Minutes of the Price City Council Meeting

City Hall: Price, Utah

December 13, 2006 5:30 p.m.



Mayor Joe L. Piccolo������������������������������������������ Gary Sonntag, Public Works Director/City Engineer��������������������

Councilmembers:������������������������������������������������� Nick Sampinos, City Attorney

Jeff Nielson������������������������������������������ Aleck Shilaos, Police Chief

Richard Tatton������������������������������������ Nick Tatton, Community Director

Kathy Hanna-Smith���������������������������� Bret Cammans, Customer Service Director

Rick Davis�������������������������������������������� Laurie Tryon, City Recorder

��������������� Jeanne McEvoy����������������������������������


Excused Absence: Pat Larsen-Finance Director, John Daniels-Human Resource Director


Others Present: Bonham Brewer, Theresa Brewer, Ron Brewer, Nicole Brewer, Donna Dye, Wes Elen, Mark Donathan, Riley Jones, C.J. McManus, Bruce Quintana, Samuel Smith, Derk Quinton, Jared Nielese, Adam Bedont


Bonham Brewer led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll was called with the above Councilmembers and staff in attendance.


1.���� ������� COUNCILMEMBERS REPORT-Update


��������������� The Mayor and Councilmembers presented an update on the activities and functions in which they have participated.


2.������������ BID OPENING � Slope Stabilization, Water Treatment Plant Diversion


A bid opening was conducted for the maintenance and repair of the diversion dam and diverting works on the Price River at the City�s water treatment plant in Price Canyon. The diversion, pipeline and access pathway is threatened by the steep hillside above it with sloughing of large rock, debris and dirt. This project will be contracted out to stabilize the slope, protect the diversion and improve access and safety. The budget is $20,000.


��������������� Two bids were received:


��������������� Rocky Mountain Excavation- ���������� $44,000.00

��������������� Nelco Contractors-������������� ��� ����������� $24,208.00


��������������� Mayor Piccolo recommended that a committee be formed with Pat Larsen, Sam White, Ron Brewer, Cory Vogrinec and other personnel from the Water Department to review the bids and forward a recommendation to the City Council at the next meeting. MOTION. Councilmember McEvoy moved to have the committee forward a recommendation to the City Council at the next meeting. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nielson and carried.


3.������������ VISIONARY SERVICE LEADER AWARD � Bonham Brewer


��������������� Bonham Brewer received the Visionary Service Leader award for his community involvement within Price City.


4.������������ ELM LOCATING & UTILITY SERVICES- Discussion with Possible Approval of Contract


��������������� This contract has had a fairly significant rate increase and will need to be evaluated during the 2007 year for other options next year. Other alternatives, including �in-house� service and cross training will be evaluated. ��MOTION. Councilmember Tatton moved to accept the ELM agreement with the elimination of the renewal provision. Motion seconded by Councilmember Nielson. Motion carried.




5.������������ Planning and Zoning Meeting- Cancelled for December 11, 2006- Struck


CONSENT ITEMS- MOTION. Councilmember Hanna-Smith moved that items #7 through #17 be approved. Motion seconded by Councilmember Davis and carried.




6.������������ MINUTES-

��������������� ���� November 21, 2006

��������������� ���� December 1, 2006- Special Council Meeting-Approved


��������������� Councilmember Nielson moved to accept the minutes of November 21, 2006, with the following comment recorded as part of these minutes: �the provision concerning the focus area of the feasibility study should be a broader area instead of just the specific area of the bus garage�. Motion seconded by Councilmember Hanna-Smith. Motion carried


7.������������ SALT SPREADER PURCHASE- Used Stainless Steel Salt Spreader Purchase, Streets Department

��������������� Mountaineer Services


8.������������ WATER & SEWER DEPARTMENT- Bid Opening Report and Award, Utility � ton 4x4 Truck-Ratify


9.������������ STREETS DEPARTMENT- 10 Wheel Dump Truck, Purchase- State Bid, Lake City International


10.���������� WATER & SEWER SYSTEM- Development Agreement- Partial Release #2 of Guarantee Funds-Elkridge Subdivision II, 300 West Fairgrounds Road, T.H. Poloni


11.���������� LAND USE DEVELOPMENT & MANAGEMENT CODE- Chapter 7, Section 7.3.8.- Standards for Conditional Use Development.


Proposed Amendment:In the event there is a development requiring a Conditional Use Permit with the stipulation that a street right-of-way be dedicated and certain improvements be completed within the right-of-way in front or adjacent to the development, then the improvement may be guaranteed by one of two options:

1)       Complete the agreement and post a surety for a guarantee and record the plat, thus allowing developer the ability to sell platted parcels and apply for a building permit to construct a building, prior to completing the improvements in the right of way. However, in no case may the house receive an occupancy permit prior to the completion of the improvements in the right-of-way. The duration of the surety shall not expire prior to the completion of the improvements.

2)       Complete the agreement without submitting a surety for a guarantee and without recording the plat, thus allowing the developer the ability to complete the improvements without the expense of a surety for a guarantee. However, the developer shall not be allowed to sell any parcels or apply for a building permit until all of the improvements are complete and the plat has been recorded.

This would not apply to all conditional uses, particularly where it does not involve a street dedication and/or street improvements.


12.���������� POOL � Approval to Advertise and Bid-Picnic Pavilions for the Outdoor Swimming Area.


13.���������� PRICE CITY CLEANUP- Annual Christmas Decoration Clean-Up- February 6, 2007


14.���������� UNIFORM BID OPENING- Award the Bid Received for the Supply and Laundering of Uniforms and Authorize Execution of the Applicable Contract from GK Supply at the State of Utah Contract Rates


15.���������� TRAVEL REQUEST


��������������� Nick Tatton, RC & D Western Association Conference, Colorado Springs, CO. January 20-24, 2007.

��������������� Firefighters: Steve Carlson, Leonard Miller, Robert Potts, Bret Cammans and Janarie Larsen, Utah Fire and Rescue Academy�s Winter Fire School, St. George, Utah � January 19-20th, 2007


16.���������� PCC BUILDING- Proceed with the Removal of the PCC Building


17.���������� DOWNTOWN SUBSTATION- Final Authorization to Purchase Substation Owner Provided Components


18.���������� PERFORMANCE RECOGNITION- Building Inspection Department, Kathy Sherman


Councilmember Nielson commented as to whether Price City has a performance bonus defined in the Compensation policy for this type of recognition. In the personnel policies and procedures manual for Price City there is such a policy. MOTION. Councilmember Nielson moved to approve the performance recognition for Kathy Sherman. Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy and carried.


19.������ FIRE DEPARTMENT- Department of Homeland Security Fire Prevention and Safety Grant


Councilmember Davis expressed concern as to the price of the items listed for the use of the safety grant if the grant is awarded. It was determined that the grant would more than likely be very specific as to what items could be purchased and how the items or giveaways are to be handled. MOTION. Councilmember Davis moved to authorize the application for the Homeland Security Fire Prevention and Safety Grant. Motion seconded by Councilmember McEvoy. Motion carried.


20.���������� PRWID-by Councilmember Tatton


The budget has been approved. The Helper Interchange is going well. The Price City water line has been completely connected this week with flushing and testing scheduled for next week.


21.���������� COMMUNITY PROGRESS-by Councilmember Hanna-Smith


The Committee will be recognizing a local business each quarter for the exterior remodeling of their buildings.A press release has been sent to the local media for advertising. The first presentation will be done in the new year of 2007.Also, the Christmas light contest has begun with many different judges from the area. Price City has been separated into four different sections and the winning home will be awarded the prestigious Griswald award later this month.Racheile Pappas, the new member of Community Progress will be sworn in at the next meeting on December 28th, 2006.


22.���������� POWER BOARD- by Councilmember Tatton


There were two local bids accepted, one from ECI and the other from Intermountain Electronics. Intermountain Electronics, has met all of the specs with the bid items and has a much more appealing payment plan than an outside bidder that in the end may have shipping delays and/or concerns. The project will now move forward. Pat Larsen will do a follow up on funding arrangements and how to finance the leftover balance.



a.������������ Emil Simone Complaint - 11-05

b.������������ Buck and Claudia Moynier-Road- 7/06


24.���������� NEW BUSINESS-


Nick Sampinos would like to receive a head nod of approval from Council regarding an oil and gas lease that is being reviewed in his office for Price City.The company requesting the lease is leaving the area and would like the lease signed as soon as possible. The proposal is very reasonable and higher than other lease agreements seen in the past. Tonight�s permission will provide Nick with the ability to pursue and close the deal by end of the year. The Council agreed to have Mr. Sampinos prepare the documents and to seek additional compensation for the lease with the presentation of the information at the next meeting for ratification.


��������������� Mayor Piccolo- Announced the closing of the funding drive for the Basso Dino Mine Park.


Meeting adjourned at 7:49 p.m.





����������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������Joe L. Piccolo, Mayor


��������������� �����������



Laurie Tryon, City Recorder
















Minutes of the Price Community Development and Renewal Agency Meeting

City Hall: Price, Utah

November 8, 2006


Present:��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Pat Larsen

Chairman Joe L. Piccolo����������������������������������������������������� Nick Sampinos

Boardmembers:�������������������������������������������������������������������� Aleck Shilaos

��������������� Richard Tatton���������������������������������������������������� John Daniels

��������������� Rick Davis������������������������������������������������������������ Bret Cammans

��������������� Kathy Hanna-Smith�������������������������������������������� Laurie Tryon

��������������� Jeff Nielson���������������������������������������������������������� Gary Sonntag


Excused: Nick Tatton, Executive Director and Boardmember McEvoy


1.�������� BID OPENING-Sewer Pump Station, Airport Road Price Business & Industrial Park


Redevelopment funds are available to construct a portion of the business and industrial park at 1900 East Airport Road. The sewer pump station will be built in advance of other project improvements. This does not include the electrical control system, emergency generator or collection piping. The estimated cost of the sewer pump station is $34,100. The $34,100 is a budgeted item in the Redevelopment fund. Two bids were received:

Nelco Contractors:��� $65,945.00

Rick Krompel:��������� $51,892.50


MOTION. Boardmember Tatton moved to form a committee consisting of Nick Tatton, Gary Sonntag-Chairperson, Sam White and Pat Larsen to review the bids and move forward as necessary within the budget. Motion seconded by Boardmember Nielson and carried.


MOTION. Boardmember Tatton moved that the meeting adjourn and that the Council meeting reconvene. Motion seconded by Boardmember Davis and carried.


Meeting adjourned at 6:03 p.m.


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��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� _____________________

��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Joe L. Piccolo, Chairman






Laurie Tryon, Dep. Exec. Dir.