Minutes of The Special Price City Council Meeting
City Hall: Price, Utah
May 30, 2006, 8:00 a.m.
Mayor Joe L. Piccolo Joanne Lessar, City Recorder
Councilmembers: Pat Larsen, Finance Director
Richard Tatton Gary Sonntag, Public Works Director/City Engineer
Jeanne McEvoy John Daniels, Human Resource Director
Kathy Hanna-Smith Bret Cammans, Customer Service Director
Jeff Nielson Aleck Shilaos, Chief of Police
Rick Davis
Others Present:
Lisa Richens
1. BUDGET WORKSHOP - Fiscal Year 2006-2007
Pat Larsen reported that the budget was still out of balance by $250,000. An amount of $100,000 was transferred from the Water Fund. An amount of $50,000 was taken out of the Capital Improvement Fund. Different ways to increase revenues were discussed, such as raising building permit fees. The report from the Building Department is that we are currently 3-4% above Carbon County rates. Discussion centered around asking Carbon County to assist in the financial operation of the library, swimming pool, and the Fire Department. Currently the budget for the Fire Department is $413,000, the library is $325,000, and the pool is $465,000. Pat Larsen suggested asking the County for half of those funds to operate those departments. She indicated that we either have to find revenue sources or decrease services. Staff is in the process of reviewing City property to determine if anything could be declared surplus and sold. The benefit for retirees was reviewed. It was recommended that this be decreased from $295/month per retiree to $195/month per retiree. If retirees want the high option plan, they would have to pay the difference. A letter will be sent to all retirees informing them of this action. It was also recommended that department heads be asked to purchase only essential items between now and the end of this fiscal year. The request for additional help in the Building Department was deleted.
Bret Cammans suggested increasing library card and literacy program fees in the library to increase revenue by $30,000, and increase swimming pool passes to increase revenue by $10,000. He suggested decreasing a Capital Project item (swimming pool pavilion) from $20,000 to $10,000. An amount of $20,000 will be remain for this project as the public has been requesting additional shaded areas. He will contact Questar Gas Company for assistance on the utility bill for the swimming pool. He also recommended reducing the Wireless Lan System. The concept of approaching the Carbon County Special Service District Recreation fund for financial assistance in the library, the pool, and the purchase of a brush truck for the Fire Department was discussed. Increasing
May 30, 2006
participation from the school district and the college for swimming fees was discussed. Another suggestion was to increase the fees for Police Department reports to $15 and increase rental fees for animal traps. Another suggestion was to move the Main Street improvements to the next fiscal year.
A property tax and sales tax increase was discussed. Implementing a 1/10 % ZAP (zoo , arts, parks) sales tax would assist in the utility bill for the swimming pool. It was suggested that we go forward with the ZAP tax.
It was recommended that the proposed property tax increase not be implemented, and that additional funds to balance the budget be transferred out of the Electric and Water funds. If at a future date, the County is not willing to assist in the financial operation of the swimming pool, library and Fire Department, it may be necessary to ask the citizens for a property tax increase.
The following changes were made to balance the budget.
Transient Room tax increased $5,000
International Days Misc. Revenue increased $3,000
Department Expenditure Cuts (Fund Balance) $100,000
Medicare Supplement Insurance decreased $14,000
Emergency Preparedness decrease $4,000
Increase in library revenue $30,000
Increase in pool revenues $10,000
Brush Truck (100% grant) $75,000
Downtown Capital Improvements moved to next fiscal year $50,000
Telephone Maintenance decreased $1,000
Wireless Lan System decreased $3,000
It was recommended that a Public Hearing be held on June 14th to adopt the budget for Fiscal Year 2006-2007.
Meeting adjourned at 11:35 a.m.
ATTEST: Joe L. Piccolo, Mayor
Joanne Lessar, City Recorder