Minutes of the Price Redevelopment Agency Meeting

City Hall: Price, Utah

September 22, 2004, 5:35 p.m.



Chairman Joe L. Piccolo                                     Nick Tatton, Executive Director

Boardmembers:                                                 Joanne Lessar

     Betty P. Wheeler                                          Pat Larsen

     Stephen L. Denison                                       Nick Sampinos

     Richard Tatton                                              Gary Sonntag

     Jeanne McEvoy                                            John Daniels

     Joe Christman                                              Bret Cammans

Aleck Shilaos


 1.        MINUTES - July 28, 2004


MOTION.  Boardmember Tatton moved that the minutes of the July 28, 2004 meeting be approved as written.  Motion seconded by Boardmember Denison and carried.


 2.        EAST PRICE BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL PARK FUNDING REQUEST  - Architectural and Engineering Concepts - Concept Approval


Nick Tatton presented a request for funding for architectural and engineering concepts for the East Price Business and Industrial Park.  MOTION.  Boardmember Tatton moved that concept approval be given and that an amount up to $50,000 be allocated for the project.  Motion seconded by Boardmember Wheeler and carried.


 3.        DINOSAUR SCULPTURE - Funding Request For Construction Of A Base - Concept Approval


Nick Tatton presented a request for funding for construction of a base for a dinosaur sculpture to be placed on the southeast corner of 100 East and 100 North.  MOTION.  Boardmember Denison moved that concept approval be given and that an amount up to $3,000 be allocated for the project.  Motion seconded by Boardmember Tatton and carried.




Nick Tatton presented a request for funding for HVAC safety improvement on the Hard Hat Furniture and Appliance building.  MOTION.  Boardmember Wheeler moved that concept approval be given and that an amount up to $1874.00 be allocated for the project.  Motion seconded by Boardmember Denison and carried.


MOTION.  Boardmember Tatton moved that the meeting adjourn and that the Council Meeting reconvene.  Motion seconded by Boardmember Denison and carried.


Meeting adjourned at 5:39 p.m.







ATTEST:                                                                       Joe L. Piccolo, Chairman





Joanne Lessar, Deputy Exec. Director








