January 11, 1995, 5:00 p.m.
Mayor Lou Colosimo
L. Lamond Williams, Theressa O. Frandsen, L. Janet Oliveto, Roy A. Nikas
Aleck Shilaos (Chief of Police), Vern Jones (Administrative Assistant), Joanne Lessar (City Recorder), Pat Larsen (Finance Director), Nick Sampinos (City Attorney), Gary Sonntag (City Engineer), Cobb Johnson (Public Works Director)
Absent and Excused: Councilmember James L. Jensen
Others Present: Country Oneida, James Powell, Blaise Dinkelman,
Nathan Irvine, Aaron Fausett, Clark Killian, Laurie
Bowman, David M. Wood, Trevor Wood, Jaman Falk
Special session - 5:00 p.m.
1. DEAN DENISON - Salary Adjustment Discussion
Dean Denison, Building Supervisor, discussed his request for a salary
adjustment that was tabled at a previous meeting. He reviewed his job responsibilities
from his date of hire to the present time, and gave a brief description of what he has
accomplished during this time. He feels that with the amount of responsibility that this
position requires that it should be reclassified from Grade 14 to Grade 16. This is 2
grades below other skilled supervisors. Mayor Colosimo stated that Mr. Denison's
performance is not the reason that a salary adjustment was not approved. It was the
decision of the Council to wait until budget time. Councilmember Nikas stated that if the
job description and grade is not equivalent to the work Dean is doing, that it should be
evaluated. There are other supervisors that fall below the mid range that should also
receive salary adjustments. Councilmember Williams stated that if the budget is opened for
a merit increase or salary adjustment, then it would have to be opened for everybody. The
City does not have the budget to do this. The Council would rather address this issue at
budget time. If the grade level is wrong, then it should be corrected. In reviewing what
Dean has accomplished at City Hall, as well as the Library, the museum and the Human
Services building, Councilmember Oliveto felt Dean deserved a salary adjustment. Dean has
skills in plumbing, electrical, and carpentry. It is difficult to find these skills in one
man. If would cost quite a large sum of money if a plumber or an electrician has to be
called. All of the employees in Deans department have been given raises, except him. She
feels that he has been passed over too many times.
Mayor Colosimo opened the regular session and led the Pledge of
Allegiance. Roll was called with the above members in attendance.
2. MINUTES - December 14, 1994
Councilmember Frandsen moved that the minutes of the December 14, 1994
meeting be approved as written. Motion seconded by Councilmember Oliveto and carried.
3. PUBLIC HEARING - Zoning Change, 400 South 100 East
Mayor Colosimo opened the public hearing at 5:33 p.m. to receive comments
on the proposed zone change at 400 South 100 East. Gary Sonntag stated that it was
requested that the block where the Business and Technical Assistance Center is located, be
rezoned from RM-7 to CD. This is to improve on the functional ability of that operation.
There being no further comments, Councilmember Williams moved that the public hearing be
closed and that Mr. Sampinos be directed to prepare the necessary ordinance. Motion
seconded by Councilmember Oliveto and carried. Public hearing closed at 5:36 p.m.
4. BID OPENING - Concrete For 1995 - Committee Appointed
The following bids were received for concrete for 1995.
Geneva Rock Products, Helper
Concrete with 6 bag engineering mix - $58.50/yd.
Concrete with 6 bag mix with additives- $60.50/yd.
Increase effective 3-1-95 $2.00/yd.
Cox Rock Products, Huntington
Six bag mix concrete with no fly ash - $56.00/Yard
Six bag max concrete with fly ash - $54.00/yard
Councilmember Nikas moved that a committee consisting of himself,
Councilmember Williams, Cobb Johnson, Dick Perea, and Gary Sonntag, review the bids and
given the power to act. Motion seconded by Councilmember Williams and carried.
Clark Killian and Laurie Bowman discussed the problem of water seepage
into their homes located below the canal. They asked what was being done to help alleviate
this problem. Vern Jones reported that he has had contact with Gary Roeder, Price River
Soil Conservation Service. Mr. Roeder felt that their Board will approve a survey of the
entire canal inside city limits. Options with different methods and costs to take care of
the problem will be provided. It is hopeful that the City will be able to look at a plan
when this is completed. The survey will take about 6 months to complete. Mayor Colosimo
directed Vern Jones to explore the possibility of grants to help with this project.
Mayor Colosimo recognized Pat Fossat and Country Oneida, members of the
Youth City Council. He recognized Trevor Wood, Jaman Falk, Blaise Dinkelman, Aaron
Fausett, and Nathan Irvine, members of Boy Scout Troop #275.
6. LIBRARY COMPUTER - Permission To Advertise To Receive Bids
Councilmember Oliveto moved that permission be given to advertise to
receive bids for the purchase of a computer for the library and that Bob Potts act as the
consultant on the selection. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nikas and carried. Joanne
Lessar reported that the funds to purchase this will come from a grant.
7. DOUGLAS P. HINDMARSH MEMORIAL - Contribution Approved
Councilmember Oliveto moved that a contribution in the amount of $100
be contributed to the Douglas P. Hindmarsh Memorial. Motion seconded by Councilmember
Nikas and carried. Mr. Hindmarsh, who was the grant administrator at the Utah State
Library Commission, passed away unexpectedly.
8. CENTRAL SCHOOL BUILDING - Human Services Lease
Councilmember Oliveto reported that Human Services, who leases the Central
School building, is advertising for a 17,556 square foot building with 119 parking places
within City limits to house their organization effective July 1, 1995. Their lease with
the City expires July 1, 1995. She questions if anybody could build this size of building
within that length of time. The City has just spent a large sum of money for new carpet.
She asked if it would be proper to allow a month-to-month rental and increase the rental
fee if they are still in the building beyond July 1st? Nick Sampinos recommended that a
committee be formed to discuss this with this entity to convince them to remain in the
building. Mayor Colosimo, Councilmembers Frandsen and Oliveto, and Vern Jones will be on
the committee.
9. CEU MUSEUM - Repair Of Heating And Air Conditioning Unit
Councilmember Oliveto reported that a staff member of the CEU Museum
presented a bill to the Accounting Department in the amount of $617.00 to repair the
heating and air conditioning unit in the museum. She asked the City to pay half of the
bill. Councilmember Oliveto felt that the City should not be paying these repairs. One of
our men worked on the museum for 14 hours. Vern Jones stated that the original contract
was that the City would provide the building and the utilities and that CEU would take
care of everything else. The City would provide maintenance assistance from our personnel
as required. Councilmember Oliveto felt that the museum should set a visitors fee, as
other items will need to be repaired and replaced. Councilmember Oliveto moved that the
contract be reviewed, and that subject to the review, that the bill be sent back. Motion
seconded by Councilmember Nikas and carried. Councilmember Nikas agreed that CEU should
consider setting a visitors fee.
10. SHADE TREE COMMISSION - Permission To Submit Application For A
Grant To State of Utah, Dept. of Natural Resources, Division of Sovereign Lands &
Councilmember Frandsen moved that permission be given to submit an
application to the State of Utah, Dept. of Natural Resources, for a grant in the amount of
$5,000 for the purchase of 40 trees. Motion seconded by Councilmember Oliveto and carried.
The trees will be planted along 1st North. The City will provide inkind services at
approximately 45%.
11. HOME OCCUPIED BUSINESSES - Business License Fee Approved
Mayor Colosimo reported that as Joanne was reviewing businesses, she found that 129 or 23%
were home operated. It is unknown if these businesses pay sales tax. He felt that the City
might be allowing too many home occupied businesses. It is not fair to the merchants
downtown. This is something that should be reviewed with Planning and Zoning. Joanne
recommended that home occupied businesses, such as retail sales, services, etc., be
charged $100. It is unknown if such businesses will be part time or full time. It is not
fair for the home operated barber or beauty shop to pay the same amount as an operator in
town and the home operated retail business to pay half. Councilmember Williams moved that
the home operated retail and service businesses be charged $100. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Frandsen and carried.
12. HOME OCCUPIED BUSINESSES - Classic Touch Massage, Classic Touch Cleaning - 445 West
400 South, Jill Lisiewski-Owner
Councilmember Williams reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission
reviewed the request of Jill Lisiewski to operate two businesses (Classic Touch Massage,
Classic Touch Cleaning) out of her home located at 445 West 400 South and gave a favorable
recommendation. Ms. Lisiewski is state licensed for the massage portion. Councilmember
Williams moved that the businesses be approved upon payment of the necessary license fees.
Motion seconded by Councilmember Frandsen and carried.
13. HEALING HANDS RELIEF - 23 South Carbon Avenue, Facia Sign,
Conditional Use Permit
Councilmember Williams reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission
gave a favorable recommendation for a temporary 2-year permit to Healing Hands Relief, 23
South Carbon Avenue, for a facia sign. He moved that the sign be approved and that a
conditional use permit be issued. Motion seconded by Councilmember Frandsen and carried.
Councilmember Oliveto abstained.
Travel Approved
Mayor Colosimo presented the following travel requests and recommended
Gary Sonntag - Utah Engineers Association Workshop, January
25-28, St. George
Robert Potts - Certified Novell Administrator Training,
February 21-23, Salt Lake; Software For Internet & Software
Application, January 18, 19, Salt Lake (Paid by Library and
Utah State Library Association Reimbursement)
Paul Wheeler, Cobb Johnson - Annual Rural Water Association
Meeting, February 23-24, St. George
Kevin Mele - Traffic Investigation School, January 23-27,
Dave Cartwright - Field Training Officer School, February
13-17, (POST)
Councilmember Oliveto moved that the travel be approved. Motion seconded
by Councilmember Nikas and carried.
15. PURCHASE OF POLICE CAR - Permission To Receive Proposals
Councilmember Oliveto moved that permission be given to receive proposals
for a new police car, and that a committee consisting of Mayor Colosimo, Police Chief
Shilaos, Cobb Johnson, and Bob Coli, review the bids and given the power to act. Motion
seconded by Councilmember Nikas and carried.
16. RESOLUTION #95-01 - Dog License Fees
RESOLUTION #95-02 - Rental Rate For Animal Control Traps
Vern Jones presented Resolution #95-01, amending the fee for dog licenses,
and Resolution #95-02, setting forth a rental rate for animal control traps, and
recommended that they be approved. Councilmember Oliveto moved that Resolution #95-01 and
#95-02 be approved and that the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized to sign the
resolution. Motion seconded by Councilmember Frandsen and carried.
17. TRI-TEL COMMUNICATIONS INCORPORATED - Telephone Equipment Purchase Agreement
Councilmember Oliveto moved that the agreement with Tri-Tel Communications
Incorporated for the purchase of the new switchboard and telephone system in the amount of
$34,314. be approved and that the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized to execute the
document. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nikas and carried.
18. WATER TREATMENT UPGRADE - Contract With Anthro-Tec Western
Councilmember Williams moved that the contract with Anthro-Tec Western
to upgrade the Water Treatment Plant be approved and that the Mayor and City Recorder be
authorized to execute the document. Motion seconded by Councilmember Frandsen and carried.
19. DIGITIZED AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY - Contract With Olympus Aerial Surveys,
Councilmember Frandsen moved that permission be given to enter into a
contract with Olympus Aerial to complete the final set of digitized aerial computer maps
(9 panels) at a cost of $9,369. Motion seconded by Councilmember Williams and carried.
20. K-MART DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT - Final Release of Letter of Credit
Councilmember Oliveto moved that Letter of Credit for the K-Mart Project,
which guaranteed the public improvements, be released and that the Mayor and City Recorder
be authorized to execute the documents. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nikas and
Engineering - Partial Payment #1
Councilmember Oliveto moved that a partial payment in the amount of $1,500
be paid to Perkins-Thurgood Consulting Engineers, Inc., for their design work completed to
date on the Drainage Detention Basin. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nikas and carried.
#1755, #3349 - Permission To Make Advance Payments
Gary Sonntag reported that Price City currently has a right of way
easement (#3051) for drainage with the Utah Division of State Lands & Forestry
involving 4 parcels of property in north Price. There are also two easements (#1755,
#3349) with the State of Utah for water lines located in north Price near the 3 million
gallon tank. To keep these easements valid, the City is required to pay $50 every third
year to the State. At this, point they are paid up through 1997. He requested permission
to make an advance payment to cover a 100 year period for a total cost of $1,667. This
will give the City some peace of mind as far as maintaining the easements and the ability
for the City to deal with potential drainage and water line problems. Councilmember Nikas
moved that the request be granted. Motion seconded by Councilmember Williams and carried.
The following business license applications were received:
Michael Harrison, 220 East 200 South, Attorney
SOS Temporary Services, 23 South Carbon Avenue #22, Richard Rienhold-President, Employment Services (73) $27 Half Year Fee
Central Utah Gymnastics Academy, 78 North Carbon Avenue, Wendy Rapier-Owner, Gymnastics Instruction (79) $100
California Financial Corporation, 90 West 100 North #15, Robert
Branch-Manager, Mortgage Broker (61.6) $100
Councilmember Nikas moved that the businesses be approved. Motion seconded
by Councilmember Oliveto and carried.
24. MINUTE BOOK CORRECTION - March 11, 1992, Resolution #92-05
Joanne Lessar reported that in the Minutes of March 11, 1992, Resolution
#92-05 was incorrectly numbered #92-005. It is necessary to correct the minute record and
the resolution. Councilmember Oliveto moved that the corrections be made. Motion seconded
by Councilmember Nikas and carried.
Councilmember Oliveto moved that the meeting adjourn and that a meeting of
the Redevelopment Agency convene. Motion seconded by Councilmember Frandsen and carried.
Meeting adjourned at 6:52 p.m.
Reconvened at 7:04 p.m.
Redevelopment Agency Minutes
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.