Minutes of The Price City Council Meeting

City Hall: Price, Utah

July 28, 2004, 5:30 p.m.



Mayor Joe L. Piccolo                                          Joanne Lessar, City Recorder

Councilmembers:                                               Pat Larsen, Finance Director

     Betty P. Wheeler                                          Nick Sampinos, City Attorney

     Stephen L. Denison                                       Gary Sonntag, PWD/City Engineer

     Richard Tatton                                              Nick Tatton, Community Director

     Jeanne McEvoy                                            Bret Cammans, Supervisor

     Joe Christman                                              Aleck Shilaos, Chief of Police


Others Present:

     Ben Kilbourne                       Mike Nelson                  Kent Hartley                  David Wheeler

     A. J. Knight                          Terrence Lowder            Joyce Daniels                Cameron Butler

     Kathryn Kilbourne                 Pete Kilbourne               Melanie Steele               Gary Turner

     Art Daniels                           Joe Gileadi


Mayor Piccolo led the Pledge of Allegiance.  Roll was called with the above members present.


 1.        COUNCILMEMBERS REPORT -  Update


The Mayor and Councilmembers provided an update on the activities that they administer.


 2.        AUTHORIZATION TO ALLOW BIKES ON SKATE PARK - Temporary Schedule Approved


Mayor Piccolo reported that he contacted Orem and Sandy Cities regarding the use of their skate park.  These parks allow both skate boards and bikes on them at the same time and have experienced no problems.  However, the parks are twice the size of ours.  He questioned if there would be enough room in our park to accommodate both the boards and bikes.  Ben Kilbourne stated that there would be less people using the park as compared to Orem and Sandy.  He doesn=t think it will be an issue.  Mayor Piccolo stated that City staff has serious concerns regarding the liability if the faster, heavier bikes are used with the smaller skate boards.  Nick Sampinos confirmed that anytime a situation is created there is an exposure risk.  Councilmember Tatton stated that Provo doesn=t allow bicycles on their skate park.  A big user of their park was roller blades.  Councilmember Wheeler expressed her concern with smaller kids riding the same time as the larger kids.  Councilmember McEvoy stated that at the last meeting she reported that the skate park seemed to be underutilized, however, she has driven by a half dozen times and sometimes there are two or three individuals using it.  She would like to see the usage continue, but stressed that safety was a priiority.  MOTION.    Councilmember. Denison moved that Tuesdays and Thursdays be set aside for use by bikes only and that they both be allowed on Sunday on a trial basis to see if it would work.  Further, if it does not work, then changes would be made.  Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy, but was not voted on due to the following discussion.  Joe Gileadi stated he and his friends use skate boards, but that he would have no problem with bikers.  The problem with little kids is that they have no sense of direction unless they are being watched by an adult.  He would have no problem with separated times.  He thinks separation of days would be more of a problem.  Most little kids are not riding, just walking around.  Councilmember Tatton stated that when the skate park first opened, there was an intimidation and beligerant attitude by the bike riders.  It was an ugly situation and he does not want it to happen again.  Mayor Piccolo recommended a trial period during the months of August, September and October and that it be reviewed at that time.  Gary Sonntag recommended a starting date of August 9th to allow time to put up usage signs.   Ben kilbourne opposed this recommendation, as it will take time away from the skaters and he does not want that to happen.   Pete Kilbourne recommended allowing a small number of bikers at a time, such as 5 or 10.  Others would wait their turn.  Ben Kilbourne suggested trying one day that both can ride or possibly three days.  He feels combining them is the way to go.  One day or three days a week as long as there is no time taken away from the skaters.  AMENDED MOTION.  Councilmember Denison amended his motion to combine the skaters and bikers on Thursday and Sunday and leave the rest of the week to skaters only.  Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and carried.  The effective date will be August 9th to be reviewed the first meeting in November.


July 28, 2004


 3.        UTAH=S CHRISTMAS TOWN COMMITTEE - Request For Contribution - Tabled


MOTION.  Councilmember Tatton moved that the request for a contribution from Utah=s Christmas Town Committee be tabled until a representative can attend the meeting.  Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.


 4         HOME OCCUPIED BUSINESS - Fossat=s Power Wash - Struck


 5.        JERRY CARLSON - Conditional Use Permit - Struck


 6.         BOYD ANDERSON (CASTLE VALLEY LANDSCAPING) - Conditional Use Permit - Struck


 7.         BYRD & ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS - Conditional Use Permit - Struck



DAYS ADVERTISEMENT - Conditional Use Permits Approved


Councilmember McEvoy reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission gave a favorable recommendation to the following requests for Conditional Use Permits


             Advanced Care Home Medical and Oxygen - 70 West Main #100 - Business and Sign

David O=Brien - New Intersection - Across Hospital Drive on Westwood Boulevard - Concept and Preliminary Approval

International Days Advertisement - Temporary A-Frame Signs


MOTION.  Councilmember McEvoy moved that the requests be approved and that Conditional Use Permits be issued.  Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.


 9.         MINUTES - July 14, 2004 - Struck


CONSENT ITEMS - MOTION.  Councilmember Denison  moved that Items #10 through #16  be approved.  Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton and carried.


10.       RESOLUTION #2004-20 - Establishing Electric Rate Table No. 107 Entitled ARate Plan For Non-

            Profit Food Banks or Shelters@


11.       RESOLUTION #2004-21 - Adopting The Price City Utilities Assistance Program


12.       MASONRY MASTERS - 1416 East Airport Road - Final Release #3 of Development

            Agreement For $2,902.00


13.       CLASS >C= ROAD IMPROVEMENTS, #1C-2004, SLURRY SEALS TYPE #2 AND #3 - Morgan

            Pavement - Final Payment For $78,443.95


14.        LARRY M. & KATHERINE J. TAYLOR - 467 North Carbonville Road - Quit Claim

             Deed For .079 Acres and Use Agreement Of City Property At 471 North Carbonville Road


15.        JERRY L. WRIGHT, JR., CITY ENGINEER - Acceptance of Letter of Resignation



16.        DRUG TASK FORCE - Budget Adjustment For 2004-05




Councilmember Wheeler reported that the Price River Water Improvement District has signed final agreements for a water line and pump station for the Hill Subdivision owned by Dick Lee.   At the last meeting, an updated map was presented on the newly installed water line in Carbonville and Wellington.  Some areas are still under construction, but should be completed by  next week.  Phil Palmer, District Manager, hired a steam cleaning firm to clean the outside of residential houses due to the mud that splattered from the construction work.

July 28, 2004



17.        EMERGENCY PLANNING - Update


Joyce Daniels reported that emergency planning meetings were recently held and the attendance was great.  There were representatives from several churches.  The projects that are in the planning stages were reviewed.


18.        INTERNATIONAL DAYS - Update


Councilmember McEvoy reported that the International Days events are ready to go.  The entry fees for Kids Day to swim at the city pool was paid by KOAL Radio Station and Rhino Wireless.  She thanked the committee and city staff for all their hard work.  Ann Evans from the Chamber  helped a great deal.  One hundred booths have rented space at the park.  The Sun Advocate done a marvelous job advertising all the events.  Brochures were also left at the museums, hotels, gas stations, etc., encouraging everyone to attend.  There are dozens and dozens of sponsors with some donations other than money.  The correct time for the Culture Connection event is Thursday evening, July 29th, at 7:30 p.m.


19.        ANNETTE WATSON - Web Site Project


Nick Tatton reported that a committee met to review the proposal submitted by Annette Watson  regarding her web site.  The committee felt that the City could not assist her as there would be others that would request the same consideration.  He will contact Ms. Watson and inform her of this decision and let her know that some time in the future, the city could possibly purchase some advertisements.


MOTION.  Councilmember Tatton moved that Item A (Water Saving and Treatment Proposal) and B (Annette Watson Web Site Project) be removed from Unfinished Business.  Motion seconded by Councilmember and carried. 


MOTION.  Councilmember Tatton moved that the meeting adjourn and that a meeting of the Redevelopment Agency convene.  Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.


Meeting adjourned at 6:23 p.m.

Redonvened at 6:25 p.m.


Meeting adjourned at 6:43 p.m.








ATTEST:                                                                       Joe L. Piccolo, Mayor





Joanne Lessar, City Recorder