City Hall: Price, Utah
August 9, 1995, 5:30 p.m.
Mayor Lou Colosimo
James L. Jensen, L. Lamond Williams, Theressa O. Frandsen, Roy Nikas,
Betty P. Wheeler
Vernon W. Jones (Adminis. Assist.), Joanne Lessar
(City Recorder), Pat Larsen (Finance Director), Gary Sonntag (City Engineer), Aleck Shilaos (Chief of
Absent and Excused:
Nick Sampinos (City Attorney), Cobb Johnson (Public Works Director)
Others Present: Mark Hott, Jack
Singleton, Duane Frandsen, Tom Alexander, Richard Boyden, Doug
Horsley, Robert T. Etzel, Annette Etzel, Barbara Terry, Dale Terry
Mayor Colosimo led the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called with the
above members present.
1. MINUTES - July 26, 1995
Councilmember Jensen moved that the minutes of the July 26, 1995 meeting
be approved as written. Motion seconded by Councilmember Frandsen and carried.
2. MINUTES - August 2, 1995
Councilmember Nikas moved that the minutes of the August 2, 1995 meeting
be approved as written. Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.
3. PUBLIC HEARING - Zone Boundary Change, Cedar Hills Drive and 300 North
Mayor Colosimo opened the public hearing at 5:31 p.m. to receive comments
on the proposed zone boundary change in the area of Cedar Hills Drive and 300 North. Gary
Sonntag explained the request to rezone a single parcel of property to MD for the
development of storage units. After review of the area, it was felt that establishing an
MD this far into the City did not fit well. There was also concern that this would be spot
zoning. It was recommended to not only rezone this parcel, but to include the surrounding
parcels to a CD Zone, which would facilitate two additional items. One being that there is
a need for storage units within the City Commercial zone at a reduced scale, and secondly,
the CD zone allows for multiple housing at a higher density than the City has. There has
been some requests in this general area for the construction of student housing. With
these ideas in mind, the boundary being proposed for this rezoning extends from the Price
Canal on the west to the Price Canal on the East, and Sagewood Wood to the north and the
present commercial boundary on the south.
Dr. Dale Terry, 1290 East 300 North - He owns 1,800 feet of property
proposed for rezoning. He is not in favor of having this zoned commercial. The impact on
people living above him would be greatly exaggerated. It will only increase property
taxes. He owns a total of 20.5 acres.
Ray Forrester, 739 East 200 North - He owned property in this area above
the canal that he sold to Dr. Sam Oliveto, deceased. There is a typographical error in the
deed that he would like corrected. Mayor Colosimo informed Mr. Forrester that Gary Sonntag
would help get this corrected. He does not want any zoning change on property he owns in
this area.
Duane Frandsen, 395 West 4650 North, Provo, Utah - He owns land to the
west of the proposed rezoning. His company plans to build campus housing on the north end
of this area above the canal between Meads Wash and Cedar Hills Drive. He presented an
architects rendering of those plans. The area would need to be rezoned RM-11 for this
project. He understands that the RM-11 is included in the proposed CD zone. He supports
the rezoning, but asked that it be amended to include the area that his company owns
located to the west and above the canal.
Robert Etzel, 55 North 300 East - He is proposing the storage unit
project, and owns property from 3rd North to 4th North, bordering the Frandsen property.
If this zoning is rejected, he would like to propose spot zoning for his area only so that
he can proceed with his project.
Gary Sonntag stated that spot zoning tends to present a problem. A code
amendment will be needed to change the provisions within that zone, such as to allow
storage units within an RM-7 zone. The storage units would need to be modified so that
they are a certain height and blend in with the neighborhood.
Fern Wilkerson - She represents the Housing Authority and the Carbon
County School District. The children living in the housing area walk to and from school.
It is quite dangerous to walk along Cedar Hills Drive with the present amount of traffic.
She is concerned that traffic would increase.
There being no further comments, Councilmember Williams moved that the
hearing be closed. Motion seconded by Councilmember Frandsen. Hearing closed at 6:06 p.m.
4. PUBLIC HEARING - Zone Boundary Change, 400 South Carbon Avenue
Mayor Colosimo opened the public hearing at 6:06 p.m. to receive comments
on the proposed zone boundary change at 400 South Carbon Avenue. Gary Sonntag reported
that this is to enlarge the zone boundary for a specific business located on the corner of
400 South Carbon Avenue. There being no further comments, Councilmember Williams moved
that the hearing be closed and that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the ordinance
to adopt the rezoning. Motion seconded by Councilmember Frandsen and carried. Hearing
closed at 6:08 p.m.
Police Chief Aleck Shilaos honored Police Officer Richard Boyden for the
professional manner in which he handled himself in an extensive high speed pursuit on July
21, 1995. The Council commended Mr. Boyden.
6. MARK HOTT - Improvements For Northeast Baseball Complex
Mark Hott presented a proposal to improve the grass on the Little League
WBBA infield at the Northeast Baseball Complex. This will cut down on the amount of dust
and make it safer for the players. Estimated cost of the project is $5,400. The league has
$1,200 and is asking for donations and commitments. He asked if the City could use their
equipment to remove six inches of existing soil on the entire infield area. Councilmember
Nikas stated that he would review this with the Streets Department to see what equipment
and time is available, as this is a busy time of the year.
7. TERRY FRY - Special Event Beer Permit approved
Terry Fry requested a special event beer permit for the Camp Carbon
spaghetti dinner/fund raiser event to be held Saturday, August 19th at the BDAC.
Councilmember Nikas moved that the request be approved. Motion seconded by Councilmember
Wheeler and carried.
8. CAMP CARBON - Sponsor For Spaghetti Dinner/Fund Raiser
Councilmember Jensen moved that the City act as a sponsor for the
spaghetti dinner/fund raiser event (Camp Carbon) to be held at the BDAC on Saturday,
August 19th, and that $300 be contributed. Motion seconded by Councilmember Frandsen and
carried. Proceeds of this event support CEU scholarships.
9. STREET VACUUM SWEEPER - Permission To Repair or Possible
Councilmember Nikas reported that repairs for the street vacuum sweeper
could be as low as $8,000 or as much as $15,000. The company that rebuilds sweepers has a
used rebuilt machine for $50,000. A new machine would cost $125,000. The Council directed
that estimates be received for repair of the street sweeper.
10. MANUEL SANCHEZ - Outside Water Connection
Councilmember Williams moved that an outside water connection be approved
for Manual Sanchez, 790 South 400 East, and that in lieu of a water share, that he be
charged $1,000. Motion seconded by Councilmember Frandsen and carried.
11. DELYNN NORTON - Conditional Use Permit, Change of Use and Sign
Councilmember Williams reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission
gave a favorable recommendation to Delynn Norton to operate a beauty shop in the rear of
Fred's Glass Shop, 140 East 100 South. He moved that a conditional use permit be issued
for the change of use and sign. Motion seconded by Councilmember Jensen and carried.
12. EASY DOES IT BAIL BONDS - Conditional Use Permit
Councilmember Williams reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission
gave a favorable recommendation to Easy Does It Bail Bonds to operate their business at 30
South 100 West. He moved that a conditional use permit be issued upon a favorable
background check. Motion seconded by Councilmember Jensen and carried.
13. GSA ASSOCIATES - Conditional Use Permit, Social Services Building Lot
#2, Price River Drive,
Councilmember Williams reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission
gave a favorable recommendation to GSA Associates for grading, footing, and foundation
work for the Social Services Building Lot #2 located at Price River Drive. He moved that
the conditional use permit be issued for the above items. Motion seconded by Councilmember
Wheeler and carried.
14. JAMES CORDOVA, KIRK J. WOODWARD - Board Of Adjustments
Councilmember Williams reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission
gave a favorable recommendation to the Board of Adjustments for the following variances.
He moved that a favorable recommendation be given. Motion seconded by Councilmember
Wheeler and carried.
James Cordova, 680 North Aspen Circle - Setback Variance to reduce his front yard
from 30' to 25' and his rear yard to 19'.
Kirk J. Woodward, 880 North 200 East - Variance for larger drive
15. SUDA MERRIMAN, LYLE BAUER - Reclassification, Promotion
Mayor Colosimo presented the reclassification and promotion of the
following employees and recommended approval. He also recommended that permission be given
to advertise for a Cemetery/Parks Supervisor.
Lyle Bauer - Reclassification and promotion to Cemetery Sexton, Grade 10, effective August 16, 1995.
Suda Merriman - Reclassification and promotion to Parks
Department Leader, Grade 10, effective August 16, 1995.
Councilmember Frandsen moved that the reclassifications and promotions,
and advertisement for a Cemetery/Parks Supervisor be approved. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Jensen and carried.
Mayor Colosimo presented the following new hires and recommended approval:
Frank Lujan, Jim Valdez - Streets Dept., Laborer, Temp/FT
Robert Kinder - Cemetery Dept., Laborer, Temp/FT
Councilmember Nikas moved that the new hires be approved. Motion seconded
by Councilmember Frandsen and carried.
Mayor Colosimo presented the following travel requests and recommended
Julie Ori - Crime Scene Investigative School, Salt Lake
(POST), September 18-22
Kevin Mele - Fire Arms Instruction School, Salt Lake
(POST), September 18-22
James CordovaJames Cordova - Small Agency Training, Salt Lake (POST),
September 25-28
Councilmember Jensen moved that the travel be approved. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Williams and carried.
18. RESOLUTION #95-22 - 100 North Streetscape Renovation Planting Guide
Vern Jones presented Resolution #95-22, adopting the 100 North Streetscape
Renovation Planting Guide. Councilmember Frandsen moved that Resolution #95-22 be approved
and that the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized to sign the resolution. Motion seconded
by Councilmember Williams and carried.
19. CARBON COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY - Veterinary Business License
Joanne Lessar reported that it was learned that the Carbon County
Humane Society has hired a veterinarian from Moab to perform spaying and neutering
operations at their clinic. In an earlier meeting, the Council waived the fee for the
Humane Society, as it was a non-profit organization. A local veterinarian has complained
about the veterinarian from out of the area. In reviewing their operations with DeAnn
Morgan, she explained the purpose of the clinic is to help low income families who do not
have the money to get their pets "fixed". They charge $10 for cats and $20 for
dogs. The local veterinarians charge $39 for cats and from $42 to $100 for dogs depending
on their size. With the exception of the veterinarian from Moab, all of the other help is
volunteer. The Humane Society is willing to pay the fee for the veterinarian. After
further review, Councilmember Nikas moved that the out of town veterinarian be required to
apply for a business license. Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.
The following business license applications were received:
Source Internet Services, Inc., 17 East Main, Cindy Parry-President, Computer Services (73.79) $50 Half Year Fee
Sears Authorized Dealer, 74 South Carbon Avenue, Edward
Black-Manager/Owner, Appliance & Hardware (53.1) $100 Half Year Fee
Councilmember Nikas moved that the businesses be approved. Motion seconded
by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.
Councilmember Frandsen reported that the judges for the Centennial
Beautification will be in the City the week of August 27th. She discussed the
"welcome to Price sign" located south of Price and the need for landscaping and
a backside to the sign. She will check out prices and reported back to the Council.
Councilmember Nikas reported that the committee appointed to review the
bids received for the Class "C" Road Improvements and Bulk Materials awarded the
contract to Valley Asphalt, the low bidder.
23. WATER TANK CONSTRUCTION - Build, Inc. - Agreement Approved
Gary Sonntag presented the agreement with Build, Inc., for the
construction of the ten million gallon water tank and recommended that it be approved. He
also reported that he has the easements relating to the water project and requested
permission to record them at the office of the County Recorder. Councilmember Williams
moved that the agreement be approved, that the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized to
execute the document, and that the easements be recorded. Motion seconded by Councilmember
Nikas and carried.
24. EXECUTIVE SESSION - Personnel Review
Councilmember Nikas moved that the meeting adjourn and that an Executive
Session convene for the purpose of reviewing personnel. Motion seconded by Councilmember
Wheeler and carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:16 p.m.
Councilmember Nikas moved that the Executive Session adjourn and that the
Council Meeting reconvene. Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.
Executive session adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Council Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.