May 24, 1995, 5:30 p.m.
Mayor Lou Colosimo
L. Lamond Williams, Theressa O. Frandsen, L. Janet Oliveto, Roy Nikas
Cobb Johnson (Public Works Director), Aleck Shilaos (Chief of Police), Vernon W. Jones (Adminis. Assist.), Joanne Lessar (City Recorder), Pat Larsen (Finance Director), Nick Sampinos (City Attorney), Gary Sonntag (City Engineer)
Absent and Excused: Councilmember James L. Jensen
Others Present: Michael Cox, Nick Siaperas, Bill Karcich, Paul Hirst, Donna Aston, Bud Skaar, Ivie Skaar, Tom Alexander
Mayor Colosimo led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll was called with the
above members in attendance.
1. MINUTES - May 10, 1995
Councilmember Nikas moved that the minutes of the May 10, 1995 meeting be
approved as written. Motion seconded by Councilmember Oliveto and carried.
2. BID OPENING - Water Expansion Project Phase I (Water Tanks) - Committee
The following bids were received for the Water Expansion Project Phase I,
Water Tank Construction.
Grand Total Grand Total
Prestressed Std. Reinforced
Build, Inc. $3,661,966 $3,661,966
Gerber Const. $4,384,330 $4,384.330
Skaar Const. $3,799,800 $3,800,600
Gary Sonntag recommended that a committee comprised of himself, Pat
Larsen, Vern Jones, Cobb Johnson, Councilmember Williams, Paul Wheeler, and CRS
Engineering, be appointed to review the bids and given the power to act. Councilmember
Williams moved that the committee be approved. Motion seconded by Councilmember Frandsen
and carried.
3. MENS SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT - Authorization To Sell Beer
Councilmember Williams moved that Frank Marquez be authorized to sell beer
at the ball park during the Black Diamond Men's Softball Tournament to be held in Price
May 26 & 27, and that the beer be sold from a keg and served in paper cups. Motion
seconded by Councilmember Oliveto and carried.
4. MISS CARBON COUNTY PAGEANT - Contribution Approved
Councilmember Nikas moved that $500 be contributed to the Miss Carbon
County Pageant, that rental fees be waived for use of the Civic Auditorium, and that hard
costs be charged. Motion seconded by Councilmember Oliveto and carried.
5. BLACK DIAMOND STAMPEDE - Community Theater Performance
Pat Johnston, representing the Chamber of Commerce, requested permission
to place a man on the roof of the City Hall building to act as a "sharp shooter"
during a parade to be held in conjunction with the Black Diamond Stampede. Mayor Colosimo
stated that he will review this with the insurance company and the City Attorney and get
back to Ms. Johnston.
Pat Johnston also requested that fees be waived to hang banners across
Main Street advertising the Black Diamond Stampede. The Council denied the request and
felt the fees would need to be charged.
Mayor Colosimo recognized Elise Rasmussen and Amanda Cox, members of the Youth City
6. MARJORIE M. BIGGS - Reimbursement For Water Meter Repair
Councilmember Nikas moved that Marjorie M. Biggs, 3677 North Spring Glen
Road, be reimbursed $80.50 for the cost of a new water meter valve. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Frandsen and carried.
Permission To Waive Bidding Procedures and Receive Proposals
Councilmember Oliveto moved that bidding procedures be waived and
proposals received for new carpet in City Hall, Room 207, and the Chamber of Commerce
office. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nikas and carried.
8. DAVID AND SHAUNA O'BRIEN - Board of Adjustments Variance, Height of
David O'Brien presented a sketch of his property at 187 North 100 East,
displaying his plans to construct a 6' fence along 2nd North that will be higher than the
code allows. He will need a variance from the Board of Adjustments. Councilmember Williams
reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the request and gave a favorable
recommendation to the Board of Adjustments for a variance. Councilmember Williams moved
that a favorable recommendation be given to the Board of Adjustments. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Frandsen and carried.
9. HOME OCCUPIED BUSINESS - Lasers & Micros, 681 North Apple Circle
Councilmember Williams reported that Planning and Zoning Commission gave a
favorable recommendation to Greg & Diana Talbot, 681 North Apple Circle, to operate a
retail computer supply business out of their home. He moved that the business be approved
upon payment of the business license fee. Motion seconded by Councilmember Frandsen and
10. TERRY K. JENSEN (TKJ INC.) - Group Home, 550 East 400 South -
Conditional Use Permit
Councilmember Williams reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission
gave a favorable recommendation for to Terry K. Jensen, 550 East 400 South, to operate a
group home for handicapped individuals. He moved that the request be approved and that a
conditional use permit be issued. Motion seconded by Councilmember Frandsen and carried.
11. S. NICK HOUSER - Board of Adjustments Variance, Wider Drive Approach
Councilmember Williams reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission
gave a favorable recommendation for a variance for S. Nick Houser, 490 Eastridge Road, to
widen his driveway approach. He moved that a favorable recommendation be given to the
Board of Adjustments. Motion seconded by Councilmember Oliveto and carried.
12. PUBLIC HEARING RESCHEDULED - Adoption of Budget For FY1995/96
The Council directed that the public hearing to adopt the budget for
FY1995/96 be rescheduled for June 14, 1995.
13. NICOLE SELLERS - Rehire Approved
Mayor Colosimo recommended that Nicole Sellers be rehired as an Office
Clerk in the Swimming Pool, Temporary/Part Time. Councilmember Nikas moved that the rehire
be approved. Motion seconded by Councilmember Oliveto and carried.
14. TRACY ALLRED - Travel Approved
Mayor Colosimo recommended that Tracy Allred be authorized to attend
Advanced Accident Investigation training at P.O.S.T., Salt Lake City, June 5-9.
Councilmember Oliveto moved that the travel be approved. Motion seconded by Councilmember
Nikas and carried.
15. ANNEXATION PETITION - Mark & Maurine Bingham
Ray Francom asked if anything has been done regarding the right of way and
stop sign pertaining to the annexation request by Mark and Maurine Bingham. Gary Sonntag
stated that he talked to the Carbon County Engineer and Building Inspector regarding the
road and ownership of the property. There are still some questions that need to be
answered. Vern Jones reported that he is in the process of contacting individuals
concerning the State property.
16. NEW POLICE OFFICER - Permission To Schedule Interviews and To Select A
New Police Officer
Councilmember Oliveto moved that permission be given to schedule
interviews to select a new police officer. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nikas and
17. RESOLUTION #95-13 - City Sanitation Contract Record Keeping
Vern Jones presented Resolution #95-13, pertaining to record keeping for
the City Sanitation Contract. Councilmember Nikas moved that Resolution #95-13 be approved
and that the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized to sign the resolution. Motion seconded
by Councilmember Oliveto and carried. Councilmember Williams abstained.
18. RESOLUTION #95-15 - Utility Connection Fee
Vern Jones presented Resolution #95-15, pertaining to utility
disconnect/reconnect service fees. Councilmember Nikas moved that Resolution #95-15 be
approved and that the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized to sign the resolution. Motion
seconded by Councilmember Oliveto and carried.
19. SUDSY DUDS CONTRACT - Uniform Cleaning - Tabled
20. RESOLUTION #95-12 - Personnel Manual Changes
Vern Jones presented Resolution #95-12, changing the Personnel Manual
pertaining to benefits to spouses of former employees, conversion of sick leave to
vacation, industrial accident prevention, and CDL licenses. Councilmember Oliveto moved
that Resolution #95-12 be approved and that the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized to
sign the resolution. Motion seconded by Councilmember Frandsen and carried.
Engineers - Partial Payment Request #10
Councilmember Frandsen moved that partial payment #10 in the amount of
$1,120.36 be paid to CRS Consulting Engineers for the contract on the tank design of the
Water Expansion Project. Motion seconded by Councilmember Oliveto and carried.
TELEMETRY AND PUMP STATION, #18S-94 - CRS Consulting Engineers - Partial Payment Request
Councilmember Williams moved that partial payment #2 in the amount of
$2,587.50 be paid to CRS Consulting Engineers for the contract on the design of the
transmission, distribution, telemetry and pump station involving the Water Expansion
Project. Motion seconded by Councilmember Frandsen and carried.
23. COLTON SPRINGS FENCING PROJECT 1995 #4C-95 - Yanks Fencing Company -
Change Order #1, Final Payment
Gary Sonntag presented Change Order #1 to the contract with Yanks Fencing
for the Colton Springs Fencing Project. The Change Order increases the contract $288.80 to
allow for additional fencing. Yanks Fencing also submitted a final payment request in the
amount of $10,537.40. Councilmember Williams moved that the change order and final payment
be approved. Motion seconded by Councilmember Frandsen and carried.
24. INSURANCE COVERAGE - Permission To Pay Premium
Councilmember Oliveto moved that permission be given to pay the insurance
premium in the amount of $98,000 for coverage to May 1, 1996. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Nikas and carried.
(Miller Creek) - Certificate of Deposit
Councilmember Nikas moved that a certificate of deposit in the amount of
$5,000 be approved for the City's gas well located in Miller creek. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Oliveto and carried. The certificate is issued to the State of Utah on
behalf of Price City and is in lieu of a bond to insure the gas well.
The following business license applications were received:
El Salto, 19 South Carbon Avenue, Miguel Z. & Noemi N. Taberna-Owners, Restaurant (58) $5 Transfer Fee, New Owner, (58.2) Class "B" Beer, $5 Transfer Fee, New Owner
The Image of Beauty, 20 North Carbon Avenue, Debra Donaldson-Owner, Beauty Shop (72.3) $5 Transfer Fee, New Owner
Creations, 21 East Main, Mary Zundel-Owner, Retail Jewelry, Arts, (53) $100
Bear Hugs Floral & Gifts, 19 East Main, Bonnie & David
Powell-Owners, Retail Floral & Gift Shop (59) $100
Councilmember Oliveto moved that the businesses be approved. Motion
seconded by Councilmember Nikas and carried.
27. COUNTRY STORE - Half Year Business License
Joanne Lessar reported there are seven businesses that have not paid their business
license fee for 1995. Country Store has sold their building and will be out of business by
June 9, 1995. They requested permission to pay a half year license. Councilmember Oliveto
moved that the Country Store be charged for a half year license and assessed the full
penalty. Motion seconded by Councilmember Frandsen. Police Chief Shilaos will contact
owners of the unpaid business licenses and attempt to collect the fees.
Joanne discussed a day care business operated by Brenda Fossat, which will
close in two weeks. Brenda contacted Planning and Zoning, but never completed the
necessary paper work for a home occupied business license. She claims that upon receiving
her State license, she was told that she did not need a City license. As she has been in
business for approximately one year, the Council felt that Ms. Fossat should pay a full
year's license fee.
28. SWIMMING POOL BOILER - Contract Awarded
Cobb Johnson reported that the contract for the swimming pool boiler has
been awarded to R & L Boilers in the amount of $5,532.20.
Cobb Johnson reported that the contract to hydro-seed the new cemetery has
been awarded to Environmental Industries in the amount of $2,929.97.
30. RESOLUTION #95-14 - Peace Garden Usage and Cleaning Fees
Vern Jones presented Resolution #95-14, creating a usage and cleaning
fee for the Price Peace Garden. Councilmember Oliveto moved that Resolution #95-14 be
approved and that the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized to sign the resolution. Motion
seconded by Councilmember Frandsen and carried.
Gary Sonntag reported that the committee appointed to review the bids
received for the Water Distribution Line Replacement awarded the contract to Nelson
Irrigation & Construction in the amount of $65,905.34.
Gary Sonntag reported that the committee appointed to review the bids
received for the Park Drive Retaining Wall decided to reject all bids because the bid
amount exceeded the budget.
Councilmember Nikas moved that the meeting adjourn and that a meeting of
the Redevelopment Agency convene. Motion seconded by Councilmember Oliveto and carried.
Meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m.
Reconvened at 7:00 p.m.
Adjourned at 7:10 p.m.