Minutes of the Price City
Council Meeting
City Hall: Price, Utah
October 11, 2006, 5:30 p.m.
Mayor Joe L. Piccolo Gary Sonntag, Public
Works Director/City Engineer
Councilmembers: John
Daniels, Human Resource Director
Jeff Nielson Aleck Shilaos, Police Chief
Richard Tatton Bret
Cammans, Customer Service Director
Jeanne McEvoy Nick Tatton, Community Director
Rick Davis Laurie Tryon, City Recorder
Excused Absence:
Councilmember Hanna-Smith, Finance Director-Pat
Larsen, City Attorney-Nick Sampinos
Andrea Clayton Daryl
Jeff Smith Ann Evans C.J. McManus
Jane DeGraff Eilen Green Scott
Bruno Mike and Colleen Loveless
Mayor Piccolo led the Pledge
of Allegiance. Roll was called with the above members in attendance.
REPORT-The Mayor and Councilmembers presented an
update on the activities and functions in which they have participated.
2006-24 - Permanent Community Impact Fund Board
MOTION was made to open the Public Hearing at 6:35
p.m. by Councilmember Tatton to receive comments on Resolution 2006-24
of the Permanent Community Impact Fund Board regarding the Sales Tax Revenue
Bonds, Series 2006 Bonds. Motion
seconded by Councilmember Nielson and carried.
bond is for the costs of the acquisition of an emergency generator for the
Water Treatment Plant, a brush truck for the Fire Department, the demolition of
the Price City Community Center
and the construction of ADA Access improvements to street walkways and City
buildings. MOTION.
Councilmember Tatton moved that the Public Hearing close. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Davis and carried. The Public Hearing closed at 6:38p.m. MOTION. There being no comments, Councilmember Tatton
moved to authorize the signing of Resolution 2006-24 and all documents
pertaining to the Permanent Community Impact Fund regarding the Sales Tax
Revenue Bonds. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nielson and carried.
SERVICE AWARD- Mike Loveless
Loveless has contributed to the community by volunteering in many and varied
capacities and has also provided a thriving business, Loveless Ash in the
community providing a source of community pride and local employment. Loveless
Ash has grown from a Home Occupied Business to a worldwide business with over
30 employees.
Price City has applied for and received Small Urban Federal Aid
funds to construct a loop road connecting Homestead Boulevard and Cedar Hills Drive, north
of 800 North. An environmental assessment (EA) document has been prepared which
evaluates needs, alternatives and impacts of the proposed loop road. Andrea Clayton from Lochner
Engineering presented an overview of the Environmental Assessment being
completed for the Homestead Blvd Loop road project. It is designed to promote economic
development for the area and opportunities of planned growth and to improve
traffic circulation by opening access to the northeast portion of Price. It is
important that there be continued support of the project in order for it to
proceed. Three copies of the EA assessment will be available at the Price City
Library, City Hall and the Public Works Complex for public viewing.
Informational flyers will be delivered to the surrounding property owners with
an overview of the project. This public comment period will be open for 30 days
to determine whether or not a Public Hearing is necessary. The EA has evaluated
all of the alternatives for this project and has found no social or natural
impacts on the environment. Standard mitigation will be set up during
construction for monitoring. Lochner Engineering has
been working with Jeff Smith from Questar regarding
any potential impact to their large natural gas transmission line that passes
through the area. At the time of
construction, Questar will request an upgrade. If
there are any questions regarding this loop road connection, Daryl Friant with UDOT may be contacted. The surrounding property owners, SITLA and
Alaska Western have both shown interest in the project and have submitted plans
of their intentions for their properties when the road is developed. This is a
pro-active approach for direct residential growth in the Northeast area. MOTION.
Councilmember Tatton moved to approve the City’s support for the Homestead
Boulevard Loop Road project and to proceed with the EIS review and the public
hearing if necessary. Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and carried.
5. CARBON COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE-Presentation of 2007 Calendar
Year Plans
Carbon County
Chamber of Commerce would like to thank Price City
for the fiscal support provided to the Chamber for approximately the last 3
years since the restructuring of the Chamber. The Chamber is now able to
continue without fiscal assistance. MOTION.
Councilmember Nielson moved to end the fiscal support to the Chamber as of
December 31, 2006, but to continue the access on demand if necessary for the
501(c) (6) process as needed by the Chamber.
Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and carried.
LICENSING- Booth Rentals within Businesses
Nick Tatton presented this matter for discussion. Price City
requires each business to apply for its own business license. Businesses such
as Hair Salons offer individual booth rental spaces. The individuals can work
under the salon’s business license. Each individual salon renter is not subject
to individual business licensing if they are working under the owner’s license
as an employee. Price
City needs to look at the
salon owner’s license when an individual booth renter requests his/her own
business license. If a booth renter would like their own license and will not
be working under the owner of the salon as an employee, the booth renter must
receive their own license. MOTION.
Councilmember Davis moved to authorize the request of business licenses when
one is not required pending legal review on an individual basis from the City
Attorney. Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton and carried.
7. MR.
ALEX’S DAY AND EVENING CARE- Home Occupied Permits
Councilmember Jeff Nielson
reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission gave a favorable
recommendation for the following request from Mr. Alex’s Daycare for a Home
Occupied Permit. Castle Country Fencing and Tree Service, LLC item was tabled
until further information is returned to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Mr. Alex’s Day
and Evening Care – (Childcare), 620
East 600 South -Grant and Julie Harvey, Owners-Business-Final- Approved
b. Castle Country Fencing and Tree Service, LLC.- 337
North 5th Avenue-Stephen & Marie
Manzanares, Owners-Business-Final- TABLED
MOTION. Councilmember
Nielson moved that the business of Mr. Alex’s Day and Evening Care be approved
for a Home Occupied Permit. Motion seconded by Councilmember Tatton and
Conditional Use Permits
Councilmember Jeff Nielson
reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission gave a favorable
recommendation for the Carbon School District-Carbon High Conditional Use
Permit Sign Final and the Proposed Additions to Chapters 10 and 11 of the Land
Use Development Code. Castle Country Fencing and Tree Service, Diversity and
Carbon School District-Mont Harmon Sign items were all tabled until further
information is returned to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
a. Carbon School District- Mont Harmon Junior
High and Carbon High School, Deon Kone-Supervisor of
Building and Grounds, Signs- Carbon High Sign-Approved, Mont Harmon Sign-TABLED
b. Diversity-37 East Main-Nichole Semsack, Owner-Business and Sign-Final - TABLED
c. Castle Country Fencing and Tree Service, LLC.-950
East 100 North, Stephen & Marie Manzanares, Owners-Business and Sign-Final
d. Chapters 10 & 11-Land Use Development
Code Book Proposed Additions-Approved
Councilmember Nielson moved to approve the Carbon School District-Carbon High
sign for a Conditional Use Permit and to approve the proposed code revisions to
Chapters 10 and 11 in the Land Use Development Code. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Davis and carried.
Councilmember Tatton moved that Items #9 through #19 be approved. Motion
seconded by Councilmember Nielson and carried.
September 27, 2006
The action
plan in the Water Depletion Recovery Study, dated December 2005, included a
short range plan to complete a feasibility study for the White
River and Emma Park Deep Wells. Hansen Allen and Luce Engineering
have submitted two proposals to perform the feasibility study. Alternative A
($12,021.41) is similar to earlier work outlines and reflects a higher cost
estimate due to rate increases. The scope of work will be performed mostly in
house, reviewing existing documents, reports, data and some coordination with
potential experts. There is only one short field trip scheduled. Alternative B
($16,256.63) incorporates Alt. A, with added focus on more field geological
investigations and added report preparation time. A funding application will be
submitted to the State Board of Water Quality using Alternative B.
11. SUNRISE ENGINEERING-Contract Building
Plan Review and Inspection Services
for Price City building plan review and
inspection, June 28th through August 31st, 2006 is
$21,031.66 (plan review: $6,538.26; building inspection: $14,493.40). This
includes work by both Sunrise Engineering and K. Chatterton. Sunrise has submitted a current invoice for
payment in the amount of $17,119.20.
#2006-004-Land Use Code Updates for Chapter 10 and Chapter 11- Storage Units
13. BEAR
RBOG- Contracted Services to Complete the Program and Funding Requirements
14. CDBG
FUNDING APPLICATION- Authorization to Apply for Approximately $50,000 in Funds
for South Park Improvements.
15. I.S.
DEPARTMENT-Approved to Accept the Bid to Install an Electrical Transfer Switch
Connecting the I.S. Department to the Emergency Generator.
16. BRET
Cammans, Norma Procarione, Heather Wichmann,
Ken Harney, Tamara Gray and Suda
of Communicating with Diplomacy and Professionalism Conference, Salt Lake City, December 4
Jones and Melanie Jaramillo-Urban Trees Conference, Ogden, Utah-
November 2-3, 2006
Paul BeDont-Hazmat Training, November 13-16, 2006 -Las Vegas, Nevada
17. FLU
SHOT- Southeastern Utah Health District Flu
Shots for Employees and their Dependents.
18. 2006
COMPENSATION EVALUATION- Approved to accept the September 2006 Salary Study and
Endorse the Five Recommendations
in the Executive Summary.
LICENSE- Hand N Hand, Nail Technician Booth Rental
SUBSTATION- Permission to Begin Purchase of “Owner Furnished Equipment”.
Scott Bruno from Bruno Engineering
presented the different scenarios for the design of the substation for two
different voltage levels. The new substation will be built with the old
substation remaining energized. Four different scenarios were discussed to
decide which was the most efficient for Price City’s
cost standpoint and needs. The control building was chosen as the best route
for present and future needs. The substation has gone to bid with a few
alternatives to lower the impact on Price
City. A voluntary
contractor’s pre-bid meeting will be open to contractors. Bid openings will be
done on November 3rd, 2006 in the City Recorders office. The large
equipment needs to be purchased now to lock in the prices. MOTION.
Councilmember Tatton moved to authorize the purchase of the equipment for the
downtown substation. Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and carried. MOTION.
Councilmember Tatton moved to direct staff to proceed with the finance option
to include the CIB and CRC by resolution and to review conventional lenders to
cover the remaining costs as necessary and to report back to the City Council.
Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and carried.
21. ZAP Tax- Acceptance of Interlocal
Agreement (Revisions)
MOTION. There being no questions or
comments, Councilmember Tatton moved to
accept the Zap tax interlocal agreement. Motion
seconded by Councilmember Nielson and carried.
22. PRWID-Update by Councilmember Tatton
Interchange is going well. The PRWID board did approve an increase for both
water and sewer rates for both retail and wholesale. A public hearing will be
scheduled for comments and questions.
The Smuin, Rich and Marsing invoice for audit field work needs to be paid. The
invoice will be returned to City Council for ratification at the October 25th
a. Emil Simone
Complaint - 11-05
b. Buck and
Claudia Moynier-Road- 7/06- Update
Price City
crews are currently doing what they can to asphalt patch the road to the Moynier’s home
while trying to maintain the water drainage for the
winter months. Reflective delineator
poles may be added for safety along the road as it is quite narrow.
Resolution 2006-21 Cemetery Fees-9/06
The meeting adjourned at 7:34 p.m.
Joe L.
Piccolo, Mayor
Tryon, City Recorder