Minutes of The Price Redevelopment Agency

City Hall: Price, Utah

June 14, 2006, 7:30 p.m.



Chairman Joe L. Piccolo                                               Joanne Lessar

Boardmembers:                                                            Pat Larsen

     Kathy Hanna-Smith                                                 Nick Sampinos

     Jeff Nielson                                                             Gary Sonntag

     Rick Davis                                                               Bret Cammans

Aleck Shilaos


Excused: Boardmember Richard Tatton

    Boardmember Jeanne McEvoy

    Nick Tatton, Executive Director

    John Daniels


 1.        MINUTES - May 24, 2006


MOTION.  Boardmember Hanna-Smith moved that the minutes of the May 24, 2006 meeting be approved.  Motion seconded by Boardmember Davis and carried.


 2.        RESOLUTION #2006-01R - Budget Revision Fiscal Year 2005-2006


MOTION.  Boardmember Nielson moved that a Public Hearing be held to receive public input on the proposed Budget Revision for the Fiscal Year 2005-2006.  Motion seconded by Boardmember Hanna-Smith and carried.  Chairman Piccolo opened the Public Hearing at 7:31 p.m.  Pat Larsen reported that there weren’t any additions or deletions.  MOTION.  There being no further comments, Boardmember Nielson moved that the Public Hearing close and that Resolution #2006-01R, adopting the Budget Revision for Fiscal Year 2005-2006 be approved, and that the Chairman and Executive Director be authorized to sign the resolution.  Motion seconded by Boardmember Davis and carried.  Chairman Piccolo closed the Public Hearing at 7:32 p.m.


 3.        QUOTATION OPENING - Old Street Light Restoration - Quotations Rejected And Placed On Hold


Gary Sonntag recommended that due to some procedural and technical issues, that the quotations on the old street light restoration be rejected and returned unopened and the item placed on hold.  MOTION.  Boardmember Hanna-Smith moved that the recommendation be approved.  Motion seconded by Boardmember Davis and carried.





June 14, 2006


 4.        EAST PRICE SEWER LIFT STATION - Final Project Approval and Funding Authorization


Gary Sonntag reported that as part of the ongoing development of the East Price Business Park, there is a need to establish a sewer lift station to serve the new development and the east part of the project area on Airport Road.  Cost of the sewer lift station is approximately $50,000.  An amount of $45,000 remains in the 2005-2006 budget allocation with the remaining amount coming from the 2006-2007 budget.  MOTION.  Boardmember Davis moved that the project receive final approval and funding in an amount of up to $50,000 for advertising, bidding, and construction of the Sewer Lift Station.  Motion seconded by Boardmember Hanna-Smith and carried.


 5.        LAMP POST REFURBISHMENT - Final Project Approval and Funding Authorization


Gary Sonntag reported that City crews have restored and painted four old street light poles that will be placed in the planter strip in the center of the parking lot north of City Hall between the Fire Department and current Price Community Center.  It is requested that an amount of $5,400 be funded to complete the refurbishment (miscellaneous materials) of the lamp posts.  MOTION.  Boardmember Hanna-Smith moved that the project receive final approval and funding as requested.  Motion seconded by Boardmember Nielson and carried.


MOTION.  Boardmember Nielson moved that the meeting adjourn and that the Council Meeting reconvene.  Motion seconded by Boardmember Hanna-Smith and carried.


Meeting adjourned at 7:44 p.m.







ATTEST:                                                                     Joe L. Piccolo, Chairman





Joanne Lessar, Deputy Exec. Dir.