October 11, 1995, 5:30 p.m.
Mayor Lou Colosimo
James L. Jensen, L. Lamond Williams, Theressa O. Frandsen, Roy Nikas, Betty P. Wheeler
Vernon W. Jones (Adminis. Assist.), Joanne Lessar (City Recorder), Pat Larsen (Finance Director), Nick Sampinos (City Attorney), Gary Sonntag (City Engineer), Ed Shook (Police Lieutenant)
Others Present: Gaylene Powell, Cathy Iriart, Mary Bonacci,
Tyler Clark, Joyce Clark, Joan Sellers, Belinda
Bunnell, Mindy Jensen, Jared Larsen, Valynda Clark, Andria Larsen,
Sheri Larsen, Susan Jensen
Mayor Colosimo led the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called with the
above members present.
1. MINUTES - September 27, 1995
Councilmember Jensen moved that the minutes of the September 27, 1995
meeting be approved as written. Motion seconded by Councilmember Williams and carried.
Kathy Iriart, Mary Bonacci, and Gaylene Powell, representing the State of
Utah, Department of Human Services, presented brochures and reviewed information on the
new public assistance program. Their calculations indicate that 7% of Price City residents
receive financial assistance, 7% receive food stamps, and 12.5% receive medical help. They
asked for the Council's support for this new program. The Council expressed their support
and thanked them for their input.
3. CHRISTMAS TREE REGALIA - Contribution Approved
Councilmember Jensen moved that $100 be contributed towards the Christmas
Tree Regalia. Motion seconded by Councilmember Frandsen and carried.
4. RED RIBBON WEEK - Proclamation
Members of the 4H Program presented a proclamation and asked Mayor
Colosimo to sign the proclamation declaring October 22nd through October 28th as Red
Ribbon Week. They presented red and purple ribbons to the Mayor and Council to wear during
that week.
5. SUN ADVOCATE - Ad For Ribbon Week Campaign
Councilmember Jensen moved that $40 be contributed to the Sun Advocate for the purchase of
an ad during the Ribbon Week Campaign. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nikas and carried.
6. RON JENSEN - Credit For Electric Overbilling (565 North Park Avenue)
Councilmember Jensen reported that due to complaints registered by a
renter, it was recently discovered that the usage on the electrical demand meter was
calculated incorrectly in a home owned by Ron Jensen, 565 North Park Avenue. Credit was
given to the renter for the time he occupied the home. When Ron Jensen heard of this, he
contacted the City for credit during the time he was living in the home, as he too
complained of high electric bills. At the time Mr. Jensen lived there, an employee of Utah
Power & Light inspected the meter and found it to be functioning properly. As there
were several questions regarding this matter, it was tabled for further review.
Councilmember Wheeler moved that bidding procedures be waived for the
purchase of two computers for the library. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nikas and
8. HOME OCCUPIED BUSINESSES - Gina Keller, Tomasito's Catering
Councilmember Williams reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission
reviewed the following requests for home occupied businesses and gave a favorable
Gina Keller, 761 Briarwood - Insurance Billing and Research
Tomasito's Catering, 215 East 200 North, Anita D. Perea-Owner
Councilmember Williams moved that the businesses be approved upon payment
of the business license fee and proof of the health department permit for Tomasito's
Catering. Motion seconded by Councilmember Frandsen and carried.
9. ZIONS BANK BUILDING - 625 East 100 North, CUP - Metal Frame For Signs
Councilmember Williams reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission
reviewed the request of Zions Bank Building, 625 East 100 North, to construct a metal
frame to hang banners. They will periodically change the banner. He moved that the request
be approved and that a conditional use permit be issued. Motion seconded by Councilmember
Jensen and carried.
Steel Master Buildings
Councilmember Williams reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission
reviewed the following requests to construct Steel Master Steel Buildings on their
property and gave a favorable recommendation. Both lots are currently vacant.
Albert Slama, Southwest Corner of Lot 24, Montrose Avenue
James and Alvertz Dickerson, Property #1-1973-0-1
Councilmember Williams moved that the requests be approved and that
conditional use permits be issued. Motion seconded by Councilmember Jensen and carried.
11. SAM WHITE - Travel Approved
Mayor Colosimo recommended that Sam White be authorized to attend the Utah
State Division of Drinking Water Cross Connection Control Seminar on October 25 in Park
City. Councilmember Williams moved that the travel be approved. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Frandsen and carried.
12. NATALIE NIELSEN - Promotion
Mayor Colosimo recommended that Natalie Nielsen be promoted from Lifeguard to
Lifeguard/Supervisor/Instructor. Councilmember Jensen moved that the promotion be
approved. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nikas and carried.
13. SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY - 2nd South Between 5th and 6th East
Mr. Jones reported that in an earlier meeting, the City made the decision
to sell surplus property located at 2nd South between 5th and 6th East and directed that
an appraisal be conducted. The appraisal amount is $12,500. He asked permission to
advertise the property for sale. Councilmember Nikas moved that the request be granted and
that the minimum bid be set at $12,500. Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and
14. INDOOR SWIMMING POOL - R & L Boilers - Change Orders
Councilmember Jensen presented Change Orders #3 and #4 to the contract
with R & L Boilers for the indoor swimming pool boiler. Change Order #3 is for $2,443
to install a glass sight and check out the new fire box. Change Order #4 is for $1,746.50
for two extra tubes and welding of cracked plates. He moved that the change orders be
approved. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nikas and carried.
15. INDOOR SWIMMNG POOL REPLASTER - Johansen Swim Pool Plaster - Final
Councilmember Jensen presented a request for a final payment in the amount
of $8,865.45 to Johansen Swim Pool Plaster for their contract to replaster the indoor
swimming pool. He moved that the payment be approved. Motion seconded by Councilmember
Nikas and carried.
16. SURPLUS PROPERTY - Permission To Sell
Councilmember Nikas presented a list of items that are no longer needed by
the City. He moved that the list be declared surplus property and advertised for sale.
Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.
17. NEW CEMETERY - Castle Country Fencing - Approval of Contract, Partial Payment
Vern Jones reported that the Council was polled for approval of the
contract with Castle Country Fencing to relocate the fence on the new cemetery and move it
25 feet to the north. Castle Country Fencing also submitted a partial payment request in
the amount of $1,600. Councilmember Frandsen moved that the Council action be ratified and
that the partial payment be approved. Motion seconded by Councilmember Jensen and carried.
Gary Sonntag reported that in order to complete the improvements in the
Price River Business Park, it was necessary for Ray Morley, G.S.A. Associates, L.C., to
relocate the City's existing 10" water line. The Council was polled and approved the
relocation. The relocation will be several feet south and dropped to a lower elevation. It
will be somewhat in line with Price River Drive. Councilmember Nikas moved that the
Council action be ratified. Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.
19. ORDINANCE #95-008 - Cedar Hills Drive - Rezone From RM7 to CD
Mr. Sampinos presented Ordinance #95-008, changing the zoning boundaries
in that certain area north of 300 North and south of Sagewood Road and between Meads Wash
and the Price Canal from the present Residential-Multiple 7 Zone (RM-7) to Central
Development (CD) Zone. Councilmember Williams moved that Ordinance #95-008 be adopted,
that the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized to sign the ordinance, and that it become
effective upon publication. Motion seconded by Councilmember Jensen and carried.
20. CANVAS OF PRIMARY ELECTION - October 3, 1995
The City Council acted as the Board of Canvassers for the October 3, 1995
Primary Election. Joanne Lessar presented 2 absentee ballots. They were both mailed the
day preceding the election and are admissible. With the counting of these two absentee
ballots, the election results are complete. She certified and verified the counts as
Candidates Name Term & Office Total Votes
Steve Bringhurst Council - 4 Years 573
Jim K. Conover Council - 4 Years 334
Stephen L. Denison Council - 4 Years 506
Richard B. Ghirardelli Council - 4 Years 392
Michael J. Halloran Council - 4 Years 199
Lavar Archie Hamilton Council - 4 Years 257
Kerry L. Jensen Council - 4 Years 369
Joe L. Piccolo Council - 4 Years 651
L. Lamond Williams Council - 4 Years 446
Mayor Colosimo recognized Mandy Krajnc and Tiffany O'Neil, members of the
Youth City Council.
The following business license application was received:
The Shoe Store, 69 East Main, Marilyn Vogrinec-Manager/Owner,
Shoe Store $56.1) $50 Half Year Fee
Councilmember Jensen moved that the business be approved. Motion seconded
by Councilmember Williams and carried.
Councilmember Nikas recommended that a committee be assigned to review the
applications received for the Parks/Cemetery/Recreation Supervisor, and to assess the need
for this position. The departments have been working very well the past two months. He has
not received a negative comment. The Council assigned a committee consisting of
Councilmembers Frandsen, Nikas, and Wheeler, Cobb Johnson, Pat Larsen, and Vern Jones.
Councilmember Jensen moved that a committee consisting of himself,
Councilmember Nikas, Cobb Johnson, Vern Jones, and Joanne Lessar, review the applications
received for the Swimming Pool Facilities Specialist. Motion seconded by Councilmember
Nikas and carried.
Councilmember Jensen moved that Pam Moyes be promoted to Swimming Pool
Officer Manager effective October 1, 1995. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nikas and
Councilmember Nikas moved that the meeting adjourn and that a meeting of
the Redevelopment Agency convene. Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.
Meeting adjourned at 6:31 p.m.
Reconvened at 6:44 p.m.
Redevelopment Agency Minutes
Meeting adjourned at 6:58 p.m.