Minutes of the
City Hall: Price,
September 12, 2006, 5:30 p.m.
Kathy Hanna-Smith Nick
Sampinos, City Attorney
Excused Absence: Police Chief, Aleck Shilaos,
Customer Service Director, Bret Cammans
C.J. McManus-Sun Advocate,
BoyScout Troop #283-Leader, Scott Warren and troop members:
Dalton Adams, David Seals, Patrick Warren, Jamin VanSickle, Forest Daniels and Isaac Morley working on their
Communication Badges.
BoyScout Dalton Adams led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll was
called with the above members in attendance.
REPORT - Update
The Mayor and Councilmembers
presented an update on the activities and functions in which they have
CLEAN AIR ACT-Georgina Nowak and Debbie Marvidikis,
Health Dept.
Georgina Nowak and Debbie Marvidikis
presented the Indoor Clean Air Act to the City Council. The Health Department will
be visiting
4. A.J’s CUSTOM BODY- Conditional Use Permit
a. A.J.’s Custom
Body-500 So. Highway 55-New Building-Alan Stout, Owner-Preliminary
MOTION. Councilmember Nielson moved that the business be
approved for a Conditional Use Permit. Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton
and carried.
b. Castle Country Fencing- Planning and Zoning
Staff Item-Update to Council
Castle Country Fencing revocation of Business License
and Conditional Use Permit
The Council discussed effects of Planning and Zoning
to address concerns the business owner is using his home and property for more
than just office use as allowed by the Conditional Use Permit.
MOTION. Councilmember Nielson moved that the Conditional Use
Permit and Business License for Castle Country Fencing be revoked on the basis
that Steve Manzaneres, the business owner is in
violation of the City’s Land Development Code and he has failed or refused to
correct the problems previously identified. Councilmember Hanna-Smith seconded
the motion and carried.
Councilmember Hanna-Smith moved that Items #5 through #19 be approved. Motion
seconded by Councilmember Tatton and carried.
August 23, 2006, August 23, 2006 CDRA Meeting
ARCHITECTURE-East Price Business & Industrial Park-Final
Architecture has submitted a letter informing the City that they have completed
of the
required work and that they have received payment in full. City staff concurs.
C ROAD IMPROVEMENTS-Nielson Construction Co. #3C-2006, Change
#1, Partial Payment #1
Nielson Construction
has completed work on the mill and overlay and road reconstruction. Change
Order #1 is necessary to reflect as-built quantities that will increase the
contract amount by $30,923.54 for a total of $218,156.88. The 500 East project
was to receive a mill and overlay; however, there was no pavement left after
the milling nor any gravel base course, consequently the road needed to be
reconstructed. The 100 South project was to receive a mill and overlay;
however, between Carbon Avenue and 100 East the shoulders were extremely soft
and needed to be over excavated and rebuilt with pit run, gravel base course
and additional pavement. The invoices for completed work to date
and partial payment #1 is $191,327.84. Traffic paint striping still
needs to be done.
& M Asphalt
Asphalt has completed all of the required Slurry Seal work. Change Order #1 is
necessary to reflect as-built quantities by increasing the contract in the
amount of $5,697.72 for a total of $123,673.28. This accounts for the irregular
street sections that were not in the initial estimate. An invoice for completed
work is $123,673.28.
CLOSURE – Dinosaur Tire requested a Street Closure for a Promotional Event
10. LAND
USE CODE – Proposed Revision to Chapter 4, Ordinance No. 2006-003
revision to Chapter 4 of the Price City Land Use Management and Development Code
relating to administrative approval for signs
POOL-Permission to Advertise and Hire Two Lifeguards-budget approved item.
POOL-Permission to Advertise and Bid – Replacement of Heating/Air-Conditioning
14. CITY
HALL-Permission to Advertise and Bid – Replacement Boiler and Cooling Tower
Fan, Heat Exchanger
REBUILD- Approval for Substation Rebuild to Include Authorization for CIB Grant
A STREET AGREEMENTS-Dinosaur Tire and Sutherlands
REQUEST- SHARI MADRID- Utah Business Licensing Association Conference,
Cedar City, Utah-October 12 & 13, 2006
18. SAFE
19. DABC
LICENSING- Approval of Local Consent Forms for Holiday Inn,
MACHINE- Permission to Purchase a Postage Machine and SCALG
This postage machine is now required by the USPS due
to the new barcode system. This change will take place in 2008 and
2006-21 – Cemetery Fees
The Price City Cemetery Code is being revised as it
has not been done since 1986. The fees are now being updated to be current and
comparable with other cities. Perpetual care is included in the cost
evaluation. Future projects that will be addressed for the cemetery will be
headstones from the maintenance standpoint versus flat headstones, personal
plantings next to headstones, purchasing burial plots with the intention of
selling to others and the idea of having a burial fund set up for those needing
assistance paying for city provided services. Changes necessary for this
resolution to be passed: Change “may” to “shall” on the section titled, “Deed
Transferal Handling Fee” on page 2 and to clarify the time and days of the week
on page 1 at the bottom regarding overtime. Also, the equipment rentals on page
2 need to be clarified in detail. Nick Sampinos will review the resolution and
return the changes to the committee for review. MOTION. Councilmember
McEvoy moved that the changes be made and brought back to City Council with the
item left on unfinished business until such time. Councilmember Hanna-Smith
seconded the motion and carried.
22. USDA
RBOG GRANT-Authorization to accept grant from USDA for the Castle Country
Business Expansion and Retention Program
2006-22 – Intermountain Power Transmission Agency
A resolution and contract to become a founding participant in the
new IPTA. The IPTA will facilitate transmission of power from IPP 3
generators. Councilmember Davis asked if we would be able to take advantage of
the power demand. Nick Tatton assured the Council of that option and the
stability in this agreement as this is a backup to the Power Generation
Agreement. The Council have all been given a copy of
the proposed resolution and agreement for their approval. MOTION. Councilmember
Davis moved to adopt Resolution 2006-22 to accept the Intermountain Power
Transmission Agreement. Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton and carried.
24. PRWID-
Update by Councilmember Tatton
A PRWID meeting was held on September 5th,
2006. With a population of 10,000 residents, the water quality requirements
change. PRWID is now serving a population of over 9,000 and is to subject to have
stringent requirements. The Helper Interchange Project is going well. PRWID has
to carry a bond reserve but is not currently in compliance with those bond covenants.
Ways to fill the reserve are being researched and discussed. There will be proposed
a $2.00 rate increase on water and a $2.00 increase on sewer which will help
build the reserve. A restructuring of loans from the CIB which will generate
165,000 annually are being worked through.
25. COMMUNITY PROGRESS-Update by Councilmember Hanna-Smith
The final round of judging will be done for yard of
the month. We are ordering, “Do Not Litter” and “
26. COMMUNITY PLAYGROUND-Update by Councilmember McEvoy
The construction of the playground has begun. Tony
Basso is the grand donor of $35,000 and it has been decided to name the
playground, “The Basso Dino-Mine Playground”. The local phone book is putting a
map and directions for the park in its next edition. A proposed agreement has
been provided to all Councilmembers, granting permission
to use the
a. Emil
Simone Complaint - 11-05
28. Item
B of Unfinished Business: Buck and Claudia Moynier-Road-
After several months of discussion and research, the
issue of the road owned by
2. As
Price City doesn’t need access to the water tank anymore, Price City can look
at ownership and road maintenance and just patch the road for now, or use
another access route behind the water tank coming from the other side. There is
not a pipeline or utilities of any kind in the upper section of the road
leading to the Moyniers home. The lower section does
have utilities that are under the road. The City could surplus and sell the upper half of the road to the Moyniers
now as
A risk assessment study needs to be done as to who
uses the road and how often the road is used to determine all safety factors.
The Council would like to allow staff to explore the options to remove the tank
and have it salvaged off of the site before making any decisions. Removing the
tank completely would solve the long and short term effects associated with
this road. MOTION. Councilmember Tatton
made the motion to begin a risk assessment study and the temporary patching
repairs necessary to improve the integrity of the lower half of road with the
possible addition of “authorized personnel only” signs and posts along the
road’s edge. Motion seconded by Councilmember Davis and carried.
MOTION. Councilmember Davis moved that the meeting adjourn.
Motion seconded by Councilmember Nielson and carried.
adjourned at 7:34 p.m.