Minutes of the Price City Council Meeting
City Hall: Price, Utah
June 28, 2006, 5:30 p.m.
Mayor Joe L. Piccolo Laurie
Tryon, City Recorder
Councilmembers: Pat Larsen, Finance Director
Kathy Hanna-Smith Nick Sampinos, City Attorney
Jeff Nielson Gary Sonntag, Public Works Director/City Engineer
Rick Davis Brett
Cammans, Customer Service Director
Jeanne McEvoy Aleck Shilaos, Chief of Police
Richard Tatton Joanne Lessar, City Recorder (Retired)
John Daniels, Human Resource Director
Others in Attendance: Ann Evans,
Wade Williams, Pierre and Claudia Moynier, Nancy
Cammans, Steve DeBuono, Grady McEvoy, Susan Polster,
Jan Young, Lisa Laursen, Amy Jespersen,
Tom Ackerson, BreAna Tucker
Recorder Joanne Lessar gave the Oath of Office to the new City Recorder, Laurie Tryon.
Joanne Lessar and Sharon Klarich
are both retiring after many years of service given to Price City. A letter from Mayor Piccolo was read in appreciation
of their dedication to the City.
REPORT- Update
Mayor and Councilmembers presented an update on the
activities they administer.
Piccolo presented the Healthy Utah Traveling Trophy that Price City has once again received for the healthiest city in Utah with a total of 90,456 miles walked within the city. Creekview Elementary accounted for most of the walking
miles with Castle Valley Center following their lead. Mayor Piccolo gave praise to John Daniels and the Wellness Committee for their continued
efforts and goals to make Price City a healthier place to work.
Polster updated the City Council on the progress of the
Dino-Mine Adventure Park/Playground. Building of the playground begins on 9/11/06 and ends on 9/16/06 with one week of actual building time. This
playground has been designed by children and community members with
approximately 1,000 volunteers ready to build in just 11 weeks. Terrace Hills Park will be the designated location for the playground
with many amenities for children including a section for tots and musical
instruments incorporated into the playground. Funding for the playground is
being done through fund-raisers and donations with people encouraged to purchase bricks, benches and fence slats with their
families names on them in lieu of their donation. Councilmembers
inquired about the life span of the material and equipment used for this
project and who would be responsible for the maintenance in years to come. Ms. Polster informed the Commission of the 25 year life span
guarantee of the Treks products. It does however, not cover vandalism to the
park which could happen at any time. The (donation) engraving in the fence
pickets could be re-engraved if necessary by Castle Valley Center. The Playground Committee has chosen how the
playground will come together with a careful selection of additional products
that would easily come apart or break. The best material, to build the playground
is a structural engineered plastic which costs approximately $76,000. The
committee is looking at other avenues or ways to cut down on the use of this
expensive material and will check with Gary Sonntag to determine the most practical ways to use this
product resourcefully. The committee has a $6,000 budget set aside for signs
and location markers to be placed on the highway into Price for visitors and
will contact DOT for more information. The donation process is coming along but
the project still needs money, a $75,000 donation is promised with over $15,000
collected already. The financial need
and goal is $200,000.
will be a (wheelchair accessible-ADA) wood fiber ground cover directly around
the playground with added grass and trees. An existing sprinkler system will be
used for watering purposes and some existing grass/trees and sprinklers will be
removed to accommodate the changes. Councilmember McEvoy mentioned how County
Commissioner Krompel appreciated the idea of the support given by Mayor Piccolo
and the City Council with the approval of the maintenance agreement earlier
this year. Mayor Piccolo requested an explanation of how the funding for this
project is being handled and who the playground belongs to. Ms. Polster explained that the money is coming in to Delynn Fielding of Carbon County and then filtered to Price City. A check is then cut from Price City directly to the vendors to pay bills in order to
follow Price City policies. The project is being built on the ground Price City donated and when the playground is complete it will
be donated to Price City. Carbon County is supporting the playground and assisting the
committee in getting the word out for this community owned project. Price City receives the most benefit from this project. Councilmember
Jeanne McEvoy is the liaison for Price City from the playground committee. Grants are being
applied for through the Special Service District using Price City as the owner. Mayor Piccolo wanted to know if this
was a Price City project in order to use Price City’s name for grants.
City Attorney Nick
Sampinos recommended
the playground committee clear this item up before grants are used with Price City as the owner for grant applications. Mayor Piccolo
wished the committee good luck and commended their efforts.
5. BID OPENING- 10-Foot In-Bed Sander
and Salt Spreader
following bids were received for the purchase of a 10-Foot in-Bed Sander and
Salt Spreader. Councilmember Tatton motioned for the Public Works Department to
review and award the bid as necessary. Councilmember Nielson seconded the
motion. Motion Carried.
Tesco, Salt Lake City- $ 12, 302.00 (Carbon
16,552.00 (304 Stainless Steel)
Truck, Salt Lake
(Carbon Steel)
(304 Stainless Steel)
Truck, Salt Lake
(Carbon Steel-includes Sander, Electric Hyd &
(304 Stainless Steel-includes S.S. Sander, Electric Hyd.& Installation)
to Steve DeBuono of J.C. Penneys
Piccolo presented the Visionary Service Leader Award to Mr. Steve DuBuono from JCPenney’s for the
month of June 2006 for his help with the Main Street Program, customer service,
dedication and assistance with civic organizations. Mr. DuBuono has
many volunteer hours and has been a valuable asset to the community.
AND CLAUDIA MOYNIER-Request to upgrade access road
and Mrs. Moynier own a home located at 555 Park Drive in Price. The home is located above the old Price City water tanks. Their driveway to the home directly
connects from an access road owned by Price City to the Park Drive Street below the homes. This access
road to the home has become deteriorated, abused and neglected to the point it
is unsafe. There have been two accidents on the road in two years and an
incident where an ambulance could not access the road until a city vehicle
arrived for assistance. The roadway needs to be resurfaced in compliance with
other Price City Streets that give access to other local resident’s driveways
but, the city no longer uses the road. This is the only access to the Moynier home and has not been resurfaced for almost 50
years. The access road has water pipes still being used running under the
entire length of the road even though Price City does not use the water tanks anymore. The Moyniers feel they should not be responsible to pave a city
street. Gary Sonntag has spoken to the Moyniers
and recommended they approach the City Council with the issue. There are funds
in the Class C fund for road maintenance but, this road does not fall under
this category. MOTION.
Councilmember Tatton moved that staff research this issue and return to Council
with ideas and costs as to how to improve the road within city specs. Councilmemeber McEvoy seconded the motion. Motion carried.
PROGRAM REPORT- Nancy Cammans, Main Street Coordinator
Cammans presented an update on the Main Street Program to the City Council.
Mrs. Cammans has returned from a conference in New Orleans and provided the Council with several ideas to
improve the downtown business area. The downtown area needs to be inviting for
visitors and our community to keep shopping local as well as creating night
activities for visitors staying in our Hotels.
Simple projects and enhancements to buildings can be as inexpensive as
removing old signs, sweeping and washing areas in front of stores not being
used, to a coat of paint on a storefront door. She would also like business
owners to start targeting a different market each time an event is held so they
are not trying to cover too much at once. Ideas will be incorporated into the
next meetings for discussion to promote the downtown area. An open house is
being held on July 19th from 11a.m.
to 1p.m and the City Council and Mayor are invited. An idea that Mrs. Cammans
would like to begin working on is the purchase of Kiosks stationed in different
sections of the city with information on activities and functions offered in
Price. Nancy will return to the Council as the ideas progress.
Martino has submitted her resignation effective July 7, 2006. Bret
Cammans would like to consider
replacing the full time position with one part-time employee to assist Building
Maintenance and also contracting services to assist with the janitorial
portion. This will give the City a chance to evaluate different types of contract
services. The Council felt it would probably be necessary to sign a contract of
an appropriate length of time in order to receive quality workers. Price City would have to investigate the liability aspects of
letting contract employees use City equipment and whether or not background
checks and bonding would be necessary. Council would like to try this idea for
a temporary period of 6-12 months. Bret needs Council approval to begin the
process. MOTION was made by Councilmember Hanna-Smith to move
forward with the research process and report back to the City Council. Seconded by Councilmember Tatton. Motion carried.
BEHAVIORAL HEALTH, CHECK N’GO- Conditional Use Permits-Approved
a. Healing
Hearts Foundation-100 N. 214 E.-Business and Sign
b. Utah Central Credit Union-830 East Main- Building Addition/Remodel-Preliminary and Final
c. Four Corners Community Behavioral Health, Inc.-575 East 100 South-Building Additions
d. Check
N’Go-704 East Main Street-Business and Sign
MOTION. Councilmember Nielson moved that the businesses be approved upon the
purchase of a business license. Motion seconded by Councilmember Hanna Smith.
Motion carried.
Councilmember Hanna-Smith moved that Items #11Through #25 be approved. Motion
seconded by Councilmember Nielson and carried.
11. MINUTES- June 14, 2006, June 21, 2006-Special Meeting
12. RESOLUTION # 2006-13. Adoption of Sewer
Rate Increase
13. RESOLUTION # 2006-14. Adoption of Police
Department Service Fees
14. RESOLUTION # 2006-15. Adoption of Swimming
Pool Fee Increase
15. RESOLUTION # 2006-16. Adoption of an Electric
Rate Increase
HACKWELL)-Application for EASY program-Approved.
total of 16 City vehicles will be affected in the fleet inventory adjustment.
vehicles- replaced
vehicles-transferred into other departments
new vehicles purchased
vehicles will be surplused and sold with the fleet reduced of 6 vehicles.
to purchase a 10-Wheel Dump Truck through State bid.
Permission to purchase Drainage Culvert material.
POOL CLERK- Approval to advertise and replace Swimming Pool Clerk.
POOL SHIFT SUPERVISOR-RESOLUTION#2006-17-Permission to hire 3 employees.
22. NEW
HIRE- Brian May, Streets Department Equipment Operator II
COUNTY-Request to waive building fees for expansion of Sheriff’s facility
Carbon County would like Price City to waive the building fees on their new Sheriff’s facility
expansion. Price City does not have a Building Official at this time to
view the building plans and will therefore need to send the plans off to
Sunrise Engineering to be reviewed. If Carbon County would like to perform their own inspections and review
their own plans, Price City can waive the building fees. If Carbon County cannot do their own inspections and
Price City has to out source the plans for review, Carbon County would then be responsible for the outsourcing fees
incurred. MOTION. Councilmember
Hanna-Smith moved to waive the fees if Carbon County agrees to perform their own inspections and plan
review or be charged the outsourcing fee to send the plans to Sunrise
Engineering. Seconded by Councilmember Davis and carried.
24. CITY
City Sanitation contract has been revised by City Attorney Nick Sampinos. The same contract was used with changes to reflect
the dates and rate increases. There would be a $0.20 increase each year on the
cost of the garbage containers beginning at $6.00 for the first can. The $0.20
increases would be $7.80 per container in ten years. City Sanitation has
offered to continue providing free services, roll off service (which includes
31 containers emptied during year), and 13 front load containers at the parks,
City hall, Museum, Water Plant and the Domes. He will also provide service
around parks, the white cans we currently have will be replaced with green
containers free of charge. First agreement has been in place for ten years with
some changes in 2001.MOTION. Councilmember McEvoy made a motion to approve
the contract as presented. Motion
seconded by Councilmember Hanna-Smith. Councilmember McEvoy has hesitation
approving a contract without a hard copy in front of her to review. She has not
had the proper amount of time to review the contract. She will approve the
contract with the faith of the Mayor’s decision. Nick Sampinos suggested to amend the motion subject to Councilmembers be given more time to read the contract. The
comments can be given to Nick
Sampinos’ office by
June 30th and if there are no comments from the Council then
approval from tonight still stands and signatures can be given. Amended Motion
seconded by Councilmember Hanna-Smith.
McEvoy would like permission to sell refreshments before the culture connection
events to raise money for the playground committee. The City Council will waive
the vendor permit. MOTION: Councilmember McEvoy made a motion to
grant permission to sell refreshments during the summer schedule of the Culture
Connection and all fees be waived. Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton and
request by City Council was also made to notify the Council by email. each time
money is received for the Community Playground project.
26. PRWID-Update
Tatton had an update on the PRWID Helper Bypass which is moving ahead and going
well. Also, adding one person at the treatment plant will be supported by PRWID.
The Carbon Canal project is complete. PRWID rental schedule and
liability issues were reviewed.
Councilmember Hanna-Smith reported The
International Days event is progressing along well for the end of July.
Ed Howa has been invited to sit on
Community Progress Board for the Main Street program.
Tatton reported the power rates have been approved. There are four options for
the Rebuild Substation project with option #3 looking to be the best choice
without much expansion into the existing parking lot. Bruno Engineering will
get all of the details and exact costs to Price City to move ahead.
A discussion on power took place today with UAMPS. IPP project is moving forward. IPP Unit 3
will begin with the Power Sales contracts on 12/31/06 with the project taking approximately four years. The
payback on our share of our power was that Price City would have an added rate amount for our power.
MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved the meeting adjourn and
that a meeting of the Redevelopment Agency convene. Motion seconded by
Councilmember McEvoy and carried.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:38 p.m.
Reconvened at 8:43
Meeting adjourned at 8:46 p.m.
ATTEST: Joe L. Piccolo, Mayor
Laurie Tryon, City Recorder