos, City Attorney
Jeanne McEvoy Gary
Sonntag, Public Works Director/City Engineer
Kathy Hanna-Smith Nick
Tatton, Community Director
Rick Davis John
Daniels, Human Resource Director
Cammans, Customer Service Director
Aleck Shilaos, Chief of Police
Councilmember Jeff Nielson
Sue Christensen Rita
Alderson Bruce R. Bryner Claude H. Wheeler
Phyllis Wheeler Scott
Wheeler David Wheeler Kelsey Wheeler
Nancy Cammans Parker
Cammans Ted R. Cahoon Bob
Norma R. Procarione Grady McEvoy
Cammans, Boy Scout Troop #283, led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll was called with the above members
present. Mr. Parker was at the meeting
to thank the Mayor and Council for their support on his Eagle Scout project
which was to build a kiosk at the Price Cemetery. The kiosk will help visitors to the cemetery
find grave sites both alphabetically and numerically.
INPUT - Update On Carbon School District Agreement For
Baseball Field Usage
Grady McEvoy, Carbon School District, reported that he met
with Councilmember McEvoy and Bret Cammans regarding the agreement between the
school district and Price City for usage of the baseball field. The school board has approved the agreement
and it will be placed on the agenda for the next Council Meeting. The only change was clarification on the
mutual understanding of the automatic renewal.
Unless written concerns are brought before either the Council or the
school board, the agreement is automatically renewed.
REPORT - Update
The Mayor and Councilmembers
presented an update on the activities they administer.
3. BID
OPENING - Class AC@ Road Improvements - Committee Appointed
The following bids were received for the Class AC@ Road Improvements
Bonneville Asphalt - Schedule A -
Hot Asphalt Services - Schedule A -
Superior Asphalt, LC - Schedule A -
Kilgore Paving & Maintenance - Schedule A - $42,350.00
M & M Asphalt Services - Schedule A
- $50,000.00
Sand & Gravel - Schedule D - $67,140.70
Staker/Parson Companies - Schedule B -
Nielson Construction - Schedule B - $146,585.25
- Schedule C -
- Schedule D
- $69,914.08
- Schedule E -
Councilmember Hanna-Smith moved that a committee, comprised of
Councilmember Davis,
Gary Sonntag, J. Scott Olsen, John Procarione, and Pat Larsen or
Lisa Richens, be appointed to review the bids and given the power to act if
they are within budget. Motion seconded
by Councilmember McEvoy and carried.
May 24, 2006
AWARD - Scott Wheeler
Mayor Piccolo presented the Visionary Service Leader award
for May, 2006, to Scott Wheeler. Mr.
Wheeler has volunteered numerous hours on the trail systems around Price and
adjoining towns.
DEPARTMENT - Establishment of Traffic School Approved
Police Chief Aleck Shilaos requested permission to establish
a traffic school which is a combined effort between the City Attorney=s office, the Carbon County Justice
Court, and the Police Department.
Individuals who receive moving traffic violations could request that
they be allowed to attend traffic school for consideration on their
citations. The City Attorney and the
Justice Court Judge would approve their attendance. It is a 2 2 hour class with a fee of approximately $35.00. This would be in addition to their court
fees. After the course is completed, the
individual would receive credit through the courts. Police Chief Shilaos felt it is a good public
relations tool. To begin, they would
like to hold a class every other week at the Police Department. Nick Sampinos stated that the benefit to those
individuals who participate in the class is that the conviction would not appear
on their records. This is a way to avoid
a conviction for insurance purposes. Pat
Larsen indicated that if this is approved, it will be necessary to establish a
fund to keep a record of revenues and expenditures. MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved that the traffic
school be approved and that authorization be given to establish a new
accounting fund. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Hanna-Smith and carried.
COUNTRY NUTURAL - Conditional Use Permit - Struck
AMENDMENT, BICYCLE WORKS - Conditional Use Permits Approved
Mayor Piccolo reported that the Planning and Zoning
Commission gave a favorable recommendation to the following requests for Conditional
Use Permits.
Curves dba
D2 Wilson Enterprises, LLC. - 95 East Main, Business, Change of Ownership
Southwest Hypnosis - 90 West 100 North - Business and Sign
Krompel Subdivision Phase I Amendment - Sagewood
Area - Preliminary and Final
Bicycle Works - 640 East Main - Business and Sign
Councilmember Tatton moved that the requests be approved and that
Conditional Use Permits be issued.
Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and carried.
ITEMS - MOTION. Councilmember Hanna-Smith moved that Items #8
through #14 be approved. Motion seconded
by Councilmember Davis and carried.
- May 8, 2006, May 10, 2006
Swimming Pool Parking Lot - Ratification
INVENTORY - Permission To Use Sidewalk On 2nd
Use of sidewalk during inventory and sale of surplus library
books to serve hot dogs, chips, drinks and cookies to the public (ALunch On The
VITALITY LOAN FUND APPROVED - Piece of Mind Inspections
Approval of funding in the amount of
REVISION FY2005-2006 - Public Hearing Scheduled for June 14, 2006
APPROVED - Suda Merriman (Grounds Manager); Tamara Gray (Facilities Manager); Brianna Welch (Customer Service &
Collections Specialist)
May 24, 2006
#10 - Adoption of Job Descriptions (Customer Service Director, Grounds Manager,
Facilities Manager, Customer Service & Collections Specialist)
HOUSE PIONEER MUSEUM - Approval For Price City To Act
As Fiscal Agent For Grant Funds
Sue Christensen, representing the Bryner
House Pioneer Museum, requested that Price City act as a fiscal agent to
receive grant funds in the amount of $25,000 from the Ashton Foundation for
their museum project. The Ashton
Foundation needs a tax exempt organization to receive the money and disperse
it. The Daughters of Utah Pioneers was
going to provide this service, but due to problems with the lease, they have
declined. Mayor Piccolo stated that this
is a one time request and that the museum will eventually become a tax exempt
organization. Ms. Christensen stated
that the grant application, which was due May 15th, was rejected in
anticipation of a letter from a tax exempt entity indicating their
participation as a fiscal agent. Pat
Larsen asked if there would be other grants? Ms. Christensen stated that the reason Price
City is being asked to handle this grant is that the museum is in the process of
obtaining tax exempt status which takes approximately three months. If future grants are requested, the museum
will be able to process them and will not have to rely on Price City. Ms. Christensen stated that she will comply
with Price City=s purchasing procedures. MOTION. Councilmember Hanna-Smith moved that the City
act as a fiscal agent to receive funds for the Bryner
House Pioneer Museum, that the Mayor be authorized to sign a letter to that
effect, and that authorization be given to set up a fund to handle the
accounting details. Motion seconded by
Councilmember McEvoy and carried.
Due to the
conflict of Mayor Piccolo=s son-in-law being a candidate for
the position of Price City Police Officer in Item #17, Mayor Piccolo left the
meeting at 6:35 p.m.
PRO-TEMPORE - Councilmember Rick Davis
Per the provisions established in Ordinance #2002-001, Councilmember
Tatton moved that Councilmember Davis be appointed Mayor Pro-Tempore. Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and
17. NEW
HIRE - David Wilkinson, Police Officer
Mayor Pro-Tem Davis presented a letter from Police Chief
Aleck Shilaos reporting that the interview process to hire a new Police Officer
has been completed. It is Chief Shilaos=s recommendation that David
Wilkinson be offered the job as he is a fully certified law enforcement officer
in the State of Utah. Also recommended
is that Jesse Carlton be placed on an eligible hiring
roster for one year from May 24, 2006.
Mr. Carlton is a fully certified Corrections Officer requiring him to
return to Peace Officer=s Standards and Training (POST) to
complete his law enforcement certification.
POST is backlogged statewide in their certification process. If a job opportunity presents itself to Mr.
Carlton and he successfully completes his physical, psychological, background
and drug screen, it is his recommendation to offer him a position. To expedite his training and benefit to the
City and Police Department, Chief Shilaos suggested obtaining a slot in the
training academy as soon as it becomes known of an opening to hire Mr.
Carlton. Additionally, have Mr. Carlton complete as much of
his field training as possible while waiting to enter the Academy. Police Chief Shilaos stated that this roster
method has been used in the past and has been very effective and saves a lot of
time. MOTION. Councilmember Hanna-Smith moved that David
Wilkinson be hired as the new Police Officer and that Jesse Carlton be placed
on the roster as recommended above.
Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and carried.
Councilmember Davis moved that Mayor Piccolo return and chair the meeting.
Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and carried.
Piccolo returned to the meeting at 6:43 p.m.
May 24, 2006
Councilmember Tatton reported that the Price River Water
Improvement District held board training at their last meeting. This was very beneficial not only to the
Special Service District members, but also for Linda Ballard from the County
Special Service District. The District
agreed to accept a payback agreement with Darlene Pennington and Lyle Hadden to extend a water line. An item on the agenda involving Wellington
City=s water share utilization request
was approved with two voting for it, two against and one abstaining. This will appear again for additional
information. The Scofield
release is down. However, it looked like
it was back up today. The.
Helper Interchange bids were opened, however, the Utah Department of
Transportation did not want water utilities to complete their connections at
this time. The preconstruction meeting
will be held May 31st with the place and time to be determined
later. Inspections have been completed
on the Castle Gate property which was purchased by the District and everything
seems positive for the reclamation portion.
Rather than have an agreement with Helper City for emergency water, the
District will set the rate for sales for non-contracted users. Everyone will pay a specific rate.
BOARD - Authorization To Hire Bruno Engineering For
Troubleshooting Services
Councilmember McEvoy reported that the Power Board met with
Steve Forbes from Kee
No formal decisions were made as all members were not in attendance. One of the issues discussed was the
rebuilding of our substation and a concrete base versus a dirt berm. The decision
was made to rebid and hopefully the bids will come in
lower by combining the bids and selecting various options. Scott Bruno will assist the City in putting
this together. Another meeting will be
held on June 1st to finalize the bids. It was brought to their attention that there has been power outages on the City Hall Substation=s south line to the point that it is
impacting businesses and their power equipment.
She asked approval for emergency trouble shooting services through Bruno
Engineering as a cost of $5,000. The
Electric Department has funds in the budget to cover this expense. Bret Cammans explained the loss in power and
what has happened beginning with the end of last summer when the power bumps
first started. No problems were
encountered through the winter, but started again this summer. Out of the 3 phase feed coming from this
substation, one of the phases keeps going down.
This means there is partial power which is worse on big motors. Bruno Engineering has the equipment and can
respond quickly to isolate the problem. MOTION.
Councilmember McEvoy moved that Bruno Engineering be hired to provide
services up to $5,000 to determine the problem.
Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and carried.
Councilmember Hanna-Smith reported that the Community
Progress committee will be meeting tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. The City Attorney has reviewed and approved
the Adopt A Street application and agreement.
He suggested adding a tip sheet about safety concerns, such as wearing
leather gloves, good shoes, hats, sunscreen, etc. She met with Gary Sonntag and Dale Stapley of the Utah Department of Transportation to review
a welcome sign at the East Price Interchange.
A couple of areas were looked at that would be adequate. She will review them with the committee, get
their input, and report back to Gary and Dale.
DAYS - Update
Councilmember Hanna-Smith reported that the next meeting of
the International Days committee will be Thursday, June 8th. The committee has talked about the carnival
and new events, such as a kid=s cake decorating contest with Norma
Procarione as chair. There will be a new
line of entertainment from what has been presented in the past. To date we have 11 committed sponsors.
Councilmember McEvoy reported that the playground committee
has made application to the Special Service District to be on the agenda of
their June 5th meeting to request funding.. The District requires that a maintenance and
operation agreement be submitted with the application.
May 24, 2006
She presented a draft of
the agreement and asked for the Council=s input. She will
then have Mr. Sampinos review it. The
application is for $75,000. At their
meeting on June 5th, the Special Service District will review the
application. She would like the support
of the Mayor and Council at this meeting, as the District may or may not ask
questions. If they would like to
consider it further, the application will be placed on their July meeting
agenda. Councilmember McEvoy further
stated that Commissioner Krompel is very excited
about the project. She is hopeful that
it will receive funding.
Gary Sonntag stated that the Water Depletion and Recovery
Study is complete.
A copy has been forwarded to the Mayor and Council. The next step will be presented at the next
meeting. The City received an extension
of 4 years on their water application on the White River. We do not want to wait the last year before
something is done. We want to start
formulating a plan now as to how the City wants to utilize that resource to our
benefit. This involves some of the
recommendations that were included in the Water Depletion and Recovery
Study. It will provide ideas of where we want to go.
MOTION. Councilmember Tatton
moved that the meeting adjourn and that a meeting of the Redevelopment Agency
convene. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Davis and carried.
adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
Reconvened at 7:08 p.m.
adjourned at 7:24 p.m.
Piccolo, Mayor
Joanne Lessar, City Recorder