October 25, 1995, 5:30 p.m.
Mayor Lou Colosimo
James L. Jensen, L. Lamond Williams, Roy Nikas, Betty P. Wheeler
Vernon W. Jones (Adminis. Assist.), Joanne Lessar
(City Recorder), Pat Larsen (Finance Director), Nick Sampinos (City Attorney), Gary Sonntag (City
Engineer), Cobb Johnson (Public Works Dir.), Ed
Shook (Police Lieutenant)
Absent and Excused: Councilmember Theressa O. Frandsen
Others Present: Kevin Ashby, Ron Watt
Mayor Colosimo led the Pledge of Allegiance. The roll was called with the
above members present.
1. MINUTES - October 11, 1995
The following correction was made to the minutes of October 11, 1995.
Item #6, Line 2 - Should read "the rate schedule on the electrical demand meter was calculated incorrectly in a home owned by Ron Jensen, 565 North Park Avenue".
Upon the above correction, Councilmember Jensen moved that the minutes
be approved. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nikas and carried.
2. RON WATT - City Historian
Ron Watt reviewed the early history of Price, and the changes that have
been made to the present time, particularly in the streets. He provided samples of history
books from other cities and presented estimates to prepare a history book for Price City.
He would charge $7,500 to write the book, and estimated the total cost to be between
$30,000 and $35,000. Councilmember Jensen recommended that a contract be prepared and
outlined as to what it would include, including the cost, and presented it to the Council.
3. BID OPENING - Sale of Surplus Property, 500 East 2nd South
Joanne Lessar reported that there were not any bids received for the sale
of surplus property located at 500 East 2nd South. Vern Jones reported that the sale of
this particular property began when the Habitat For Humanity expressed an interest in
purchasing it. They are in the process of applying for a Community Development Block Grant
and because of the paperwork involved, were unable to submit a bid. However, they are very
interested in the property.
4. YOUTH CITY COUNCIL - Special Projects Approved
Joanne Lessar reported that Mandy Krajnc could not attend the meeting due to illness.
Mandy wanted the Council's approval for two projects. The first is to go "trick or
treating" and ask for spare change for needy children in the area. The second is to
provide rides to the election polls during the General Election on November 7. The Council
agreed with the projects.
Mayor Colosimo reported that the Youth Council has invited the Council to
breakfast on Monday, November 6, and would like to spend time with each Councilmember
during that day. Councilmember Williams suggested taking them on a tour of the Water
Treatment Plant and other City facilities.
5. THANKSGIVING CLOSING - Friday and Saturday
Councilmember Wheeler reported that the Library has asked permission to close the Saturday
after Thanksgiving. It was recommended to follow the same procedure as last year, which
closed the entire City on Friday and the Library both Friday and Saturday. Councilmember
Wheeler moved that the same procedure be followed this year. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Jensen and carried.
6. RON JENSEN - Credit For Electric Overbilling
Councilmember Jensen reported on the situation involving the electric
meter on the Ron Jensen home, 565 North Park Avenue. There was so much power going into
the home, there had to be a demand meter installed. The rate used for calculation was $.08
and it should have been $.06. The renters were reimbursed for the entire 4 years they were
in the home. Pat Colosimo searched the archives and found documents for 1988 and 1989 for
Ron Jensen. The refund for these 2 years amounts to $837. Mrs. Colosimo has discussed this
with Mrs. Ron Jensen and she is amenable to this amount. Councilmember Jensen moved that
the $837 rebate be given to Ron Jensen. Motion seconded by Councilmember Williams and
7. ROBERT MILLER - Building Awning
Councilmember Williams discussed the condition of the awning on the vacant
building owned by Robert Miller on Main Street. It is torn and hangs over the sidewalk. He
asked if Mr. Miller could be required to repair the awning or remove it. Mr. Sampinos
stated if there is a safety issue involved, it would not be a problem. However, when it
becomes an aesthetic interpretation, he is concerned. Mr. Miller submitted a claim to the
City's insurance, stating that a tree planted on the sidewalk caused damage to the awning.
His claim was denied by the insurance company. Mr. Sampinos stated that he would review
the nuisance ordinance to see if there is anything that would apply. Mayor Colosimo stated
that he would contact Mr. Miller to see if he would remove the awning or repair it.
8. HOME OCCUPIED BUSINESS - Egg-Specially For You, 827 Molyneux Drive
Councilmember Williams reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission
gave a favorable recommendation to Brenda Ward to operate Egg-specially For You, an
engraving business, at her home located at 827 Molyneux drive. He moved that the business
be approved upon payment of the business license fee. Motion seconded by Councilmember
Jensen and carried.
ETZEL - Conditional Use Permits
Councilmember Williams reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission
gave a favorable recommendation to the following requests for conditional use permits.
A-N-J Take-N-Bake Pizza,, 21 East Main - Change of Use and
The Shoe Store, 69 East Main - Awning Sign
Steve Laude, Card Shop, 163 East 100 North - Change of Use
and Window Sign
Robert Etzel (old Towne Bakery), East Main - Change of Use
Councilmember Williams moved that the requests be approved and that
conditional use permits be issued. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nikas and carried.
10. RICHARD OLIVER - Reclassification
Mayor Colosimo recommended that Richard Oliver be reclassified from Water
Treatment Plant Operator, Temp/FT, to Swimming Pool Facilities Specialist, Perm/FT.
Councilmember Jensen moved that the reclassification be approved. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Nikas and carried.
Mayor Colosimo presented the following transfers and recommended approval.
George Pappas - From Swimming Pool Custodian, Perm/FT To Central
School Building Custodian, Perm/FT
Robert Kinder - From Parks Laborer, Temp/FT to Streets Laborer,
Councilmember Nikas moved that the transfers be approved. Motion seconded
by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.
Mayor Colosimo reported that in past discussions with Police Chief Shilaos, the Chief commented with the increase in crime and vandalism, he could use extra help on the Police Force. The possibility was discussed to remove the position of animal control services from the Police Dept. and contract for these services. The extra person in the Police Dept. could then be used for patrol. Lieutenant Ed Shook stated that the department is experiencing more problems at night with juveniles, property damage and property loss. Councilmember Wheeler moved that a description and cost of the services be prepared and brought back to the Council for further review. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nikas and carried.
13. FRANCIS DUZENACK - Travel Approved
Mayor Colosimo recommended that Francis Duzenack be authorized to attend
the UAPMO Annual Education Conference & Business Meeting, November 14-18, in St.
George. Councilmember Jensen moved that the travel be approved. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Wheeler and carried.
14. INDOOR SWIMMING POOL - R & L Boilers - Partial Payment
Councilmember Jensen moved that a partial payment in the amount of
$4,206.50 be paid to R & L Boilers for their contract to repair the boiler in the
indoor swimming pool. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nikas and carried.
15. WATER EXPANSION PROJECT - (Water Tank Const., CRS Engineering, Partial
Payment); (Ten Million Gallon Water Tank Const., Build, Inc., Partial Payment) (Pump
Station, Pipeline & Telemetry, Design, CRS Engineering, Partial Payment - Tabled)
Gary Sonntag presented the following partial payment requests on the Water
Expansion Project and recommended approval, with the exception of the Pump Station,
Pipeline & Telemetry Design which should be tabled at this time.
Water Tank Construction - CRS Engineering - Partial payment #15 in the amount of $3,099.33 for construction inspection and
management services.
Ten Million Gallon Water Tank Construction - Build, Inc. -
Partial payment #2 in the amount of $292,764.06.
Pump Station, Pipeline and Telemetry, Design - CRS Engineering -
Partial Payment #7 - Tabled
Councilmember Williams moved that the payment requests for the water tank management
services and water tank construction be approved and that the payment for the Pump
Station, Pipeline, Telemetry and Design be tabled. Motion seconded by Councilmember Jensen
and carried.
Associates Contract
Gary Sonntag presented a contract with Eaton Mahoney Associates for
architectural services on the library remodeling project. The contract is in the amount of
$4,500, which is within the project budget. Councilmember Nikas moved that the contract be
approved and that the Mayor and City Recorder be authorized to execute the documents.
Motion seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.
17. G.S.A. ASSOCIATES, L.C. - Letter of Credit and Development
Agreement - Extension of Time
Gary Sonntag reported that in an agreement dated August 23, 1995, G.S.A.
Associates committed to submit a new Letter of Credit and Development Agreement. This is
related to the on-going work with the Price River Business Park located near 600 West and
Price River Drive. G.S.A. Associates have requested an additional 60 calendar days to
complete the development plans, specifications and easements. Councilmember Nikas moved
that the extension be approved. Motion seconded by Councilmember Jensen and carried.
18. TRANSFER OF COUNTY PROPERTY - 150 South 300 West
Gary Sonntag reported that Carbon County currently has property located at
150 South 300 West. This property is used as a street to access several parcels of
property. The property is being considered as an emergency access to the new Price River
Business Park development. He asked for direction as to whether it would be prudent for
the City to attempt to acquire this property so that it can be maintained for an emergency
access as well as for the other parcels of property. Councilmember Jensen moved that Gary
be authorized to contact the County to acquire this property. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Nikas and carried.
19. BUDGET REVISION - Fund Transfers Between Departments
Pat Larsen requested permission to transfer funds between the following
(1) $4,400,000 in the Water Department from improvements in
the water distribution system to the ten million gallon
tank project.
(2) Between $900 - $1,000 from Colton Springs to the Water
Treatment Plant to repair the computer at the plant.
(3) Transfer funds from the General Fund to the Cops Fast
Grant separate fund. The grant funds were placed in the
General Fund prior to receiving instructions to set up a
separate fund.
Councilmember Jensen moved that the transfers be approved. Motion seconded by
Councilmember Nikas and carried.
Joanne Lessar reported on the recent crafts fair sponsored by Wal-Mart and
held in their parking lot. She asked direction pertaining to the issuance of temporary
business licenses. Councilmember Williams felt since they are local people and it occurs
for a short time, they would not need to be licensed. Nick Sampinos had no problem in as
much as it was a promotional idea by the Wal-Mart business enterprise. The Council felt
that as long as it is handled in this manner, they do not need to be licensed.
The following business license applications were received:
JRA Janitorial Services, 1101 South Carbon Avenue #12, Roxane Abney-Owner, Janitorial Services (73) $5.00 Transfer Fee (Name Change)
Superior Air Productions, 279 East 100 North, Jim Ballard-Owner, Retail Vacuum Sales (53.0), $50 Half Year Fee
Councilmember Jensen moved that the businesses be approved. Motion
seconded by Councilmember Wheeler and carried.
Terminate Water Connection) - Interlocal Agreement
Councilmember Williams reported that Price River Water Improvement
District is in the process of preparing interlocal agreements to present to the City
regarding waterlines they have taken over.
Meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.