Minutes of The Price City Council Meeting

City Hall: Price, Utah

October 8, 2003, 5:30 p.m.



Mayor Joe L. Piccolo                                          Joanne Lessar, City Recorder

Councilmembers:                                               Pat Larsen, Finance Director

     Betty P. Wheeler                                          Nick Sampinos, City Attorney

     Stephen L. Denison                                       Gary Sonntag, Public Works Director/City Engineer

     Richard Tatton                                              Keith Wight, Human Resource Director

     Don G. Reaveley, Jr.                                     Nick Tatton, Community Director

     Jeanne McEvoy                                            Kevin Drolc, Police Lieutenant


Others Present

     Benjamin B. Clement                        Dondra Nance                Mark Jones                   Ken Larson

     Tom Alleman                        Romer Ferrer                 Jonathan Young Seth Chiaretta


Mayor Piccolo led the Pledge of Allegiance.  Roll was called with the above members present.


 1.         PUBLIC INPUT - Dondra Nance - Use of City Property For Garden


Dondra Nance, representing the Carbon County Food Bank, requested permission to use a parcel of land owned by Price City located at 300 South 100 East.  They would like to use this area during the summer months to plant a small garden to provide additional items for their food bank.  They have the use of water shares which will be transferred to this location.  Councilmember Tatton stated that this area is presently vacant and adjacent to an old garage.  In discussing this with City Staff, they felt it would not interfere with anything.  The Council gave verbal approval and directed that this item be placed on the next agenda for ratification.


 2.                    PUBLIC INPUT - Jonathan Young - Crosswalk Safety


Jonathan Young, Academic Vice President of the Student Leadership at the College of Eastern Utah, expressed his concern regarding the safety of students at the crosswalk located at 490 North 3rd  East.  The crosswalk is marked, but people do not yield to students.  He asked permission to place reflector bumps or paint different colors to call attention to the crosswalk.  They will pay the costs to do this.  Gary Sonntag recommended that Mr. Young meet with him and the Police Department to work out a solution.  The Council thanked Mr. Young for bringing this to their attention. 


 3.         COUNCILMEMBERS REPORT - Update


The Mayor and Councilmembers presented an update to the activities taking place in their individual departments.


 4.        MINUTES - September 24, 2003, October 2, 2003


MOTION.  Councilmember Tatton moved that the minutes of the September 24th, 2003 and October 2nd, 2003 meetings be approved as written.  Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.


 5.        PUBLIC HEARING - Potential Projects For Community Development Block Grant For Year 2004


Mayor Piccolo opened the public hearing at 5:55 p.m. to receive comments on projects for the Community Development Block Grant for the Year 2004.  Gary Sonntag reported that late this afternoon he received information from the Association of Governments that there are no funds available for the Year 2004.  All funds were given to Helper City on an emergency basis for their water system, which might turn into a two year project..  He did receive written information from Linda Varner, Carbon County Housing Authority, regarding three items that she recommends.  The first one is to fill in a lot at 400 North 300 East, to improve the area with black top and possibly construct a curb and gutter on one side to direct rain water away from the residences.  The second, center alley for irrigation and back yard access behind all houses on Rose Avenue and Carbon Avenue;  pipe the irrigation ditch between 4th and 5th South to prevent flooding of backyards;  the back alley could be leveled and paved with storm water drainage provided.  The third,  cart path design with the cooperation of the Public Health and the Community Mile project, which would provide accessibility alternatives for carts and walking in the East Price area.  Accessibility and visibility is a prime objective of the CDBG.  MOTION.  Councilmember Tatton

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moved that those items be listed for future consideration when funding again becomes available through the CDBG and that the Public Hearing be closed.  Motion seconded by Councilmember Reaveley and carried.  Public Hearing closed at 5:59 p.m.


 6.         CULTURE CONNECTION - Executive Committee Approved, Insertion of Schedule In Utility Bills


MOTION.   Councilmember McEvoy moved that Madelaine Nyffeler be appointed as the Co-Chairman of the Culture Connection, Ann Thomas as Secretary, and Linda Johnstun as Treasurer.  Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.  Mayor Piccolo thanked Mrs. Nyffeler and Mrs. Johnstun for their willingness to volunteer their services.


Madelaine Nyffeler requested permission to insert the Culture Connection schedule in with the uitility bills.  This would be three times a year for the fall/winter, summer and spring schedules.  MOTION.  Councilmember Tatton moved that the request be granted.  Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried. 


 7.         BID OPENING - Price City Hall and Museum Access Door Improvements (CDBG   Project For

2002-2003, #3C2003) - Bids Rejected


The following bids were received for automatic interior and exterior doors in the City Hall and the museum.


Accent Automatics, Inc., Orem, Utah                  $20,950.00

Kent Stilson Construction, Orangeville, Utah         $28,985.00


Gary Sonntag reported that the City was awarded a Community Development Block Grant in the amount of $12,000 for this project, which will need to be completed by December 31, 2003.  MOTION.  As the bids exceed the amount of the grant funds, Councilmember Tatton moved that the bids be rejected and reviewed and possibly resubmitted for further consideration.  Motion seconded by Councilmember Denison and carried.  It was recommended that letters be sent to the bidders thanking them for their interest.  


 8.         BEN CLEMENT - Official Addresses of Price City and Carbon County


Ben Clement, representing Carbon County, reported that he will be putting together an official countywide address list that will be provided to the utility companies.  There is a nationwide company that enters 911 addresses into a data base.  The method that is used for this is a hit and miss.  When a utility company asks an individual what their address is, whatever they are told gets put into the data base.  Every once in a while they encounter a problem and ask for his help.  At the present, there is no mechanism for him to work with locally.  He would like to create a list that has an Aofficial@ address that would exist in the computer.  He feels there are multiple correct addresses that happen because of circumstances.  It is important to have one official address so it can be provided to the utility companies, which will in turn place this Aofficial@ address into the database.  When that number pulls up on the 911 computer screen, they will know what it is and will be able to match it and provide the dispatcher with a map.  Much of the field work for Price City has already been done by his department.  However, several buildings don=t have addresses displayed and he would like all of the data reviewed to make sure it has the Price City Aofficial stamp@.  If there are problems, they can go back and correct them.   He asked for the City=s cooperation and if someone from the City could help him review all of these addresses.  He realizes this is not a small task.  The Council indicated their support of the project and recommended the assistance of employees in either the Utilities, Engineering or Building Inspection Departments.     


 9.         MARK JONES - Drainage Problem (Southwest Price)


Mark Jones, who resides at 324 South 500 West, expressed his concerns regarding the drainage problems that exist in southwest Price.  He has talked to Gary Sonntag several times in the past 1 2 years and he has been helpful in keeping him informed of any progress being made.  He is here tonight to request that the Council do something to correct the problem.  One of the biggest reasons is the West Nile virus.  Water pools at the bottom of 4th, 5th and 6th West for several weeks.  Second, he would to know the current status or if any new progress has been made.  And third, there is a problem with weeds, grass and trees.  In the past, he has been cutting the grass and spraying the weeds.  The grass is tall enough now so that when it snows and melts, it  collects and freezes and causes problems for his growing season.  Nick Sampinos stated that he

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has had correspondence with the property owner expressing these same concerns, and that the property owner has made a counter proposal.  City staff has completed rough engineering work in the field and determined that the counter proposal is not feasible due to the excessive costs, mainly excavation and the placement of curb and gutter.  A letter will be written to the property

owner outlining the above reasons that his proposal is not feasible.  They will continue with the deadline and the condemnation process that will have to take place if he is unwilling to work with the City.  Mayor Piccolo stated that City staff is working diligently on this process and will keep Mr. Jones informed of any progress that is made.  Councilmember Denison asked if the trees were on City property and if the weeds and grass are something that the City can clean up?  Gary Sonntag stated that this can be addressed with respect to the public right of way not to exceed going beyond the fence line.  Mark Jones thanked the City for their response with this issue and using the city vacuum to help after the storms.  It has been a big help. 


10.        ANIMAL CRUELTY ORDINANCE - Reviewed


The Mayor and Council reviewed the animal cruelty ordinance to determine if there should be a change for improvement.  A copy has been sent to those individuals who were at the last Council meeting expressing their concerns over animal cruelty.  MOTION.  Councilmember Denison moved that this item be placed on Unfinished Business.  Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton and carried.


11.        ANNEXATION PETITION - Budget Host Inn, 145 North Carbonville Road - Struck


12.        BUDGET HOST INN - Outside Water Users Agreement - Tabled


Councilmember Wheeler presented a request for an outside water connection from the Budget Host Inn, 145 North Carbonville Road.  Gary Sonntag reported that the 3/4" connection that they now have is not big enough.  They are asking for a 2" connection, which is equivalent to 18 2 three quarter inch connections.  The question arose if this would also require 18 shares of water.  Councilmember Denison suggested that we look at what the water usage has been for a business rather than a resident when the fees are applied.  MOTION.  As a residential equivalent has not yet been set and there were other questions, Councilmember Wheeler moved that the item be tabled.  Motion seconded by Councilmember Denison and carried.



HELPER INTERCHANGE CONNECTION - Hansen, Allen & Luce, Inc. - Partial Payment #31


Councilmember Wheeler presented a request for a partial payment in the amount of $11,314.98 submitted by Hansen, Allen and Luce Engineering for their contract on the Water Transmission Line Replacement and the Helper Interchange.  The amount for the base project is $11,074.98 and $240.00 for the Helper Interchange Connection.  MOTION.  Councilmember Wheeler moved that the partial payment be approved.  Motion seconded by Councilmember Denison and carried.


14.        SHADE TREE COMMISSION - New Member Tom Alleman


Councilmember McEvoy introduced Tom Alleman, the new member of the Shade Tree Commission.  Besides Mr. Allen, the Shade Tree Commission consists of herself, Art Daniels, Richard Alcaraz, and Lyle Bauer.  Mayor Piccolo welcomed Mr. Alleman to the committee and thanked him for his volunteer efforts.   


15.        SLURRY SEAL AND CRACK SEALING, #1C-2003 - Kilgore Paving - Partial Payment


Councilmember Reaveley presented a request for a partial payment in the amount of $55,234.90 submitted by Kilgore Paving Company for their contract on the Slurry Seal and Crack Sealing.  MOTION.  Councilmember Reaveley moved that the partial payment be approved.  Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton and carried.


16.        BUTCH CASSIDY OUTLAW DRAG STRIP CLUB - Request To Waive Rental Fees For Civic

Auditorium - Denied


Councilmember Tatton presented a request from the Butch Cassidy Outlaw Drag Strip Club to waive rental fees for use of the Civic Auditorium.  MOTION.  As there is insufficient information to qualify them as non-profit, Councilmember Tatton moved that the request be denied.  Motion seconded by Councilmember Reaveley and carried.

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17.        PARKS DEPARTMENT - Purchase of Two Used Trucks


Councilmember Tatton reported that the Parks Department has purchased two used trucks  for

the budgeted amount of $20,000.  The trucks are a 1996 Chevrolet crew cab and a 2000 Chevrolet.  Both have been reviewed by City staff and are in good condition.


18.        TIKINNA BARKER (MAD BLUE PRINTS) - Presentation On Business


Councilmember McEvoy reported that Tikinna Barker made a presentation to the Planning and Zoning Commission on her business, Mad Blue Prints, that she operates in East Carbon.  In order to qualify for funding through the Association of Governments, it was necessary for her to present this to the Commission.



SICILIA, MARVIN BURGHARDT - Conditional Use Permits


Councilmember McEvoy reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission gave a favorable recommendation for the following requests for Conditional Use Permits


First Class Travel - 440 East 100 North, Sign

Way Kool Karate School - 80 South 100 West, Business and Temporary Sign

Kee Engineering - 98 South 300 East (Kraync Motors), Business

Brandon Sicilia - 325 South 200 West, Single Lot Subdivision

Marvin Burghardt - 610 South Nick Lane, Single Lot Subdivision


MOTION.   Councilmember McEvoy moved that the requests be approved and that Conditional Use Permits be issued.  Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.


20.        KROMPEL SUBDIVISION - Request For 40' Driveway Approach Denied


Councilmember McEvoy reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission discussed at great length the request of Rick Krompel to allow him to use a 40' drive way into his development located at 1500 East Sagewood instead of a 60' drive way.  Mayor Piccolo attended the meeting and provided additional information on past history of narrow driveways.  The Commission understands the Council=s concerns.  Councilmember Tatton stated that he read the letter from Rick Krompel indicating his desire to construct a smaller driveway so that he would not have to shrink the size of two building lots due to a larger driveway and complying with a 25' set back on each lot.  Mayor Piccolo stated it would require that the two lots be redesigned or perhaps one lot would be lost.  Councilmember McEvoy expressed her concern of the high density population on both sides of road and the narrow driveway.  At one time, she lived in the Cottonwood Village units across the street and believed it was the city=s responsibility to take care of the driveway.  The owners never spent any money on the road.  They upgraded the parking area, but never the narrow road.  They probably believed it was the city=s responsibility too.  She is sure the same thing will happen in this situation.  She also observed that the power lines go through Lot #6.  They will not be able to build on this lot because of the power lines.  She doesn=t feel comfortable approving this.  The Council discussed other areas where the driveways were narrower, but those cases are somewhat different.  Gary Sonntag stated that when the Cottonwood Village was first planned in the 1980's, it was all going to be condominiums, including the property in question and the property that Mr. Hauser purchased.  This plan will no longer work, at least on this side of the road.  Councilmember Denison stated that if Mr. Krompel could come forward with a plan of what he wanted to do on all of this property, such as 3 condo units instead of 8 houses, it would be something to consider differently.  Otherwise, he has no different opinion than what was already stated.  If Mr. Krompel wants to proceed with the development, he should do it as the City has asked at this point, or not make the improvements this fall until he has a final plan in place and ready to go forward.  MOTION.   Councilmember Denison moved that Mr. Krompels request to place a 40' ingress and egress be denied.  Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and carried.      




Mayor Piccolo presented the following travel requests:


Bret Cammans - Microsoft Windows Server Training, November 13, 14, Salt Lake, Utah

Chad Feichko - Patrol Investigative Techniques, October 20-21, Richfield, Utah

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Scott Olsen, Richard Boyden - 7th Annual Homicide Investigator=s School, November 3-7, Wendover, Nevada


MOTION.  Councilmember Wheeler moved that the travel be approved.  Motion seconded by Councilmember Reaveley and carried.


22.        JACK LEAUTAUD DEVELOPMENT - Economic Incentive Agreement Approved


Nick Tatton presented an Economic Incentive Agreement with Jack Leautaud to provide a one time payment incentive in the amount of $2,843.01 for development of his property located at 500 South 300 West, Price, Utah.  MOTION.  Councilmember Tatton moved that the agreement be approved and that the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized to execute the documents.  Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.


23.        TERRA SYSTEMS - Purchase Of City Property On Ridge Road Approved


Nick Tatton reported that several months ago, Price City sold Terra Systems a ten acre parcel of property located on Ridge Road.  Terra Systems is now exercising their option to purchase an additional twenty acres.  MOTION.  Councilmember Denison moved that the sale be approved at the rate of $1,500/acre.  Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and carried.  Nick stated that with the above sale, the west half of the property has been sold.  Twenty eight acres remain on the east portion. 


24.        DRAINAGE PROJECT, EASEMENT ACQUISITION - 350 South 400 West and 800 North Meads



Gary Sonntag reported that City staff is currently working on solutions to two specific drainage concerns; one at 350 South from 400 West to the Price River and the other at 800 North Meads Wash.  He requested permission to solicit and negotiate with the property owners the respective easements needed at these two locations.  He intends to offer compensation for the easements consistent with the process he used on the easements for the Water Transmission Line Replacement project.  MOTION.  Councilmember Denison moved that the request be granted.  Motion seconded by Councilmember Reaveley and carried.


25.        RESOLUTION #2003-23 - Compensation And Pay Progression For Permanent Part Time and Seasonal or Temporary Employees


Keith Wight presented Resolution #2003-23, adopting a policy for the compensation and pay progression for permanent part time and seasonal or temporary employees.  MOTION.  Councilmember Denison moved that Resolution #2003-23 be approved and that the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized to sign the resolution.  Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.


26.        SETH HUNTINGTON - New Hire Approved


Keith Wight reported that 40 applications were received for the position of Desktop Technician in the  IS Department.  He and Bret Cammans reduced that number to 15.  The committee assigned to interview the applicants gave them verbal and written tests.  Out of 15, 7 were called back for a second interview, with 3 selected as the top applicants.  The committee is recommending that Seth Huntington be hired for this position at a Grade 11, effective October 15, 2003.  MOTION.  Councilmember Tatton moved that the new hire be approved.  Motion seconded by Councilmember Denison and carried.


27.        INTERNATIONAL DAYS - Update


Nick Tatton reported that the outdoor movie that was cancelled due to weather conditions during the International Days celebration was rescheduled for this last Saturday evening, October 4th.  The attendance was very high and he was able to deposit $375 from the concession stand back into the International Days account.




Councilmember Wheeler reported that the Price River Water Improvement District held a Public Hearing regarding the upgrade and replacement of culinary water systems in Carbonville, East

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Carbonville, Carbonville Jewkes, Thayne and East Wellington.  An ordinance was passed pertaining to drinking water rates for the above water system users.  DeLynn Fielding, Carbon County Economic Development attended the meeting to inform the District of a possible business

moving to the area.


MOTION.  Councilmember Denison moved that the meeting adjourn and that a meeting of the Redevelopment Agency convene.  Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.


Meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m.

Reconvened at 7:35 p.m.


Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.








ATTEST:                                                           Joe L. Piccolo, Mayor






Joanne Lessar, City Recorder