
Price City Planning and Zoning

September 25, 2000

Price City Hall    6:00 P.M.



Present:  Larry Bruno, Vice Chairman        Vern Jones, Community Planner

Laurel Marinos                    Carolyn Vogrinec, Secretary

Joe Piccolo                       Gary Lyon

Alfred Richens


Excused:  John Angotti, Chairman            Francis Duzenack, Zoning Administrator

Penny Sampinos


Also Attending:


Ronald H. Garff         Mack A. Johnson         Joyce Johnson



Due to the absence of Chairman John Angotti, Vice-Chairman Larry Bruno conducted this meeting.



1.              MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 11, 2000


There were no additions or corrections and Gary Lyon made a motion to approve the minutes of September 11, 2000 as read.  Laurel Marinos seconded and the motion carried.




264 SOUTH 400 EAST



Mr. Garff appeared before the Commission explaining that he sells medical equipment.  He does business by phone only and there is no sign.  He does not stock inventory and uses factory shipping.  There were no concerns and Alfred Richens moved to forward a favorable recommendation to Price City Council for the Home Occupied Business - Office Use Only for AAA Production.  Gary Lyon seconded and the motion carried.







Mr. Johnson said Price Trading Company has purchased Parts Plus and will require new signs.  Joe Piccolo asked Mr. Johnson if he was aware of the addendum to the original letter, written by Jeff Richens of PRWID, concerning the sampling manhole and six-inch sewer lateral.  Mr. Johnson indicated he had not seen the letter in question. (Vice-Chairman Larry Bruno provided Mr. Johnson with a copy.)  Because Mr. Johnson is not familiar with this letter, Mr. Piccolo made a motion to table the matter until a future date and allow Mr. Johnson to read the letter and familiarize himself with this request.  Alfred Richens seconded.  Discussion was held on the motion with Mr. Piccolo explaining that, because new information has indicated that engine rebuilding and repair will be done on the premises, PRWID is asking that the sewer line be upgraded and a sampling manhole and grease/oil separator be installed.  A variance was granted to Big T’s Gym after they had eliminated equipment which would have made it necessary for them to comply with this request, however, in light of the additional information concerning Parts Plus, the District is requesting compliance with pretreatment standards.  Mr. Johnson indicated he will go over this new information and return following clarification of the matter. 


4.              STAFF


a.              Community Planner Vern Jones informed the Commission that, following a very productive meeting with representatives of McDonald’s Corporation and owners of the Professional Building on 400 East, the site plan will be modified to accommodate 14 additional parking spaces.  There will be some parallel parking on 400 East and four-way stops are planned for 400 East and 100 North Streets.  All landscaping code requirements will still be met.  Commission Members feel this is a good situation and expressed appreciation for the willingness of everyone involved to work together.  An amended site plan will be presented at a future meeting for Commission approval.


b.              A Certified Community Planner Seminar will be held in Moab on Friday and Saturday, November 3 and 4 for those who would like to attend. 


c.              Joe Piccolo expressed concern regarding the confusion over sampling manholes.  He would like to arrange a meeting with Jeff Richens of PRWID, preferably just before a Price City Council Meeting, to determine the reason for this requirement.  He will contact Mr. Richens and invite all Planning and Zoning Staff, Commission Members and Price Council Members to attend.


There was no further business and Gary Lyon made a motion to adjourn.  The meeting adjourned at 6:30 P.M.